Bylaws (2011 Version)
Revised November 2011I. Establishment
The Employee Forum of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (hereinafter “Employee Forum”) was established by the Chancellor of the University of North Carolina (hereinafter “the Chancellor”) in March 1992 to assist the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (hereinafter “the University”) in its policy of encouraging open and effective communication among all levels of employees, students, faculty and the administration. The first meeting of the Employee Forum was September 1992.
II. Purpose
The Employee Forum serves at the request of and in an advisory capacity to the Chancellor and his or her designees. It represents SPA and EPA Non-faculty staff (hereinafter “Employees”). The purposes of the Employee Forum are to:
1. Provide a regular, open forum to facilitate communication among all levels of Employees, faculty, students and the University administration concerning general employment interests and concerns, current University operational problems, University plans or prospects and common issues affecting the campus. The Employee Forum is not intended as a vehicle to deal with individual issues, grievances, or complaints, nor as a means to circumvent regular administrative channels.
2. Advise the Chancellor or his or her designees on University issues upon Chancellor’s request.
3. Develop constructive suggestions for more efficient and effective University operations.
III. Membership
A. Eligibility
Employee Forum Delegates (hereinafter “Delegates”) shall be permanent (full-time or part-time) Employees who have completed probationary requirements as mandated by the University.
B. Delegates
1. Elected
The Employee Forum will be composed of approximately 60 elected Delegates.
a. Representation
Representation shall be based on a proportional distribution across the electoral divisions identified in section (VI)(B)(2)(c) of the Employee Forum Bylaws. Electoral division seats are apportioned according to the general Employee population. Seats are reapportioned each calendar year, on or around January 1. In case of a tie, years of service will decide the rank order.
b. Term in Office
Each elected Delegate shall serve a twenty-six month term, from the May meeting of the year of election to the June meeting two years hence. If the Delegate transfers to another electoral division, he/she will be allowed to complete his/her elected term. To ensure continuity, terms will be staggered so that approximately one-half of the Delegates are elected each year. Delegates take office and assume voting rights at the June meeting of the year in which Delegates are elected.
c. Re-election
Elected Delegates may run for, and serve, three consecutive two-year terms as a Delegate. Upon completion of the third term, elected Delegates shall not run for and serve in the office of Delegate for one year.
2. Appointed
The Chancellor, at his or her discretion, may appoint up to five additional Delegates. If the Chancellor chooses to appoint Delegates, the appointments shall be made by May 15 each year.
a. Term in Office
Each appointed Delegate will serve a one-year term. Appointed Delegates may be elected at any regularly scheduled election.
b. Reappointment
An appointed Delegate will not be eligible for reappointment for two years after the completion of his/her term.
C. Special Appointments
If an electoral division is unable to fill its apportioned Delegate positions due to the resignation and/or termination of its elected Delegates, the Chair shall have the authority to appoint Delegates on behalf of the electoral division. The specially appointed Delegate must be selected from the respective electoral division in consultation with the remaining Delegates from that electoral division, the Employee Forum Membership & Assignments Committee, and the prospective Delegate’s supervisor(s). Specially appointed Delegates shall serve until June of that same year, and may be elected thereafter, subject to general Employee Forum elections. Specially appointed Delegates may serve no longer than one year, and such service shall not count against their eventual election as Delegates.
D. Ex-Officio
The Vice Chancellor for Human Resources shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Employee Forum. He or she shall function as a liaison between the University administration and the Employee Forum.
E. Honorary Delegates
The Employee Forum may choose to bestow honorary Delegate status upon individuals as it sees fit, limiting itself to two individuals honored per calendar year. Honorary Delegates are non-voting members of the Employee Forum. Petition for such recognition shall be made by general resolution, with a two-thirds majority vote required for passage. Terms of the honorary membership will be left to the discretion of the Employee Forum.
IV. Participation
A. Delegates
Delegates engaged in regularly scheduled Employee Forum activities that take place during their regular work schedule will report such activity as work time. Supervisors and managers shall support participation, including permitting necessary release time for Employee Forum activities, including committee meetings.
Delegates are required to serve actively on at least one Employee Forum committee. Only Delegates may serve as Chair or Co-Chair of these committees.
