Annual Report of the
Special Recognition and Awards Committee
UNC Employee Forum
June 30, 2019
Members of the Committee:
Natiaya Neal, Tiffany Carver, Donnyell Batts, Kathy Ramsey, Lori Haight
Members Who Left the Committee During the Year:
Kathy Ramsey
Meetings of the Committee During the Year (June-June 2018):
Members review nominations independently (176 nominations) – May 1st – 3rd
May 3rd – all members met and deliberated to select award recipients
Report Prepared By:
Natiaya Neal (chair)
Committee Charge:
This committee continues to review annually existing recognition and awards programs and recommend modifications and new programs to the Forum as appropriate. This committee coordinates activities for the annual Forum peer recognition awards and University Day staff processional in coordination with the Forum Assistant. This committee works closely with the Human Resources Recognition department.
Committee Goals/Objectives for the Year:
- Modernize the award titles
- Increase the monetary amount of awards
- Work closely with the OHR representative to make sure employees receive all award money before the end of the fiscal year.
Report of Activities:
The InTouch Newsletter seems to be a hit with employees and was a great tool in soliciting nominations from colleagues. Renaming the awards showed to be a wonderful improvement. Easier review/selection process because nominators had clear guidelines for the award recipient.
Recommendations/Motions of the Committee and Action Taken:
- Employees should receive award monies in the same fiscal year as the award.
- Delegates also used their email forwards to help advertise the awards.
Suggestions for Next Year’s Committee:
Come up with a marketing plan that is aggressive to increase nominations.