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The Employee Forum of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill was established in March 1992. The Forum’s office is located at 134 East Franklin St, Room 207. Our website is: The staff liaison is Matt Banks (962-3779,


The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Employee Forum is a group of staff and EPA non-faculty Employees elected by their peers. The Forum’s mission is to address constructively the concerns of UNC-Chapel Hill Employees by:

• Seeking out the issues, interests, ideas and participation of Employees
• Developing proactive, progressive recommendations and advocating these to the Administration and the represented Employees
• Providing an effective two-way communication link between the Administration and the Employees
• Fostering an open and positive environment throughout the University community
• Supporting achievement of the University’s mission of teaching, research and public service


The Employee Forum seeks to continually improve the quality of life at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for its Students, Faculty and Employees through mutual understanding, recognition of Employee contributions and respect for the worth of the individual.

Core Values

Employees: The Employees of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are the institution’s most valuable assets, and they are empowered to develop creative solutions to University problems. We respect the contributions of each staff member and prosper when we promote the development of people. We are proud of who we are, of our individual and collective contributions, and of the University we represent.

Partnerships: The Forum encourages active, respectful interaction between all of its members and supports fruitful collaborations with the wider University community and others outside the University to improve quality of life and work relationships for our staff employees and the communities of which we are a part.

Professionalism: We will be courteous, knowledgeable, honest, fair and understanding to everyone we encounter. We maintain our image through appearance and demeanor, in a manner that reflects positively on the Employee Forum and the University.

Communication: We encourage and participate in the flow of information within the Employee Forum and the University community. We expect all of our employees to share information and ideas that promote open communication, enhancing learning, discovery and performance.

Advocacy: We aggressively identify problems by being active members of the University community. We utilize sound problem-solving and listening techniques to solve problems, while keeping the University’s best interest in mind. When presented with complex problems, we seek innovative solutions. We are committed to helping the University of North Carolina be the best public university in the country and will do our part to address situations that are contrary to this ideal.

Integrity: It is incumbent upon all Employees to conduct themselves responsibly, honoring the highest moral and ethical standards. We are uncompromising in our commitment to truth, honesty and respect in all relationships. We hold ourselves accountable for our actions and take pride in rendering a professional level of service to the University community.

Delegates’ Charge

I share the Employee Forum’s vision to seek to continually improve the quality of life at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for its Students, Faculty and Employees through mutual understanding, recognition of Employee contributions and respect for the worth of the individual.

I promise to seek out the issues, interests, ideas and participation of Employees and to bring items needing further consideration to the Forum’s attention.

I also will endeavor to develop a greater understanding of the University’s operations and its personnel policies.

I will work to develop proactive, progressive recommendations and advocate these to the Administration and to Employees, and to provide an effective two-way communication link between the Administration and its Employees.

I will help foster an open, positive environment throughout the University and will support achievement of the University’s mission of teaching, research and public service.


The Employee Forum is composed of approximately 60 elected delegates. Each delegate serves a two year term. Each delegate may run for, and serve, three consecutive two-year terms as a delegate. Upon completing three terms, the delegate may not serve for one year.

The Employee Forum is made up of nine divisions:

• Division 1 – EHRA Non-Faculty
• Division 2 – Service/Maintenance
• Division 3 – Skilled Craft
• Division 4 – Administrative Support (Academic Affairs)
• Division 5 – Administrative Support (Health Affairs)
• Division 6 – Administrative Support (Other Units)
• Division 7 – Technical
• Division 8 – Professional
• Division 9 – Executive/Administration/Managerial

Delegates engaged in regularly scheduled Employee Forum activities that take place during their regular work schedule will report such activity as work time. Supervisors and managers shall support participation, including permitting necessary release time for activities.

