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University of North Carolina

Employee Forum



Committee Chair: Matt McKirahan ran this meeting; Katie Turner is primary; all members share chair.

Report Prepared by: Dan Barmmer


Last Meeting Date:

July 18, 2013


Delegates in Attendance: Matt McKirahan, Matt Banks, Katie Turner, Dan Barmmer, Charles Streeter
Next Meeting Date:   TBD

Time: TBD


Key Points

The committee discussed pros and cons of initiating a survey among Forum delegates to gather information about attitudes towards potential changes to the bylaws.  Qualtrex was a possible tool.  Introducing concepts to a full forum to get feedback was another possibility, perhaps used along with a survey.


The committee discussed the difference between grammatical /other minor changes & more “controversial” issues, or ones which would change Forum operations in a significant way.  For instance, some examples:


Chair election

Chair term

Overlapping terms of Chair and officers

Incoming and outgoing officer elections, timing

Chair elect

Chair/Vice Chair 1 year service requirement


Delegates vs. Officers

Electronic Voting


It was suggested we might mirror the Faculty handbook in some Forum business, essentially a S.O.P. of standard Forum methods of doing business.  This might encapsulate many operating procedures that don’t belong in the bylaws, and could be more easily changed. The committee discussed pros and cons of having so many procedures within bylaws, when some items might fit better elsewhere.


The committee reviewed and suggested edits for a portion of the bylaws.  This process (of editing the document) is ongoing and primarily takes place through online media sharing.

Recommendations and Rationale


Continue editing bylaws

Discuss survey idea with Executive Committee

Think about big items, talk to delegates


Some changes are required



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