B. Other Employees
Employees are encouraged to participate in Employee Forum activities with the following provisions:
1. Attendance and participation by Employees in the Employee Forum’s monthly meetings is on a volunteer basis, is not reported as work time, and must not conflict with work assignments.
2. Participation in the Employee Forum’s committee meetings by Employees is at the discretion of individual Employees, who must obtain support and approval from their supervisors to have this service treated as work time.
C. Community Meetings
Attendance at the Employee Forum’s annual Community Meeting(s) shall be considered work time for all Employees when the Community Meeting occurs during an Employee’s regular work schedule. Employees must receive approval from their supervisors in advance to attend Community Meetings.
V. Quorum and Voting
One third of the voting Delegates fixed or prescribed by these Bylaws shall be required for, and shall constitute, a quorum. A two-thirds vote of Delegates present is required for amendments to the Employee Forum Bylaws, the installation of Honorary Delegates, motions to suspend the Bylaws, and all other parliamentary motions requiring a two-thirds vote as prescribed by the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. A majority vote of Delegates present is required to rule on all other Employee Forum measures. Ex-officio members are non-voting Delegates. Employees attending Employee Forum meetings may speak, but shall not vote. The Employee Forum Chair shall abstain from voting except when necessary to break a tie.
VI. Election Procedure
A. Membership & Assignments Committee
Delegates shall select a Membership & Assignments Committee from their own membership annually. Membership & Assignments Committee shall be chaired by the Secretary of the Employee Forum and shall be charged with developing a representative slate of candidates from each electoral division by actively soliciting open nominations. Only Employees who have agreed to serve if elected should be placed on the ballot.
B. Election of Delegates
1. Nominations
The Membership & Assignments Committee shall solicit nominations for Delegate elections and present a slate of nominees to Employees via “hot memo” no later than March 1st of each year. Elections shall be completed by mid-April according to procedures approved by the Employee Forum and the Chancellor. The names of the new Delegates shall be reported to the Chair of the Employee Forum and the Chancellor by April 30th of each year.
2. How Elected
a. Delegates
The nominees in each electoral division who receive the highest number of votes for the number of division seats available will become Delegates. In the case of a tie, years of service will be the decisive factor in the election of a Delegate.
b. Write-in votes
Write-in votes are permitted for the election of Delegates. No name written upon a ballot in the Delegate election shall be counted for an office unless, the candidate, whose name has been written on the ballot, agrees to accept his or her nomination and serve if elected.
Any name written upon a ballot for a write-in candidate, shall be counted for the office, if it is written in the blank space provided, and the voting space next to the write-in space is marked or slotted as directed in the voting instructions. Employees may not cast more than one vote for each available delegate position.
c. Electoral Divisions
Electoral divisions are based on federal employment categories. Employees are divided into electoral divisions according to a roster generated by Information Technology Services. The current electoral divisions include: Division 1 (EPA Non-faculty); Division 2 (Service/Maintenance); Division 3 (Skilled Craft); Division 4 (Secretarial/Clerical, Academic Affairs); Division 5 (Secretarial/Clerical, Health Affairs); Division 6 (Secretarial/Clerical, Other Departments); Division 7 (Technical); Division 8 (Professional); and Division 9 (Executive/Administrative/Managerial).
d. Representation
The percentage of Delegates in each electoral division shall be determined according to the percentage of overall Employees in each electoral division, and shall be reapportioned each year. Each electoral division shall elect at least one Delegate each year.
C. Election of Delegates to the University of North Carolina Staff Assembly
1. Purpose
Pursuant to Section I (Mission) of the University of North Carolina Staff Assembly Bylaws, the University of North Carolina Staff Assembly (hereinafter “Staff Assembly”) shall gather and exchange information on behalf of the staff of The University of North Carolina System (hereinafter “University System.”) The Staff Assembly shall, through the appropriate channels, advise and communicate with officers of the University System, and through these officers, the Board of Governors, on matters of importance to staff members in the University System. The Staff Assembly shall foster and nurture the establishment and growth of staff organizations of the constituent institutions of the University System and of the General Administration. The Staff Assembly will represent all permanent employees of the University System except the faculty.
