Employee Forum Peer Recognition Award Nominations Open
These awards are open to any UNC-CH staff member (permanent, full or part-time) who deserves recognition in one of the following categories: Back Office Activity, Big Buddy, Call of Duty, Congeniality, Customer Service, Milestone, Rookie, Self-Improvement, or Unsung Heel.
Go to http://employeeforum.unc.edu/peer-recognition-awards-2/ to nominate a colleague now.
The deadline to submit a nomination for 2016 is May 15, 2016 at 5:00 p.m.
Employee Forum Community Award (3-Legged Stool) Nominations Open
The Employee Forum Community Award (also known at the Three Legged Stool Award) is designed to recognize distinguished contributions by individuals who work to promote cooperation and collaboration among faculty, staff, and students.
Any member of the faculty, staff, or student body of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is eligible to be nominated and to vote for this award, except current members of the Employee Forum Recognition and Awards Committee.
Criteria for Nomination
Nominees should be individuals who inspire creativity; promote harmony and partnerships within the University community; inspire teamwork, cooperation and participation; demonstrate new approaches to current processes; encourage, mentor and build bridges; form alliances to work collectively; or any other significant community building activities.
Nominations (not to exceed 250 words) will be accepted from any member of the University community. When submitting nominations, please include the name of the nominee, how to contact the nominee (campus box number, phone, email address), your name and contact information, and the specific reasons you are nominating this individual. The Recognition and Awards Committee is responsible for reviewing the nominations and selecting the recipient. The award will be presented at a general meeting of the Employee Forum.
Past winners include: James Peacock, Paul Hardin, Rachel Windham, Elson Floyd, Laurie Charest, Jack Evans, Linwood Futrelle, Susan Ehringhaus, Tommy Womble, Eric Mlyn, Archie Ervin, Willis Brooks, Bob Henshaw, and Glynis Cowell.
Go to https://employeeforum.unc.edu/community-award to submit a nomination for 2016. The deadline is May 15, 2016 at 5:00 p.m.