August 2, 2017 Proposed Bylaws Revisions
Proposed Forum Bylaws Changes
August 2, 2017
IX. C. Community Service Committee
This committee develops and manages the community engagement and public service initiatives of the Employee Forum in coordination with the Carolina Center for Public Service and other campus organizations. The committee will ensure that Employees seek to foster an active and engaged commitment to our University and wider community. Subcommittees include the Carolina Campus Community Garden and Carolina Blood Drive. The Carolina Campus Community Garden subcommittee works to increase the effectiveness and sustainability of the Carolina Campus Community Garden. The Carolina Blood Drive Subcommittee organizes semi-annual blood drive events.
IX. C. Carolina Campus Community Garden Committee
The Carolina Campus Community Garden Committee works to increase the effectiveness and sustainability of the Carolina Campus Community Garden.
IX. F. Personnel Issues Committee
The Personnel Issues Committee conducts research and frames policy alternatives related to compensation and benefits, University and departmental policies and practices as they relate to individual employees and groups of employees, and campus-wide organizational development activities such as Carolina Service.
IX. F. The Personnel Issues Committee carries out its functions via three subcommittees. The Compensation and Benefits Subcommittee conducts research and frames policy alternatives related to compensation and benefits. The Legislative Action Subcommittee works to monitor current legislation and maintain contacts with legislative and other governmental representatives. The committee also spearheads voter registration drives. The Staff Relations, Policies and Practices Subcommittee handles issues related to University and departmental policies and practices as they relate to individual Employees.