October 8 2021 Blood Drive Committee
2021 Holiday Carolina Blood Drive
Last November’s Numbers:
Goal: 225 units
Total: 277 units
Presenting Donors: 258
First time donors: 62
Whole Blood: Presented/Deferral/Units: 209/18/190
Power Red: Presented/Deferral/Units: 49/3/87
Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Location: Fetzer Hall
Goal: 350 units
Time: 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. (with unpublished hour from 2:30-3:30 p.m.)
- Administrative Updates
- Confirmed Reservation of Fetzer for the 7th and 8th (for setup and drive)
- 7th 10am-3pm
- 8th 5:00am – takedown
- Waiting to hear back from Deborah Hawkins at Parking and Transportation regarding Cobb/South Rd. reservations.
- Make sure Deck is accessible by 7am
- Need to evaluate the parking signage first thing in the morning to make sure it all looks correct. And we also need to make sure the gate arms are both open, so they don’t confuse people.
- Permanent Name Tags – working with Matt Banks to order. Will cost ~$300
- Budget
- Total budget is $3,000
- Red Cross Discussion Points
- Tara – has a meeting with Callie and Michele on Friday going over the flier, BVMs, t-shirts, and scheduling the email.
- Submitted comms and marketing support request on August 23 – have confirmation from Michelle Westbay.
- Communications
- Fliers – updates? Will have updates after meeting on Friday.
- Logo: Using the blood drop
- T-shirts: updates?
- Goal to have these ordered by October 22.
- Let’s make sure we have consistency and that all shirts have all components.
- Need a feature story
- Jerel sent a draft and photos to Rhonda
- Volunteer Updates
- Now that we have the end time of the drive, we can make the Qualtrics survey.
- Need a meeting between Amelia, Jen, Beverly, Tara and Robin.
- Canteen Updates
- Spoken with Carolina Dining Services re: sodas. Pepsi is having supply chain issues, so our selection of sodas may be more limited than the past.
- Website:
- Header is ready to go for the website and the emails. Will update the committee roster and volunteer sign in when we have that.
- Will also create recognition page.
- need to update to reflect the December date/time
- Also need new volunteer sign up link
- Jen will send Lynn the updated committee roster and photos for the awards page.
- Confirmed Reservation of Fetzer for the 7th and 8th (for setup and drive)
Open Forum
Jerel – if budget cuts are happening, can we do some fundraising in the spring (March-ish) for the summer drive?
Communications – Lynn will create graphics for Facebook and NextDoor for sharing. Tara will also send the flier when it’s ready.
Tracy – just reached out to Matt re: the budget (cc’d Jen) – we do have the full $3,000.
Planning Meetings for the rest of the term:
November 9, 10:30-12pm
November 23, 10:30-12pm
December 6, 10:30-12pm