Resolution 17-01, Honoring Charles Streeter
April 5, 2017
WHEREAS, the mission of the Employee Forum, as charged by the Chancellor, is to constructively
address and elevate the concerns of employees of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
across campus and, via the Staff Assembly, across the UNC System; and
WHEREAS, these concerns include the recognition of individuals who have distinguished themselves in
service to the University community, so as to encourage similar achievement among his or her
colleagues; and
WHEREAS, an individual among us has distinguished himself through his open and inclusive approach
to working with staff and administrators at every level of the University–as well as across the
University System–as an elected Delegate, Staff Assembly Delegate, and Chair of the Employee
Forum; and
WHEREAS, this individual has consistently advanced the work of the Forum through efforts which
● Chairing the Forum’s Education and Career Development Committee and creating the Professional
Development Grants program;
● Modernizing the Forum’s technological infrastructure with regard to election processes for
Delegates and the digital version of the Forum’s monthly newsletter, InTouch;
● Incorporating Carolina Blood Drive planning activities and Carolina Community Garden staff
workdays into the Forum’s portfolio of service opportunities;
● Representing employees in high-level discussions with University officials–most notably the
campus data breach incident in 2014 and UNC Student Stores privatization discussions in 2016–and
serving on the Advisory Committee on Transportation, the Carolina Center for Public Service
Advisory Board, and the University Committee on Inclusive Excellence and Diversity;
● Steadfastly advocating for the enrichment of the Carolina Family Scholarship program, the Janet
B. Royster Memorial Staff Scholarship, the monthly staff book club, the annual higher education
administration mini-conference, and periodic social media training opportunities for staff; and
● Leading monthly Forum and Executive Committee meetings as well as serving as
the representative of UNC staff to the Board of Trustees and on University Day; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Streeter has repeatedly stood for the best interests of UNC Chapel Hill employees,
insisting upon professional ethics and personal integrity among Delegates in service of the Forum’s
constituents. Though all Delegates are obligated to contribute their time and skills to the Forum’s
initiatives, Mr. Streeter has invested far more than would be expected from a successful Chair and
has positioned the Forum to effectively represent and advocate for the needs of University staff, a
level of dedication which has previously been recognized with one of the inaugural Kay Wijnberg
Hovious Outstanding Forum Delegate Awards in 2013.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Employee Forum hereby confers Lifetime Honorary Delegate status
upon Charles Streeter, along with an open invitation, whenever not actively serving in the capacity
of an elected Delegate, to attend and participate in future deliberations of this body as a
non-voting member.
Signed on behalf of the Employee Forum,
Kathy Ramsey,