January 16, 2018 Executive Committee minutes
Attending (those who signed in): Bryan Andregg, Jackie Copeland, Naquan Hill, Shayna Hill, Todd Hux, Katie Musgrove, Kathy Ramsey, Greg Smith
Chair Shayna Hill called the meeting to order at 11:33 a.m. She welcomed Brenda Carpin and Kate Hash from Information Technology Services to present on 2-step verification. Carpin described the danger that had affected students and other staff members that have had their accounts hacked due to “phishing” of their accounts. Carpin noted that UNC-Chapel Hill’s Outlook group will have its own 2-step verification method in addition to the Duo method set up for other University systems. Carpin described the method of signing up for 2-step verification. She noted that the University began to require 2-step verification for access to W-2 tax forms in fall of 2017. The University will furthermore require this verification for Virtual Private Network (VPN) access, student financial systems, and Office 365 in 2018.
Carpin explained that the Outlook 365 system has its own built-in authenticator for verification. Clare Counihan asked if the University would work to reclaim money lost by employees if their account is compromised. Bryan Andregg recalled that at Duke University, the institution paid but then told its employees that they must enact the 2-step verification protocol. Kate Hash said that best practices in the private sector are also requiring this process.
Bryan Andregg noted that on-line banking has long required 2-step verification. Carpen said that the University’s system would try to limit the number of identifications required through a “Trust Your Device” protocol. Kate Hash noted the need to create a back up method in case a person leaves their cell phone at home. Todd Hux confirmed that employees can sign up for the Duo method at onyen.unc.edu. The Office 365 method is still to be announced. Hux confirmed that employees must pre-register their device.
The Chair called for a motion to approve the December minutes of the committee. She noted she had asked Matt Banks to edit and shorten the minutes as appropriate, to reduce the time required for their perusal. Bryan Andregg made this motion, seconded by Kathy Ramsey. The motion was approved. Clare Counihan abstained from the vote.
Naquan Hill and Matt Banks presented the Forum’s monthly budget report. Banks said that he was still working to interpret the Infoport system to create a better detailed picture of the Forum’s accounts. He hoped to have more detailed information about the Forum’s budget in February.
Bryan Andregg noted that the Board of Governors has commissioned a study on Equal Opportunity, Diversity and Inclusion. This study will obtain information from all UNC System campuses. Kathy Ramsey worried that the State Senate will use this survey to consolidate diversity efforts across the system. The Chair suggested that the committee study the Board of Governor’s web page on this question.
The Chair said that the Forum will reach out to its delegates to insure sufficient participation in the March 7 ropes course. Matt Banks said that he would need to reschedule speakers who have previously committed to that date.
Greg Smith asked delegates for content for the February issue of InTouch. The Chair suggested that the issue contain information about the Forum’s 25th anniversary event.
There was no report from the book club group.
Todd Hux said that the Carolina Blood Drive committee hoped to meet with Stephen Latham and other Red Cross vice presidents to discuss problems with the December drive. The Chair asked that Hux notify the entire Executive Committee when this meeting is finally scheduled.
The Chair noted that the Carolina Campus Community Garden had lost 30% of its crops due to the recent cold.
Clare Counihan said that the Education and Career Development committee had experience difficulties in assembling its members to plan the upcoming higher education mini-conference. She asked assembled delegates for their help with planning the mini-conference. The Chair said that she planned to send an e-mail to the delegation asking that delegates show up for their committee meetings to assist in these worthy projects. Naquan Hill observed that the recent adverse weather had probably undercut Forum participation in recent weeks.
Jackie Copeland reported that the Carolina Family Scholarship committee has a projected $18,000 for distribution. She said that the committee will follow up with University Development about outside donations.
The Chair noted that the Forum should have elected its alternate representative to the UNC System Staff Assembly in October. She asked for clarification on whether the Forum can hold an emergency vote to find an alternate now. She would consult with the Forum Parliamentarian on this question.
Bryan Andregg reported that the Personnel Issues committee will meet next week to discuss writing a resolution on market rate trends and campus compensation.
The Chair asked that the Recognition & Awards committee work to complete its peer recognition award selections in time for award checks to be paid this fiscal year.
The Chair said that the Forum’s 25th anniversary event had been a feature in the UNC System Staff Assembly’s newsletter.
Todd Hux raised the issue of the removal of flex time in Facilities Services. He said that he knew of five staff members who received a letter to this effect. This change will require him to find an alternate way to get his child to school. Hux said that he had taken his case to various Facilities Services and Human Resources authorities. Naquan Hill noted that flex time is usually granted at the supervisor’s discretion on the condition it is not detrimental to departmental function. Clare Counihan thought that the University policy did not specify that the flex schedule must be beneficial to the University.
The Chair asked for topics for the upcoming Vice Chancellor representatives’ meeting February 8th. She asked that Matt Banks round up previous discussion of the Rebecca Clark award from the Forum minutes.
In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 1:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary