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Honoring John Heuer, Construction Renovation Design Technician and 2000 Employee Forum Chair, Upon His Retirement



February 7, 2007


WHEREAS, the Mission of the Employee Forum is to address constructively the concerns of the Employees of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; and


WHEREAS, these concerns include the recognition of individuals who have distinguished themselves in service to the University community, so as to encourage similar achievement among the remainder of the community’s members; and


WHEREAS, an individual among us has distinguished himself by extraordinary resolution and high devotion to the University and its workers; and


WHEREAS, this individual has fought for progressive ideals through his work, life, and community service, in word, deed, and even song; and


WHEREAS, during this stewardship, this individual has persistently advanced the standing and interest of staff Employees at this University, through example and practice; and


WHEREAS, this individual served with high distinction as Chair of this Forum, and has extended himself to provide, without fail, invaluable perspective, background, and advice to the Forum’s members and leadership, as well as to the Faculty, Students, Staff, and Administration of this University


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Employee Forum extends its heartfelt gratitude and best wishes to John Heuer as he enters his retirement;


AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Employee Forum hereby confers lifelong honorary Delegate status upon John Heuer, along with an open invitation to attend and participate in future deliberations of this body.


Signed on behalf of the Employee Forum,


Ernie Patterson, Chair

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