Nominate yourself or someone else for the Forum Delegate Elections at
March 7, 2013
Dear Fellow UNC-Chapel Hill Employee:
It’s time to elect new delegates to the Employee Forum. The Forum, which began in 1992, is the collective voice for SPA and EPA non-faculty employees on our campus, and its effectiveness depends on your participation and support. Chancellor Thorp has expressed his support for the Forum and its work on behalf of the University’s staff, stating that he believes:
“For Carolina to be the best place to teach, learn and discover it must
be a great place to work for our employees. Serving on the Employee
Forum is an opportunity to contribute to that process and make a
difference on behalf of your fellow workers.”
Please talk with your colleagues about participation in the Forum, and send us the names of those you would like to represent your interests. Each of nine electoral divisions elects representatives based on the proportional number of employees in the division (see table below).
The process of electing delegates begins in March to allow time for new delegate orientation prior to the assumption of duties. In April, you will receive a ballot asking you to vote for your new Forum representatives.
Delegate Responsibility
Employee Forum meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month, and there is an attendance policy designed to encourage participation and true representation. If a delegate misses three unexcused consecutive meetings or five in a nine-month period, he or she is automatically replaced. Term in office is from May 2013-June 2015. Delegate participation will be considered work time.
It is an honor and a privilege to serve as a Forum delegate. Effective service requires dedication, enthusiasm, and time. Monthly meetings are two and a half hours in length. In addition, delegates are likely to spend additional time up to six hours per month on committee and other essential work (more for officers and committee chairs). Employees who accept nominations should verify that their managers will approve the time to support this important service to the University.
We need your help in identifying people who are willing to serve on the Forum. You may nominate any permanent UNC-Chapel Hill employee, including yourself, from any electoral division. Please verify that your nominees are willing to serve.
Nominations must be received by March 22.
The Forum will be composed of approximately 60 elected delegates. This year we will elect 36 new delegates from across all nine electoral divisions.
If you have any questions about the nomination or election process or about Forum issues, please feel free to contact the Forum office at 962-3779 or the Forum Web site at
Jackie Overton, Forum Chair
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2013 Employee Forum Electoral Divisions
as of March 7, 2013
Division |
Number of
Employees |
Percent of Population |
Seats on Forum |
Seats to be Elected |
1 EPA Non-Faculty |
1931 |
23.0 |
14 (13.8) |
13 |
2 Service /Maintenance |
681 |
8.1 |
5 (4.9) |
2 |
3 Skilled Craft |
480 |
5.7 |
3 (3.4) |
3 |
4 SPA Clerical/Secretarial
Academic Affairs (AA) |
253 |
3.0 |
2 (1.8) |
2 |
5 SPA Clerical/Secretarial
Health Affairs (HA) |
547 |
6.5 |
4 (3.9) |
3 |
6 SPA Clerical/Secretarial
Other than AA & HA |
730 |
8.7 |
5 (5.2) |
4 |
7 SPA Technical |
877 |
10.4 |
6 (6.2) |
5 |
8 SPA Professional |
2764 |
32.9 |
20 (19.7) |
13 |
9 SPA Exec. Administration
Managerial |
146 |
1.7 |
1 (1.0) |
1 |
Totals |
8409 |
100.0~ |
60~ |
46 |
Nominate yourself or someone else for the Forum Delegate Elections at