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Resolution 20-04 Honoring Laurie Mesibov


October 7, 2020

WHEREAS, it is appropriate and fitting for the Employee Forum to recognize individuals who have distinguished themselves in service to the University community, so as to encourage similar achievement among the remainder of the community’s members; and

WHEREAS, Laurie Mesibov, Associate University Ombuds, has performed exemplary service to the University and has achieved global recognition for the work of UNC-Chapel Hill’s Ombuds Office; and

WHEREAS, she helped realize the vision of staff and administrators of the Task Force for a Better Workplace by creating a safe space for staff, faculty and students to resolve workplace conflict, seek advice and learn strategies for addressing difficult situations; and,

WHEREAS, Ms. Mesibov served the University as a faculty member in the School of Government, an employee in the Office of the Provost, and an advisor to SHRA grievance panels, among other functions; and,

WHEREAS, Ms. Mesibov has served the University with the utmost integrity and professionalism, while also insisting on openness, transparency, and accountability; and,

WHEREAS, in her interactions with individuals on campus who seek her counsel, Ms. Mesibov has empowered employees to use the tools available to them to respond to their situations and has acted when needed to intervene in tough circumstances; and

WHEREAS, the example of her work has been a model for similar endeavors at other institutions;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Employee Forum hereby confers Lifelong Honorary Delegate status upon Laurie Mesibov, along with an open invitation to attend and participate in future deliberations of this body.

Signed on behalf of the Delegates of the Employee Forum


Shayna Hill, Chair


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