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Welcoming Bernadette Gray-Little Upon Her Assumption of the Office of Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost


August 2, 2006


WHEREAS, the Mission of the Employee Forum is to address constructively the concerns of the Employees of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; and

WHEREAS, the encouragement and advancement of open, inclusive, constructive communication between the Employee Forum and the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost’s Office has been a hallmark of Employee Forum’s efforts to ensure that Employees’ concerns are heard at the highest level; and

WHEREAS,  the Chancellor’s Task Force for a Better Workplace final report described meetings between the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost’s Office and the Forum as one of the “lasting structural results…for bringing concerns to the attention of administrators, for supporting improvement of the workplace for all employees, and for keeping the spirit of the Task Force work alive”; and

WHEREAS, these meetings have resulted in great success in the manner in which the Forum and the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost’s Office have cooperatively dealt with many issues of mutual concern

THEREFORE, be it resolved that this Forum wishes to extend its congratulations and welcome to Dr. Bernadette Gray-Little as she assumes her new position as Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and

THEREFORE, be it further resolved that this Forum desires that the monthly Employee Forum/Provost/Vice Chancellor meetings remain a primary means of communicating Employees’ concerns in person to the new Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost and current acting Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration David Perry.

Signed on behalf of the Delegates of the Employee Forum,

Ernie Patterson, Chair

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