November 20, 2018
- Evelyn Contre
- Chief Communication Officer for NC Medical Board
- Public Presentation Program started last year – effort to reach out
- Alum of NC State undergrad, Kenan Flagler, learned how to hate Duke
- To educate people about the role of the medical board, what they do, and how to better serve the public
- Started in 1859, few years ago they started reached out to the people they are required to protect
- Want to be part of the solution instead of just the regulator
- Boring notes:
- 13 board members (10 are clinicians – doctors, PA, MP… 3 public)
- 55 staff members
- They do licensing, regulation (through complaints), policy development
- Why should we care about what they do?
- Directory of information on your doctor or PA located on their website (
- You can file a complaint on their website
- You can find a doctor by location on their website
- Proactive about opioid crisis
- Continuing medical education training (geared towards rural areas without a major hospital)
- With the hope of having an improvement in prescribing
- Proactive addiction medicine
- Make it more common across doctors
- Remove stigma
- Social media campaign
- First one last year
- “Knowing the risks of opioids”
- Coming up – save storage and safe disposal of medication
- Always looking for ideas on how to better reach and serve the public.
- Example: Dr. Larry Nasser (gymnastics). If someone had reported his actions to the medical board, there is a chance it could have been stopped sooner.
- Are there any groups that we know about that they need to talk to?
- Opioid addicted pregnant women and months
- Full forum meeting
- ACTION ITEM:::: Matt will reach out to her about options for her to speak at a full board meeting.
- Polo shirts:
- Reached out about women’s vs men’s sizes
- We can order from whoever we want to and then send to the embroider
- Does anyone have any favorite polo companies?
- Karlina will as her PR person for a recommendation
- Will bring in sample sizes for people to try before placing the order
- 18-04 – Silent Sam
- Passed at full board meeting
- Has been delivered to the chancellor and posted to our website
- Shayna was getting blowback (subtle and note so subtle) before we passed the resolution.
- Probably not widely known that we passed the resolution.
- Rumor is the statue will go back up over winter break. If that happens, should/could we put out another resolution?
- Have a message in response to the recommendation made by the Chancellor. A message either way ready to go. Who is willing to be on the committee?
- Kathy, Shayna, Karlina, Jeff
- Salary Compression
- James has told Greg Myer that the forum will be delivering a memo to the chancellor about salary compression
- Shayna understand the situation and knows that HR is aware of it, so she has asked James to give us time. Collectively tabling this.
- Side note – there are new bands (woo hoo), but individuals are not being moved across bands as a collective group (((I don’t know what this means, ask Karlina)))
- References to the Pharmacy School’s way of hiring
- Adverse weather is 18-05
- Meeting right after this.
- Draft was passed around.
- Met with several people (Linc, staff, etc.)
- ECDC Professional Development Grants (Laura)
- Jeff suggested the Executive Committee vote on the change and then bring it up as an FYI in the December 5th meeting
- December Social
- There will be food!
- Betty Morgan and Laura Pratt will speak. No word on the Chancellor’s presence
- Move meetings?
- Gillings is beautiful, but
- Toy is free
- Holds 85 people
- No tables, chairs only
- ACTION ITEM – Everyone should take a look at the space over the next month and see what they think
- Issues to Legislative Leaders
- No one knows what this means. Tabled until the next meeting.
- Garden (Arelene)
- Annual fundraising is about to begin
- Blood Drive (__)
- December 11
- 10 appointments away from meeting our goal
- New website URL –
- Volunteers needed (sign up on the website)
- Counts as work time
- Communications(Greg)
- Met last week
- Kathy suggested to Lori that a panel be “Do you know where to go…” This can be done in January
- Ombuds
- UNC Police
- ACTION ITEM – Matt, please reach out to partners to see if they would participate
- Looking at how we represent our staff when it comes time to voting
- Need to reach out to HR
- Would need to update the bylaws
- Matt – ask Rob Stevenson to speak at the December meeting about how to use our benefits to save money in the holiday season
- Have a message in response to the recommendation made by the Chancellor. A message either way ready to go. Who is willing to be on the committee?
- Remove the phrase “ESL”. The correct phrase is “English as an additional language”.