Delegates shall attend all monthly Employee Forum meetings, community meetings, committee meetings and the Annual Retreat. It is the responsibility of each delegate to be aware of the needs and concerns of those whom he or she represents. Each delegate must present to the Employee Forum those items that are pertinent to his or her electoral division or to the University as a whole. Delegates should endeavor to develop a thorough understanding of the laws and procedures that are established by the State and by the University to ensure the equitable performance of its functions with regard to its Employees, such as employment opportunities, affirmative action, quality supervision, fringe benefits, grievances and appeal procedures, and hiring practices.


Chair – The Chair is responsible for conducting Employee Forum meetings and Executive and Committee Chair meetings. The Chair may appoint committee chairs if necessary and serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of each committee. The Chair shall serve as liaison between the Employee Forum, the Faculty Council and the Student Body. Duties of the Chair shall include meeting periodically with the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and other appropriate University officials. The Chair shall also serve on a variety of standing University Committees and as a representative to the Audit and Finance Committee of the University Board of Trustees and to the Board of Trustees. The Chair may appoint delegates to replace those who have not participated actively in their committee assignments. The Chair is also responsible for writing the year-end annual report and highlights page. The Chair’s department receives a stipend to offset the costs of the Chair’s time spent on Forum business.

Vice Chair – The Vice Chair shall chair the Employee Forum in the Chair’s absence. He or she shall serve as chair of the Community Meeting Planning Committee, which is responsible for planning and conducting Community meetings.

Secretary – The Secretary of the Employee Forum is responsible for providing the minutes for all Employee Forum monthly meetings. The Secretary shall maintain a roster of delegates. The Secretary shall serve as chair of the Membership & Assignments Committee and shall issue all warnings and terminations resulting from non-compliance with attendance policies.

Treasurer – The Treasurer of the Employee Forum is responsible for its financial policies and procedures and controls the Employee Forum’s funds. The Treasurer shall make monthly financial reports to the Executive Committee and quarterly financial reports to the Employee Forum. The Treasurer shall approve all non-personnel-related expenditures of funds from Employee Forum accounts.

Parliamentarian – The Parliamentarian of the Employee Forum advises the presiding officer and other officers, committees and members on matters of parliamentary procedure. The Parliamentarian is elected for one three-year term by the full Forum. The Parliamentarian shall have no voting rights.

Election of Officers

A call for nominations will be made at the April Employee Forum meeting. Delegates are encouraged to nominate others or themselves. The Membership & Assignments Committee shall present a slate of nominees for each office at the May meeting. Candidates and nominators will each have five minutes to speak. Further nominations may be made from the floor during the June meeting.

Elections are held during the June meeting. A candidate must win a majority vote to gain election.

Monthly Meeting

Monthly Employee Forum meetings are held on the first working Wednesday of each month. They are conducted in the Hitchcock Multipurpose Room of the Sonja H. Stone Center at 9:15 am. Delegates take their place at the table with a nametag that is provided.

During the meeting, delegates must be recognized by the Chair to speak. Delegates should identify themselves by name and division before speaking.

The Agenda for each monthly meeting usually follows this format:
I. Call to Order
II. Welcome Guests & Members of the Press
III. Special Presentations
IV. Human Resources Update
V. Approval of Previous Month’s Minutes
VI. Old Business
VII. New Business
VIII. Committee Reports
IX. Announcements/Questions
X. Adjournment

Community Meetings

There will be at least one public forum annually to allow for feedback and input from Employees at large.

Annual Retreat

An Employee Forum Retreat shall be held annually on the first Wednesday in June. Committee officers are required to present annual reports. Delegates will have the opportunity to join new committees and plan for the yearly agenda.

Annual Orientation

An Employee Forum orientation will be held for new members before the Annual Retreat.


