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Employee Forum Representatives Meeting

Thursday, September 13, 2012

10:00-11:00 a.m.

307 South Building


  1. Update on Printing Services and Xerox
  2. Increasing Child Care Access
  3. Cell Phone Plan Update
  4. 401(k)/403(b) Disclosure of Management Fees


Dan Barmmer

Christina Lebonville

Valerie Madill

Jason Palivoda

Koyah Rivera

John Gullo


September 13, 2012 Vice Chancellor/Provost meeting minutes

Attendees:  Dan Barmmer, Gena Carter, Valerie Madill, Jason Palivoda, Koyah Rivera

Gena Carter called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. and led the room in a round of introductions.  She noted that Xerox had taken over responsibility for Printing Services.  She said that there had been a statement from Xerox about possibly hiring laid off Printing Services employees, but that there were no guarantees to this effect.  She said that Noreen Montgomery or Mike Freeman would be good people to speak with about the number of Printing Services employees actually picked up by Xerox.

Dan Barmmer noted that child care access had come up during the August Executive Committee meeting.  There had been a suggestion that Carolina North house a new child care center for staff and faculty.  Gena Carter said that Ashley Nicklis would be a good person to speak with regarding possible plans.

Concerning the cell phone plan at Facilities Services, Carter said that discussions were ongoing.  Barmmer said that there had been rumors that Facilities Services will return to radios.  He noted questions about the efficacy and safety of using the current system.  Carter said that there would likely be a University wide communication about this matter once it is resolved.  There was a question about the exact delineation of authority between Anna Wu and Bruce Runberg given Carolyn Elfland’s impending departure next year.  Carter said that she would speak with Tracey Agnew about this question and a possible update to the University’s organizational chart.  Carter noted that Elfland has overseen such a large and varied amount of campus operations.  Matt Banks said that he would forward notice of Elfland’s departure to Barmmer.

Via e-mail, John Gullo raised a question of Human Resources coordination with mutual fund managers TIAA-Cref and Fidelity about the upcoming disclosure of management fees for 401(k) and 403(b) funds.  Carter said that she would speak with Nicklis about this question.  She thought that probably the University would wait for TIAA-Cref and Fidelity to take the lead in this area.

Christina Lebonville noted questions about the distribution of five-year and ten-year certificates of service.  An employee in her office had not received his certificate yet.  Valerie Madill encouraged Lebonville to check with her Human Resources Facilitator regarding any problems with certificate distribution.  She outlined the distribution process of certificates from central Human Resources to the facilitators.  Carter recalled that Human Resources had reformed the creation and distribution of these certificates.  Madill said that her department received certificates last Friday from Kim Andrews.  She said that ten-year employees will receive blankets for their service.  Lebonville asked about whether she could look up her start date somewhere.  Carter said that the HRIS system should have a look up feature.  She said that temporary work does not count in this number.  Jason Palivoda said that the State salary database also has something about start dates.  Carter said that the State salary database has made it very easy for everyday people to find out about the salaries of State employees.  Koyah Rivera raised the question of employees who leave the University then return.  Carter said that employees interested in their overall State service can contact Stephanie Sykes at 3-2300.  It was noted that employees could possibly cash out their State service upon departure.  Carter advised employees with questions about their vesting status to contact Benefits at 3-2400.  Lebonville said that her future plans are in flux with plans to enter graduate school at some point.  Rivera suggested creating a digest of these policy issues for employee reference.  Carter said that a great deal of information is available on the Human Resources website.  Lebonville said that the tuition waiver process is also a bit confusing.  Carter said that Human Resources has a factsheet on this process that could prove useful.  It was noted that Danny Nguyen has been active trying to bring back the third tuition-waived class for University employees.

In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Matt Banks, Recording Secretary


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