2. Staff Assembly Delegates
The Employee Forum shall elect three representatives (hereinafter “Staff Assembly Delegates”) to the Staff Assembly, in accordance with Section II (Membership) of the Staff Assembly Bylaws, and Appendix II of these Bylaws. Upon election, Staff Assembly Delegates shall be voting members of the Employee Forum Executive Committee.
VII. Operating Procedure
A. Operating Year
The Employee Forum operating year shall begin July 1st and end June 30th.
B. Monthly Meetings
Monthly Employee Forum meetings shall be scheduled for the first working Wednesday of each month. The Chancellor and all members of the Chancellor’s Administrative Council shall be invited to all Employee Forum meetings. The Chancellor, at his or her discretion, may make an opening statement at the meetings he or she attends.
If a monthly Employee Forum meeting falls on the week of a University Holiday, the Executive Committee shall recommend any necessary schedule changes to the Employee Forum Chair. All schedule changes will be confirmed by the Employee Forum Chair and Delegates will be notified of said changes via email. The Employee Forum shall notify the general public via its website.
C. Monthly High-Level Administrative Meetings
Assigned Employee Forum Officers and Delegates are expected to attend monthly high-level administrative meetings with the Chancellor and his or her designees, to discuss administrative and operational concerns affecting University work life.
D. Community Meetings
The Employee Forum shall hold public forums at least annually to allow for feedback and input from Employees at large. See section (IV)(C) for policy regarding Employee attendance at Community Meetings.
E. Committee Meetings
Employee Forum committees shall meet at least monthly at mutually acceptable times established at the Annual Retreat. Employee Forum committees shall take minutes and submit them to the Employee Forum Office located at 134 East Franklin street, Room 207, Campus Box 3488, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599-3488.
F. Annual Retreat
An Employee Forum Retreat shall be held annually on the first Wednesday in June. Delegates are required to attend the Annual Retreat and Officers are required to present annual reports as prescribed in Section VII (G) of these Bylaws.
G. Annual Reports
A written report of the business of the Employee Forum and written reports from standing and special Employee Forum committees shall be prepared by Officers and made public annually at the Employee Forum Annual Retreat.
H. Annual Orientation
An Employee Forum Orientation shall be held annually and prior to the Employee Forum Annual Retreat. Newly elected and appointed Delegates are required to attend Annual Orientations. Outgoing Officers shall attend Annual Orientations and present annual reports as prescribed in Section VIII (G) of these Bylaws.
I. Employee Forum Responsibility
The Employee Forum may present suggestions, comments, problems, and recommendations to the Chancellor or to the Vice Chancellor for Human Resources, so that he or she may refer them to the appropriate department for review and reporting back. The activity of the Employee Forum shall supplement, not replace, ongoing management activities established to ensure the equitable application of personnel and other University policies. Employee Forum members shall exhibit and uphold the mission, charge, and spirit of the Employee Forum.
J. Delegate Responsibility
1. General
It is the responsibility of each Delegate to be aware of the needs and concerns of those whom he or she represents, and to present to the Employee Forum those items that are pertinent to his or her electoral division or to the University as a whole. Delegates should endeavor to develop a thorough understanding of personnel policy matters such as employment opportunities, affirmative action, quality supervision, fringe benefits, grievances and appeal procedures, and hiring practices that are established to ensure the equitable application of personnel and other University policies.
2. Attendance
Delegates shall attend all monthly Employee Forum meetings, community meetings, committee meetings and the Annual Retreat. If a Delegate is absent from three consecutive regularly scheduled Employee Forum monthly meetings, or absent from five regularly scheduled Employee Forum monthly meetings within his or her twenty-six month term as Delegate, he or she will be replaced automatically. The Annual Retreat will be considered a required meeting. All absence will be counted unless excused in accordance with Employee Forum Bylaws. Meeting minutes will note attendance by listing “Members Present,” “Members Excused,” and “Members Absent.”
Should an absence qualify under the Family & Medical Leave Act, the absence will be considered excused. The Delegate who wishes to be excused on this ground (Family & Medical Leave Act) must timely notify the Secretary of the Employee Forum in writing or via email.
Should a Delegate’s employment duties require him or her to be absent at the time of a monthly meeting, the absence will be considered excused if the Delegate timely notifies the Secretary of the Employee Forum, in writing or via email, regarding the absence.
