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April 17, 2018 Executive Committee minutes

Attending: Bryan Andregg, Tiffany Carver, Naquan Hill, Shayna Hill, James Holman, Todd Hux, Arlene Medder, Alan Moran, Katie Musgrove, Natiaya Neal, Jim Potts, Kathy Ramsey, Charles Streeter, Katie Turner

Excused Absences: Clare Counihan, Lori Haight, Greg Smith

Chair Shayna Hill called the meeting to order at 11:33 a.m. She asked Naquan Hill and Matt Banks to present the Forum’s monthly budget report. Banks presented the report. He needed to follow up with Cheryl Gerringer and Workplace Strategy, Equity and Engagement’s Accounting unit to insure the $1000 stipend to the Community Garden is paid this year.

The Chair asked delegates’ opinions regarding moving the June 6 meeting of the Forum to June 13th to allow time for Facilities Services delegates to attend the Summer Splash event scheduled for the former date. Members agreed this was a good idea, especially since the Carolina Blood Drive event will take place June 5th. The Chair asked Banks to contact the Stone Center to ascertain that the meeting could be moved. She also asked that he communicate the meeting change several times to the membership. Katie Turner suggested including this fact in the upcoming InTouch newsletter.

The Chair noted that the Forum had not nominated a Staff Assembly alternate as usual at its September meeting. She asked the time frame for Staff Assembly elections. Charles Streeter said that the terms run from October to September each year. He said that the Forum follows the Staff Assembly’s Bylaws. Kathy Ramsey asked if the Forum needs to change its Bylaws. She said that delegates need to know the span of Staff Assembly service. The committee agreed to table the issue for now.

Regarding the Chancellor’s Cup golf tournament, the Chair said that the Forum needs to obtain sponsorship for two golf teams for the event. Jonathan Pruitt, the new Vice Chancellor for Finance and Operations, has agreed to join one of the University teams. The Chair and Kathy Ramsey agreed to reach out to the Chancellor’s office to request sponsorship of a second team.

The Chair said that she would drive a friend’s pickup truck to carry equipment for the event. She asked that Banks reserve a motor pool truck for Monday, May 14th. Kathy Ramsey said that tables and chairs needed for the event should be transported to Sanford that Tuesday. She asked that the Forum put together a gift basket for the event by contacting local businesses. Tiffany Carver agreed to do this task. It was noted that volunteers for the event should wear Carolina blue collared shirts along with khaki or black pants. Todd Hux asked if delegates must let their supervisors know about this service. It was stated that volunteer service counts as work time/administrative leave. It was added that employees should not use Community Service Leave for this activity. Only those taking vacation leave to participate in Chancellor’s Cup festivities may consumer alcohol at the event.

Tiffany Carver and Matt Banks outlined the progress of the Forum elections. Banks noted that every division except for Division 7, Technical, has candidates lined up to run.
The Chair noted suggested language to consult with Office of Human Resources officials regarding revisions to Resolution 18-02, which would appear on second reading at the Forum’s May meeting. Bryan Andregg was amenable to reaching out to these officials regarding these suggestions.

Arlene Medder noted that the Carolina Campus Community Garden will host a tomato planting session on Tuesday, May 15th from 10-11:15 a.m. This event is sponsored by TIAA-Cref and all employees are invited to participate with the consent of their supervisors.
In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary

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