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Resolution 15-03

Conferring Lifetime Honorary Delegate Status upon Forum Vice Chair Brenda Denzler



July 8, 2015

WHEREAS, the mission of the Employee Forum is to address constructively the concerns of the Employees of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; and

WHEREAS, these concerns include the recognition of individuals who have distinguished themselves in service to the University community, so as to encourage similar achievement among the remainder of the community’s members; and

WHEREAS, an individual among us has distinguished herself through her intelligence, persistence, and devotion to duty as Secretary, Communications Committee Chair, and Vice Chair of the Employee Forum during her terms as delegate from January 2005 through June 2009; and

WHEREAS, this individual advanced the work of the Forum during her time as Vice Chair, by:

  • Drafting and editing Forum resolutions, letters and other communications in order to enhance their accuracy and clarity;
  • Increasing the amount, quality and range of content in the Forum’s InTouch newsletter;
  • Using the newsletter to inform staff about events and service opportunities; in addition to raising awareness about issues such as personnel flexibility, collective bargaining, merit pay, the cost of commuting and housing, the increasing proportion of EPA positions relative to SPA, career-banding, the Bain Report and the Carolina Counts follow-up, Bowles’ personnel flexibility initiative, outsourcing the dental techs, the adoption of team cleaning in housekeeping, the transition to TIM, and domestic violence;
  • Demonstrating courage, tenacity and leadership in the summer of 2007 and into 2008 by defending the Forum’s editorial content and control of its own publications;
  • Advising and mentoring employees who often sought advice about issues they encountered in their workplaces;
  • Organizing a well-attended community meeting in the spring of 2009 in which the Chancellor and other high-ranking administrators made presentations and answered audience questions about the severe budget situation throughout the State of North Carolina and the prospect of operational cuts and impending layoffs at the University;

WHEREAS, Ms. Denzler has repeatedly stood for the best interests of UNC Chapel Hill employees She has demonstrated courage and a deep commitment to her fellow employees; and

WHEREAS, though all delegates may contribute and share their time, Ms. Denzler went far beyond what is expected and used her energy and expertise to strengthen the Forum’s voice on behalf of staff.  Her integrity, compassion and manner of speaking up for the rights of workers was (and is) practically unparalleled. Few delegates have been so inspirational; her message was often on the minds of the many, but few had her courage to speak as honestly and openly; and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Employee Forum extends its heartfelt gratitude and best wishes to Brenda Denzler as she enters her retirement; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Employee Forum hereby confers lifelong Honorary Delegate status upon Brenda Denzler, along with an open invitation to attend and participate in future deliberations of this body as a non-voting member.

Signed on behalf of the Employee Forum,

Charles Streeter,


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