Following the UNC Faculty Assembly and the UNC Association of Student Governments, the Staff Assembly issued their response to the latest proposed draft of the UNC system Strategic Plan. The full text is as follows:
January 24, 2013
Thomas A. Ross, President
The University of North Carolina
PO BOX 2688
Chapel Hill NC 27515-2688
Dear President Ross:
The University of North Carolina Staff Assembly supports the UNC Faculty Assembly and the UNC Association of Student Governments position and the recommendations put forward in their detailed responses to the UNC 5-Year Strategic Plan titled, “Our Time, Our Future: The UNC Compact With North Carolina”.
The UNC Staff Assembly recommends to President Ross and the Board of Governors that a commitment to invest in Staff Development for the almost 32,000 non-teaching university staff be included in the final draft of the UNC 5-Year Strategic Plan, sections 3 & 4.
A plan to improve Staff Development policies, that encourages and permits staff to take advantage of educational opportunities throughout the system and the state, will create a committed workforce that is more educated, efficient and effective at fulfilling the dynamic role the University faces in the global market place. The return on this investment would apply to the Degree Attainment Goal and benefit the University system in the future.
Respectfully Submitted,
Chuck Brink, Chair
UNC Staff Assembly