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Concerning the State of North Carolina Budget



December 3, 2003

Whereas, state employees working within the University of North Carolina System including teaching positions, administrative support, clerical support, technical support, and field support would like to bring to light issues and concerns of all state employees; and

Whereas, the state of North Carolina has faced significant budget shortfalls over the past several fiscal years and revenues are behind projections for fiscal year 2003-2004; and

Whereas, the North Carolina General Assembly will be working to address this shortfall during the upcoming term; and

Whereas, the North Carolina General Assembly in previous years, has elected not to give pay raises to state employees to address this shortfall, and will again face difficult decisions in trying to balance the budget this year; and

Whereas, job stability and healthcare benefits, that have been a mainstay in drawing employees to the service of the state, are no longer stable enough to help maintain and recruit new employees to the public sector; and

Whereas, the increase in cost-of-living expenses and family health care premiums have decreased the take home pay of state employees; and

Whereas, state employees are leaving public service in record numbers after two years without a permanent pay raise and heavier duties as thousands of jobs go unfilled during the ongoing budget crisis; and

Whereas, these vacancies and lower morale have adversely affected the classroom environment at institutions of higher education throughout the UNC System; therefore be it

Resolved, the UNC-Chapel Hill Employee Forum asks the General Assembly to consider other means of addressing the budget shortfall than by allowing another year to pass without at minimum a cost-of-living increase for state employees; and be it

Resolved, the UNC-Chapel Hill Employee Forum asks the General Assembly to consider other options for generating the revenue needed for a balanced budget and to utilize efforts to shore up the States current obligations before implementing new ones; and be it

Resolved, the UNC-Chapel Hill Employee Forum asks the General Assembly to fully fund the Comprehensive Compensation System (Senate Bill 688 / House Bill 925 of 1994) such that merit pay is available to outstanding employees meeting or exceeding job expectations, and cost of living, at least equal to the consumer price index, be paid to all state employees.

Signed on behalf of the Delegates of the Employee Forum,


Tommy Griffin, Chair

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