Delegates who must miss a committee meeting because of reasonable work expectations or other unavoidable circumstances, are required to notify the respective Committee Chair in order to have an excused absence. Committees will note attendance in all meeting minutes by listing “Members Present,” “Members Excused,” and “Members Absent.”
Other absences may be excused by the Executive Committee upon review of a written, personal or sponsored appeal.
3. Resignation
If a Delegate believes that he or she is unable to fulfill his or her responsibilities, the Delegate must immediately notify the Secretary of the Employee Forum. The Secretary of the Employee Forum will then notify the Chair and Executive Committee.
4. Change in Delegate Information
Any change in Delegate information (Campus Box #, home phone, job title, department or email address) shall be reported immediately to the Employee Forum Administrative Assistant via telephone number 919-962-3779 or via email at
K. Staff Assembly Delegate Responsibility
1. Participation
All Staff Assembly Delegates will observe the following policies in their actions before the Staff Assembly:
a. Staff Assembly Delegates shall represent the majority will of the Employee Forum. Staff Assembly Delegates shall view themselves as representatives of Employee Forum positions in all formal matters.
b. Staff Assembly Delegates shall report to the Employee Forum in the same manner as Employee Forum Committees. A written report shall be presented to the Employee Forum Executive Committee should such an Executive Committee meeting occur before the full Employee Forum meeting.
c. Staff Assembly Delegates shall report all proceedings completely and accurately so that Delegates remain informed on all matters before the Staff Assembly.
d. If the Employee Forum has taken a position by vote, motion or resolution on a matter before the Staff Assembly, Staff Assembly Delegates shall vote in the same manner before the Staff Assembly.
e. If the Employee Forum has not taken a position by vote, motion or resolution on a matter before the Staff Assembly, Staff Assembly Delegates may vote on the matter as they see fit. Staff Assembly Delegates must report accurately and honestly to the Employee Forum, all positions taken and votes made before the Staff Assembly.
2. Attendance at Staff Assembly meetings
Staff Assembly Delegates shall attend all regular meetings of the Staff Assembly in person. Staff Assembly Delegates may attend special meetings of the Staff Assembly, or any committee meeting, in person or by means that allow for simultaneous two-way communication.
VIII. Officers
A. Chair
The Chair is responsible for conducting Employee Forum meetings and Executive and Committee Chair meetings. The Chair may appoint committee chairs if necessary and serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of each committee. The Chair shall serve as liaison between the Employee Forum, the Faculty Council, and the Student Body. Duties of the Chair shall include meeting periodically with the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor for Human Resources, and other appropriate University officials. The Chair shall also serve on a variety of standing University Committees and as a representative to the Audit and Finance Committee of the University Board of Trustees and to the Board of Trustees. The Chair may appoint Delegates to replace any inactive committee, assist with any standing committee or request reports from appointed Delegates at monthly Employee Forum meetings. The Chair is also responsible for writing the year end annual report and highlights page.
B. Vice Chair
The Vice Chair shall chair the Employee Forum in the Chair’s absence. He or she shall serve as chair of the Community Meeting Planning Committee, which is responsible for planning and conducting Community Meetings.
C. Secretary
The Secretary of the Employee Forum is responsible for providing the minutes for all Employee Forum monthly meetings. The Secretary shall maintain a roster of Delegates. The Secretary shall serve as chair of the Membership & Assignments Committee and shall issue all warnings and terminations resulting from non-compliance with attendance policies.
D. Treasurer
The Treasurer of the Employee Forum is responsible for financial policies, procedures, and controls of Employee Forum funds. The Treasurer shall make monthly financial reports to the Executive Committee and quarterly financial reports to the Employee Forum. The Treasurer shall approve all non-personnel related expenditures of funds from Employee Forum accounts.
E. Parliamentarian
The Parliamentarian of the Employee Forum advises the presiding officer and other officers, committees, and members on matters of parliamentary procedure. The Parliamentarian is elected for one three-year term by the full Forum. The Parliamentarian shall have no voting rights.
