August 2 2017 Community Service Agenda
Community Service Committee Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
11:30 AM – 12:30PM
Hitchcock Multipurpose Room, Sonja H. Stone Center
I. Welcome/Introductions [[11:30-11:40]]
-New Delegate introductions/icebreakers
-Overview of committee charge
II. Community Service Leave Promotion Campaign Update [[11:40-11:45]]
-Rescheduling meeting with OHR to begin promotional campaign in the 2017-2018 academic year
III. Future Collaborations/Event Ideas for 2017-2018 [[11:45-12:15]]
–Food Drive Collaboration with Million Meals Campaign
-Met with Banks Shepherd with Tar Heel Sports Properties on 7/25 (Discussed what worked and what didn’t work with last year’s drive and discussed ideas for collaboration again this year)
-Possible food drive events at Employee Appreciation & Military Appreciation Football and Basketball games as well as a donation bin at Employee Appreciation Day to contribute to the Million Meals Campaign (which we contributed to last year with our 2 week campus wide food drive)
-Volunteers for Project Leads- Jim Potts, Allison Rorie, Linda Glasco, Katie Musgrove
– Habitat for Humanity Collaborations
-Scheduling another build day (next spring?)
-Volunteers for Project Leads- Heather Lewis, Ashley Jacobs
-Thein Oo’s home will be awarded at a ceremony in Fall, 2017
-Home sponsorship for another deserving UNC Staff Member in 2018-2019?
-~$80,000 fundraising necessary to sponsor whole cost
-Could be sponsored by multiple UNC groups?
–Toy Drive for UNC Children’s Hospital
-UNC Children’s hospital reached out to us last year to possibly put on a toy drive prior to the holiday season
-Volunteers for Project Leads?
-Other Ideas
-UNC Staff Volunteers at Dance Marathon (Spring)
-Volunteers for Project Leads: Linda Glasco
-Special Olympics of Orange County Publicizing/Support Throughout the Year
IV. Update on other business [[12:15-12:25]]
-Blood Drive Update- Ricky Roach
-Date for next blood drive? Strategies for this committee’s involvement
-CCCG Update- Arlene Medder
-Go ahead and plan for an Earth Day workday sponsored by the Forum
V. Questions/Final Comments [[12:25-12:30]]