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Honoring State Representative Verla Insko and State Senator Eleanor Kinnaird, Former UNC-Chapel Hill Staff Employees Newly Elected to the General Assembly



December 4, 1996


WHEREAS, the Mission of the Employee Forum is to address constructively the concerns of the Employees of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; and


WHEREAS, these concerns include the recognition of individuals who have distinguished themselves in service to the University community, so as to encourage similar achievement among the remainder of the community’s members; and


WHEREAS, two former University staff Employees have distinguished themselves not only in service to the University community, but to the communities of Chapel Hill, Orange County and beyond; and


WHEREAS, the citizens of these communities have chosen to recognize the service of these two staff Employees by electing them to serve as representatives to the North Carolina General Assembly in the State’s election of November 6, 1996; and


WHEREAS, qualities in these two staff Employees admired by the electorate has been fostered in part by the fertile work environment of the University; and


WHEREAS, the Forum is naturally inclined to “claim kin” with such Employees who have identified new avenues to serve the citizens of our State and the important interests of our University; and


WHEREAS, as former Employees, these two representatives should be able to understand most acutely the concerns of University workers;


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Employee Forum of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill extends its heartfelt congratulations to Verla Insko and Eleanor Kinnaird for their recent election to the North Carolina General Assembly, along with any other former System staff Employees achieving similar positions of public trust; and


AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Forum hereby extends an invitation to these and other such representatives to address its assembly at a time convenient to them, with the hope that they could relate the impact of their University service to their current duties with the State Legislature.

Signed on behalf of the Delegates of the Employee Forum


Ann Hamner, Chair


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