June 16, 2020 Executive Committee minutes
Attending: L.E. Alexander, Lauren Anderson, Randall Borror, Alicia Brandt, Hallie Butler, Sarah Carrier, Valerie Cartagena, Tiffany Carver, Adrienne Cromwell, Jen DeNeal, Phil Edwards, Shayla Evans-Hollingsworth, Stephanie Forman, Natasha Hanks, Shayna Hill, Keith Hines, James Holman, Hayde’e Marchese, Arlene Medder, Kadejah Murray, Katie Musgrove, Natiaya Neal, Ayla Ocasio, Joe Ormond, Laura Pratt, Kevin Robinson, Kelly Scurlock-Cross, James Stamey, Antonio Squire, Rosemary Thorp, Sarah Wackerhagen, Tracy Wetherby Williams, Jacob Womack
Chair Shayna Hill called the meeting to order at 11:30 a.m. She led the group in introductions. She asked for discussion on the Forum’s statement of solidarity, noting that this is a historical opportunity to address issues of social justice. Jacob Womack proposed reaching out to UNC Police for discussion. Tiffany Carver hoped the Forum would call for campus administration to address not so overt examples of racism.
Discussion moved to performance management and the possibility of 360 evaluations. The Chair spoke about difficulties with the performance management system. Tracy Wetherby Williams raised questions about mechanisms to change departments engaged in covert racism or retaliation.
Members noted the fear of retaliation which undercuts participation in departmental climate assessments. There were suggestions of mandatory follow-ups and even mandatory annual trainings for supervisors. Keith Hines thought that the University should consider diversity first in all its decisions. Members noted that some supervisors are promoted without regard to their managerial skills.
The Chair proposed sending these thoughts to Sarah Carrier and the Diversity & Inclusion committee. In addition, she thought to present these ideas to the Chancellor directly. Ayla Ocasio advocated a call to action with a record of policy compliance affecting compensation and even employment. The Chair noted that departments can comply with policy yet still be exclusive. She said that the Forum’s suggestions should be as direct and specific as possible.
Hines said that employees and Human Resources representatives should not shy away from calling out a practice as unacceptable. Members again noted the fear of retaliation.
The Chair called for a motion to approve the May minutes. Katie Musgrove made this motion, seconded by Jen DeNeal. The motion was approved.
Ayla Ocasio and Matt Banks presented the Forum’s monthly budget report. Ocasio was pleased that the Forum had received approval for its 2020-21 budget.
Members discussed plans for the upcoming Forum retreat. The Chair asked that delegates be surveyed on possible questions for the August 13th Vice Chancellor representatives’ meeting.
In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 1:28 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary