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August 16, 2016 Executive Committee meeting

Attending (those who signed in):  Bryan Andregg, Gena Carter, Phillip Edwards, Loir Haight, Kathy James, Katie Musgrove, Deborah Norton, Kelli Raker, Greg Smith, Charles Streeter, Ben Triplett

Excused:  Jackie Copeland, Chrissie Greenberg, Shayna Hill, Natiaya Neal, Kathy Ramsey, Kewana Smith

Chair Charles Streeter welcomed the committee to the Forum Office at 134 East Franklin Street.  He noted the equipment available in the office for Forum committees desiring to meet there.  Members then introduced themselves.

The Chair noted that the topic of the Thinkposium had changed to “The Lived Experience of Diversity” from Microaggressions.  He said that over 400 people attended the Thinkposium this year.  Gena Carter noted that the Thinkposium sought to explore the institutional framework of diversity at UNC-Chapel Hill.

The Chair noted that only a fraction of current Executive Committee members were present for the May meeting of that group, due to the turnover of membership.

The Chair asked Matt Banks to speak on the Forum budget.  Banks did an overview of the Forum’s budgetary structure.  The Chair asked committee chairs to arrive at proposed budgets for their groups.  He set a basic estimate of $1000/committee.  He noted that the Staff Development fund budget needs to be reapplied for each year.  He noted that the professional development grant program is funded through the Staff Development fund.  He said that program needed overhaul.  He also noted the number of applications from UNC-Chapel Hill for the Janet B. Royster professional development scholarship offered by the UNC System Staff Assembly.  He hoped that employees would apply for both grants.

Bryan Andregg proposed that the Forum invite Mark Coppola of the Office of Professional Development to speak at some point.  Lori Haight asked about the proportion of funds allocated for the various Forum committees.  Andregg said that the Forum would need to increase its budget income from other sources in the future.  The Chair agreed, saying that the Forum needs to develop an endowment in different areas to support its activities.  He mentioned the Chancellors’ Cup golf tournament as a possible source of unrestricted funds for the Forum’s work.  Kelli Raker suggested creating a specific line item in the Forum budget for the annual scavenger hunt.  She also noted the upcoming Twitter basics class to be taught in October by Professor Andy Bechtel.

The Chair asked the group for ideas on speakers.  He hoped that Chancellor Carol Folt would be able to meet with the Forum in December.  He thought that President Margaret Spellings would probably not be able to address the campus this year.  He would work to find out the President’s upcoming schedule related to her installation in October.

The Chair said that the Forum could ask for a revamped Public Safety training on “Shots Fired,” regarding what employees should do in the event of an active shooter on campus.  Kathy James suggested that the Forum investigate driver and pedestrian training discussion.

Regarding possible activities, the Chair noted the possibility of investing in a challenge course for delegates.  He said that this course would likely cost money, however.  He noted the Angel Tree gift and school supply drop off program.  Ben Triplett suggested a course on the proper use of social media, particularly what employees should not do during worktime.  He said that official guidelines would be very helpful in setting policy in Facilities Services.  Gena Carter noted that Information Technology Services (ITS) is in the process of studying the University’s social media policies.  Bryan Andregg said that the final word on these policies should not come from ITS.  Carter said that the University is in the process of figuring how to incorporate how and when to establish an acceptable use policy.  Andregg hoped that Communications would follow best practices in establishing a policy on social media use.  Ben Triplett hoped that the University would establish a policy in advance of any possible controversy.

The Chair recommended that Andregg, Triplett and the Communications and Public Relations committee write a resolution requesting formal guidelines.  Ben Triplett recalled difficulties in the Housekeeping department related to the publication of head shot photographs which were subsequently misused.

Regarding issues, the topic of 360 evaluations of departmental supervisors and work/life balance plans will both likely await the appointment of a new Senior Director of Benefits.  He suggested this area as a topic for the Forum’s Vice Chancellor representatives’ meeting.  Kathy James asked why the University does not provide bereavement leave.  Gena Carter noted that the University once did but found that the policy was abused.  James recalled that it had existed previously.  She said that the leave had been rolled into sick leave.

The Chair said that the committee should review the list of issues, speakers, and goals from the July retreat for reference at September 20th meeting.   He noted the perennial concern about child care expenses.  Philip Edwards suggested that perhaps SEANC would have more leverage in this area than the Forum.  The Chair reiterated that the Forum deals primarily with UNC-Chapel Hill concerns, with the UNC System Staff Assembly addressing UNC System-wide issues and SEANC addressing State-wide employee concerns.  Bryan Andregg suggested that the Forum consult with other campuses to determine its final list of issues for the year.

Katie Musgrove noted difficulties with employee parking on campus.  She said that employees expect a closer, more permanent space when they pay for parking.  The Chair said that spaces are guaranteed paying employees but are not guaranteed to be close to their workplace.  The Chair noted that the cost of each campus parking space is estimated at $22,000/year.  He said that the Forum will address this question at a future meeting with Parking and Transportation officials regarding the next five year plan for campus transit.  Musgrove said that an employee who pays should have access to their spaces all year.  Other members recalled notices issued before athletics contests that specify that employees must vacate their spaces by a certain time on those days.  The Chair noted that the Athletics department officially owns these lots and so can specify their use.  Gena Carter said that this arrangement still puts employees at a disadvantage on weekday nights.  Kelli Raker noted that the difficulties associated with parking make it more problematic to make new hires.  The Chair said that the trend is now for campuses to lose spaces in order to create “walking campuses.”  He said that there are no easy answers to this question.