F. Succession
In the event that the Chair cannot continue with the duties of office, the Vice Chair shall succeed to serve in that office. The succeeding Chair shall have the authority to designate a new Vice Chair to serve in his or her place, subject to ratification by the entire Employee Forum. Should the Vice Chair be unable to assume this new post, the Employee Forum shall hold a special election for the position of Chair at the next monthly meeting, in accordance with the established procedures for electing Employee Forum officers. Until a successor is found, the Executive Committee shall work in coordination with the Employee Forum Administrative Assistant and outgoing Chair to fulfill the duties of this position.
In the event that the Vice Chair cannot continue with the duties of office, the Secretary shall succeed to serve in that office. The Chair shall have the authority to designate a new Secretary, subject to ratification of the entire Employee Forum. Should the Secretary be unable to assume this new post, the Employee Forum shall hold a special election for the position of Vice Chair at the next monthly meeting following resignation, in accordance with the established procedures for electing Employee Forum officers. Until a successor is found, the Executive Committee shall work in coordination with the Employee Forum Assistant and outgoing Vice Chair to fulfill the duties of this position.
In the event that the Secretary cannot continue with the duties of office, the Chair shall have the authority to designate a new Secretary, subject to ratification of the entire Employee Forum. Until a successor is found, the Executive Committee shall work in coordination with the Employee Forum Assistant and outgoing Secretary to fulfill the duties of this position.
In the event that the Treasurer cannot continue with the duties of office, the Chair shall have the authority to designate a new Treasurer, subject to ratification of the entire Employee Forum. Until a successor is found, the Executive Committee shall work in coordination with the Employee Forum Assistant and outgoing Treasurer to fulfill the duties of this position.
In the event that the Parliamentarian cannot continue with the duties of the office, the Chair shall have the authority to designate a new Parliamentarian, subject to ratification of the entire Employee Forum by 2/3 vote
G. Term of Office
The Chair shall assume his or her duties on July 1st, and shall serve a one-year elected term followed by a one-year ex-officio, non-voting term. The immediate past Chair of the Employee Forum, shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Employee Forum until the term of his or her successor ends. An officer may be re-elected during his or her Delegate term.
H. Information for Prospective Candidates
Outgoing officers shall present status reports on their office at the Annual Orientation session for new Delegates, held before the Annual Retreat. This is done to provide potential candidates with thorough information about the duties of Employee Forum Offices and past and ongoing projects of the office and the Employee Forum.
Outgoing officers shall present status reports at the Annual Retreat. The reports shall include information about projects (completed and ongoing) and workload (time involved) as well as a brief statement about the personal value or benefit from having taken this office. All newly elected Delegates shall attend the May monthly Employee Forum meeting and the Employee Forum Annual Retreat.
IX. Committees
A. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be established each year to set the agenda for monthly Employee Forum meetings and to handle business between meetings of the Employee Forum. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the Chair, the Vice Chair, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Staff Assembly Delegates, the chair of each Employee Forum committee and one Delegate from each of the electoral divisions. Decisions made for the Employee Forum by the Executive Committee are subject to approval of the full Employee Forum at the next regularly scheduled Employee Forum meeting.
All electoral divisions shall elect their Executive Committee representative at the Annual Retreat. In the event that such a representative leaves the Employee Forum before the end of his or her term, the remaining Delegates from that electoral division shall select from their number, a new representative to the Executive Committee.
B. Membership & Assignments
A Membership & Assignments Committee of at least five persons will be finalized by the Employee Forum at the Annual Retreat. The committee’s chair will be the Secretary of the Employee Forum. The outgoing Secretary will serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member. The committee is responsible for conducting Employee Forum elections, and the periodic review of representation and electoral divisions to ensure equitable allocation of Delegates. The committee will also present a representative slate of candidates for officership to the Delegates at the monthly May meeting.
C. Committee of Past Employee Forum Chairs
The Employee Forum shall maintain a committee of previously elected Employee Forum chairs to be convened at the request of the current Chair. This committee shall offer advice and counsel to the Chair on general issues of concern.
D. Creation and Continuance of Other Committees
Any Employee can present to the Employee Forum a proposal for the establishment of a new Employee Forum committee, or the restructuring of a current one. All proposals must be presented in writing. Proposals will be discussed by the Executive Committee and brought before the entire Employee Forum for a vote.
All committees of the Employee Forum will be reviewed by the Executive Committee as warranted to determine their continuing relevance. Committees judged to be irrelevant will be brought before the entire Employee Forum for a vote on possible discontinuance.
