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2021 Holiday Carolina Blood Drive

Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Location: Fetzer Hall

Time: 7:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. (with unpublished hour from 1:30-2:30 p.m.)

  • In order to get larger numbers (potentially ~500) – time needs to be longer.
  • Can’t set up any more beds than we have in the past (power source issue)
  • Preference for a ~500 unit drive: one day, two shifts.
    • Let’s get the extra hour regardless (published until 2:30, going until 3:30)
      • Courtney/Bruce will start looking into the implications.

Last November’s Numbers:

Goal: 225 units

Total: 277 units

Presenting Donors: 258

First time donors: 62

Whole Blood: Presented/Deferral/Units: 209/18/190

Power Red: Presented/Deferral/Units: 49/3/87


  1. Administrative Updates
    1. Confirmed Reservation of Fetzer for the 7th and 8th (for setup and drive)
      1. 7th 10am-3pm
      2. 8th 5:00am – takedown
    2. Waiting to hear back from Deborah Hawkins at Parking and Transportation regarding Cobb/South Rd. reservations.
      1. Make sure Deck is accessible by 7am
      2. Need to evaluate the parking signage first thing in the morning to make sure it all looks correct. And we also need to make sure the gate arms are both open, so they don’t confuse people.
    3. Permanent Name Tags – working with Matt Banks to order.
    4. Budget
      1. Everyone took 15% cuts this year, so we have a total budget of $2550.
        1. Katie is double checking with Cheryl
      2. Red Cross Discussion Points
        1. Recruit!
        2. Submitted comms and marketing support request on August 23 – have confirmation from Michelle Westbay.
      3. Communications
        1. Fliers (Need ASAP) – will have after we confirm time.
        2. Logo: do we want to use the people drop again or the old CBD drop?
          1. Rhonda’s choice.
        3. T-shirts: what are the options?
          1. Tara will find out what the holiday options look like and see what other options are available.
          2. Differing preferences for long vs. short sleeves.
        4. Need a feature story
          1. Jerel – has been donating blood for a long time. Was an employee and open to being a feature. Has donated 61 pints and 15-20 at UNC.
        5. Volunteer Updates
          1. No updates today. Coordination with Red Cross volunteers worked well in the summer – let’s keep that model.
        6. Canteen Updates
          1. No updates today – keep Michele in the loop on the budget. We spent the full $3K last year, so she knows what she has.
        7. Website:
          1. need to update to reflect the December date/time
          2. Also need new volunteer sign up link
          3. Jen will send Lynn the updated committee roster and photos for the awards page.


Open Forum


Jerel – relationship with manager at WCHL and Town Economic Development Director. Happy to reach out. Jerel will reach out to Rhonda.


Courtney – two new leaders for our drives moving forward (Christy and Samantha have left). New supervisor: Jackie Harris and Linda Benning.


Planning Meetings for the rest of the term:



October 12, 10:30-12pm



November 9, 10:30-12pm

November 23, 10:30-12pm



December 6, 10:30-12pm


Jen will send calendar invites for all meetings and drive.