Katie Musgrove of the Community Service committee said that group had met with representatives from the General Alumni Association and the Carolina Center for Public Service to work on plans for an upcoming food drive in October.  She said that this drive will align with the University’s “Food for All” theme.  She said that the drive will set up a tent at Tar Heel Town before the game October 8th to accept donations.  The Chair said that the Forum will send targeted emails to employees about the drive.   Musgrove said that the committee will develop plans to distribute food drive bins throughout campus.  The committee will also work with Facilities Services to obtain trucks and dollies to collect contributions at the end of the drive.  Musgrove will meet with Food Bank representatives the following week to discuss possible pick up options for the drive.

The Chair reported that Forum delegates will receive an opportunity to receive free tickets to the James Madison football game September 17th.  Employees will have a general opportunity to purchase tickets for the James Madison game for $10 each and for the October 8th Virginia Tech game for $25 each.  The committee discussed possible contact people for various buildings across campus.  Kathy James raised the question of how to prevent pilfering from these boxes.  Musgrove hoped that the collection boxes would be placed in visible locations.

Ben Triplett asked about options for family tickets for these games.  He hoped that he would be able to sit with his family at the James Madison game.

Musgrove said that the committee had discussed raffling prizes for donors or departments.  She noted the idea to weigh the total amount of donations as a question for the prize for the drive.  She said that the committee has also discussed holding a third event in the spring connected with Habitat for Humanity.  She said that the committee hoped to hold a community service day on the date of the University closed day in late December.  She noted the uncertain nature of this proposal.  Gena Carter said that banking hours during this mandatory leave day may be governed by State rules which are not easily changed.  The Chair said that this idea is a very good one for the Forum to do some good for the community.

The Chair planned to attend the next meeting of the Carolina Campus Community Garden advisory board.

Kelli Raker asked for feedback as to whether the Forum will meet January 4th or January 11th, 2017.  The Chair said that the Forum does not need to keep meetings at the same time.

Raker said that the Communications & Public Relations committee had published the August edition of InTouch and had established a shared inbox,  She asked committee chairs to double-check their pages for errors.  Raker asked about the proposed Clark Award for Moral Courage.  The Chair said that the administration has not yet responded to the Forum’s resolution on this question.

Raker said that some delegates still need to contribute biographies for the divisional introductory emails.  She said that Lori Haight will lead the annual scavenger hunt effort.  Haight said that the hunt will need help in all areas including distribution of vouchers and prizes.  She noted that the Morehead City campus loves the scavenger hunt and asks to be included in University plans.

There was no update from the Education & Career Development committee.

Kathy James of the Membership & Assignments committee reported that an employee has approached the committee about becoming a newly appointed delegate.  She said that the Forum would need to order catering for its September 14th social.  She asked for help in establishing an online sign-up form for the October 21st Employee Appreciation Day.  Katie Musgrove said that her committee would also need help during that event.  James said that the committee will need to find door prizes for the December social.  The Chair proposed that the committee work to create a database of vendors which can be updated from year to year.

Bryan Andregg reported that the Personnel Issues committee will discuss the possibility of an internal survey to discover the top priority issues for discussion this year.  Phil Edwards noted the question of who owns the data associated with the campus climate survey.

Ben Triplett asked for Forum representation at the International Housekeepers Association banquet on September 23rd.  He hoped that delegates would take a moment to recognize contributions in their areas.

There was no report from the Recognition & Awards committee.

The Chair noted that the Forum needs to elect a two- and three-year delegate to the UNC System Staff Assembly, as well as an alternate.

The Executive Committee will discuss speakers and agenda items in September.

The Chair asked for meeting topics for the August 30th Vice Chancellor representatives’ meeting.  Ben Triplett noted discussions of the building heat issue for housekeepers working second and third shifts.  He noted difficulties with lack of air conditioning in five or six campus buildings during these night shifts making it very difficult to work.

Triplett asked about developments related to BEST supervisory training.  Gena Carter said the expansion of training to upper level supervisors had been delayed due to a key official’s retirement from the University.

Katie Musgrove reported a concern from Ricky Roach about the need for employees working four ten-hour shifts to take two hours vacation when the University has a holiday.  Gena Carter said that the policy is unfortunately written.  He suggested the Forum take the question to Chris Chiron of General Administration.  She hoped to have this question pushed up the list of concerns for discussion.

Musgrove asked about upcoming guidelines for distribution of the 1.5% and merit-based raises approved by the Legislature.  Gena Carter said that the University awaits guidance from the Legislature on the specific implementation of these increases.

Kathy James noted that some employees have been notified that they have been overpaid in a recent e-mail.  The University will need to deduct a small amount of pay, ranging from $1.39 to $22.39, to put these accounts correct.  The Chair noted how strongly employees feel about changes to their pay.

In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 1:31 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Matt Banks, Recording Secretary

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