X. Amending the Bylaws
Recommendations for changes to the Employee Forum Bylaws must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Delegates present at a meeting where quorum exists. Recommendations for changes to the Employee Forum Bylaws shall be made in writing and distributed to Delegates at any monthly Employee Forum meeting, and shall be voted upon at the subsequent Employee Forum meeting. In keeping with the spirit of cooperation and communication, recommendations for changes to the Employee Forum Bylaws shall be simultaneously communicated to the Chancellor. As part of its committee charge, the Executive Committee will determine the necessity of and timetable for annual review of the Employee Forum Bylaws.
Appendix I. Election of Officers
1. When and By Whom
Election of officers shall be held at the Annual Retreat and conducted by the Secretary. In the event the Secretary is nominated for re-election, the responsibility shall pass to the Chair, then the Vice Chair. If all three of these officers are nominated for re-election or are no longer Delegates, elections shall be conducted by a Delegate of the Employee Forum appointed by the Executive Committee.
2. Nominations
A call for nominations will be made at the April Employee Forum meeting. The Membership & Assignments Committee shall send a letter to continuing and new Delegates soliciting nominations before the April meeting. Delegates are encouraged to nominate others or themselves.
The Membership & Assignments Committee shall present a slate of nominees for each office at the May meeting. The May Employee Forum meeting shall be attended by new Delegates, continuing Delegates, and outgoing Delegates. The meeting shall include time for five minute presentations to be made by each candidate and one of his or her supporters (a total of ten minutes of speeches by the candidate and his or her nominator).
Further nominations may be made from the floor for each office at the time of the election in June. Candidates nominated from the floor must affirmatively accept their nomination.
Any candidate nominated from the floor at the June meeting may speak for five minutes and may have someone else (a nominator or supporter) speak for five minutes on his or her behalf (a total of ten minutes of speeches by the candidate and his or her nominator.) If anyone nominated from the floor chooses to speak, any previously nominated candidate for the same office may also speak for five minutes. This is in addition to the time at the May meeting so that Delegates are reminded equally of all candidates. The Employee Forum Assistant shall keep time during presentations and will notify the Chair when a speaker has run out of time.
Candidates whose names are submitted to the Membership & Assignments Committee at or before the April meeting shall submit a biographical sketch in the appropriate format for distribution to voters. This sketch shall not exceed 250 words and shall deal only with the qualifications, achievements and ideas of the candidate. Characterizations or criticisms of other candidates or factions, by name or implication, shall not be allowed. The Membership & Assignments Committee shall pass judgment as to the fitness of all submitted sketches, insuring that all are in compliance with the required format. Candidates and their supporters are encouraged to follow the spirit of these precepts in their verbal presentations and other campaigning.
Candidates who are nominated in advance and those who are nominated from the floor shall be encouraged to make the same amount of information available to voters. Nominees from the floor may make an information sheet available at the June meeting in conformity with the appropriate format for distribution to voters. Candidates who wish to mail additional information about themselves to members of the Employee Forum may do so, however, each candidate shall make only one mailing.
Each candidate will be encouraged to make a photograph of himself or herself available. The Employee Forum will arrange and pay to have black and white photographs made so they are all similar. Candidates shall not be required to have a photograph available. If photographs are available, photocopies shall be included on the candidate information sheet mailed to Delegates. Nominees from the floor may include a photograph on information they distribute at the June meeting.
All sketches shall be forwarded to the Employee Forum Office for inclusion in the agenda packet prior to the May or June meeting. Sketches shall be presented in alphabetical order by office, with no sketch given favored status.
3. Eligibility
Officers must be elected Delegates at the time of their election and during their term in office.
4. Election
Elections shall be by written ballot at the June meeting. On the day of voting, each Delegate will be handed a ballot after he or she is seated. A candidate must win a majority vote to gain election. In cases where no candidate gains a majority, the two candidates with the most votes in the first round of balloting shall participate in a run-off election. The candidate winning the majority of votes in the run-off election will gain office.
If there is but one nominee for each office, then by general consent, the ballot will be dispensed with and a voice vote taken. If there are nominations from the floor for one or more offices, separate elective ballots for said office(s) shall be taken and called for in sequence. All new, continuing and outgoing Delegates shall participate in the voting process at the June Employee Forum meeting.
5. Write-in Votes
Write-in votes are permitted for the election of Officers. No name written upon a ballot in the Officer election shall be counted for an office unless the Delegate whose name has been written on the ballot, agrees to his or her nomination and agrees to serve if elected.
Any name written upon a ballot for a write-in candidate shall be counted for the office if it is written in the blank space provided, and the voting space next to the write-in space is marked or slotted as directed in the voting instructions. Delegates may not cast more than one vote for each available Officer position.
6. Absentee Ballots
Delegates eligible to vote at officer elections, may do so by absentee ballot. Absentee ballots shall be made available to Delegates fifteen (15) days prior to the date on which the officer election is to be held. Delegates may request an absentee ballot in person, in writing, by email or by telephone, no earlier than fifteen (15) days and no later than two (2) days prior to the date on which the officer election is to be held. In cases of emergency, an election official may, in his or her discretion, allow an absentee ballot to be requested on the date on which the officer election is to be held.
The Employee Forum Assistant shall keep record of all Delegates who received absentee ballots and shall be responsible for accepting tendered absentee ballots. Absentee ballots shall be submitted to the Employee Forum Assistant via mail, electronic mail or in-person, no later than 4:00 p.m. on the day prior to the date on which the officer election is to be held. It is the responsibility of the Delegate to ensure timely delivery of an absentee ballot.
A Delegate may not vote by absentee ballot and in person at the same election. The Employee Forum Assistant will ensure that Delegates who received absentee ballots and who are physically at the officer election return his or her unopened absentee ballot and instead vote on a regular ballot. If more than one absentee ballot from the same Delegate for the same election is discovered, none of the Delegate’s ballots shall be counted.
Votes cast by absentee ballots shall count in all subsequent run-off elections.
Appendix II. Election of Delegates to the Staff Assembly
1. Election of Staff Assembly Delegates
a. Employees who are incoming, currently serving, or outgoing Delegates may run for election. Staff Assembly Delegates who are currently serving their first term may also run for re-election.
b. b. Election of Staff Assembly Delegates shall take place annually at the September meeting by secret ballot. The candidate receiving a majority of the votes wins the election. If no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast, there will be a run-off election between the two candidates with the most votes.
c. Staff Assembly Delegates shall be members of the Employee Forum Executive Committee.
d. Any delegate to the Staff Assembly may be recalled by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Committee (if appointed by the Executive Committee) or a 2/3 vote of the full Forum body (if elected by the full Forum body). Upon recall, the former Delegate would no longer be a member of the Employee Forum Executive Committee.
2. Terms of Staff Assembly Delegates
Elected Staff Assembly Delegates shall serve a two or three-year term, from the September meeting of the year of their election . The Employee Forum Chair shall serve as a Staff Assembly Delegate for the duration of his or her tenure. To ensure continuity, Staff Assembly Delegate terms will be staggered in accordance with Section II (Membership) of the Staff Assembly Bylaws.
3. Alternate Staff Assembly Delegates
Delegates receiving a minority vote at the Staff Assembly elections may serve as Alternate Staff Assembly Delegates. Alternate Staff Assembly Delegates shall assume the roles and responsibilities of Staff Assembly Delegates in his or her absence and as outlined by Section VII (K) of these Bylaws.
4. Special Appointments of Staff Assembly Delegates
a. In the event that the Employee Forum cannot fill one or more of its allotted Staff Assembly Delegate positions, due to the resignation and/or termination of selected Staff Assembly Delegates, the Chair and the Employee Forum Executive Committee shall have the authority to appoint Staff Assembly Delegates by 2/3 vote. Staff Assembly Delegates appointed to the Staff Assembly in this way may serve no longer than one year, and such service shall not count against their eventual election as Staff Assembly Delegates. These newly appointed Staff Assembly Delegates shall serve until the next available election cycle, at which point they may be elected to the Staff Assembly subject to the election procedures of these Bylaws.
b. A Staff Assembly Delegate appointed pursuant to subsection a. of this Section may be recalled by a 2/3 vote of the Employee Forum Executive Committee. Upon recall, the former Staff Assembly Delegate would no longer be a member of the Employee Forum Executive Committee.