Each delegate must serve on at least one committee. Delegates engaged in regularly scheduled Employee Forum activities that take place during their regular work schedule will report such activity as work time. Supervisors and managers shall support participation, including permitting necessary release time for activities. The committees are where the “real work” of the Employee Forum is conducted. Each committee must submit monthly minutes to the Forum Office. The committees that are available are:

The Executive Committee is comprised of one representative from each electoral division of the Forum. It makes representative decisions for the Forum in emergency situations, develops monthly agendas for the entire Forum, annually reviews the Forum Guidelines and recommends motions to the Forum. This committee will handle planning for the community meetings and selection of recipients of the Forum Community Award (Three-Legged Stool). The Executive Committee is elected at the June retreat. Chairs of committees are also part of the Executive Committee

Communications and Public Relations Committee: This committee continues publication of InTouch, the Forum’s monthly newsletter, and maintenance of the Forum’s website. The committee also works to increase coverage of Forum issues in local and state-wide media.

Community Service Committee:  This committee develops and manages the community service initiatives of the Employee Forum, including the Carolina Blood Drive. This committee, in coordination with members of Carolina Center for Public Service, the General Alumni Association and other campus organizations, will host various community service events throughout the year, as well as publicize various other opportunities to get involved. This committee will ensure that we as staff of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill seek to foster an active and engaged commitment to our University and the wider community.

Education and Career Development Committee: This committee develops policy for the Educational Assistance Program and makes recommendations to the Forum about use of the Staff Training and Development Fund. The committee also develops recommendations about programs for Employee training and development and serves as an advisory committee to the Human Resources training and development department.

Membership & Assignments Committee: This committee replaces the Nominating, Orientation and University Assignments committees. This committee handles solicitation of Employees to run for office as Forum delegates, Forum elections and orientation of newly elected delegates. The committee also solicits Employees to serve on various University committees. The committee creates one large database to serve these different functions, in cooperation with the Forum Assistant.

Personnel Issues Committee:  The Personnel Issues committee is comprised of the former Compensation and Benefits, Legislative Action, and Staff Relations Committees.

Recognition and Awards Committee: This committee annually reviews existing recognition and awards programs and recommends modifications and new programs to the Forum as appropriate. This committee coordinates activities for the annual Forum peer recognition awards and University Day staff processional in coordination with the Forum Assistant. This committee works closely with the Human Resources recognition department.

Carolina Campus Community Garden Committee: This committee is a liaison between the Employee Forum and the CCCG. It regularly reports to the full body on issues and happenings with the garden.

Previous Forum Chairs Committee: This committee is composed of previous Forum chairs and is convened at the pleasure of the current chair.

Forum Bylaws

The Employee Forum Bylaws were revised April 2016. They can be found in their entirety on the Forum website, at

Vice Chancellors/Provost Meeting

Employee Forum members also have the opportunity to meet with the Vice Chancellors and Provost once a month to discuss business relevant to University Employees.

Staff Assembly

The Employee Forum shall elect three representatives to the Staff Assembly in September. Upon election, Staff Assembly delegates shall be voting members of the Employee Forum Executive Committee. The Staff Assembly Delegates will represent the majority will of the Employee Forum and will report to the Employee Forum in the same manner as Employee Forum Committees.


There are two listservs to which all elected Employee Forum delegates are subscribed from the time of their election to the Forum: is an unmoderated list open only to current and former Forum delegates and alternates. Current Forum delegates do not require administrator approval before posting on this list. New delegates’ names are subscribed according to the e-mail address supplied during their candidate phone interview. is a listserv for current Forum delegates only.

Listserv etiquette

The listservs are for University and Forum business only and should advance the Forum’s mission. Stated simply, listserv etiquette is consideration for the work time and attention of the other Employees subscribed to that list. Every e-mail sent out to a listserv is sent to tens or even hundreds of people. Therefore, posts should be worth interrupting the workday of tens or hundreds of people. These particular rules should be observed:

• No “I agree” posts.
• No message to the listserv that really addresses just one person.
• No “spam” messages, chain letters or commercial offers.

Finally, remember that no e-mail is completely private. Nothing should be posted that cannot be shared with the rest of the world.

Conduct Agreement

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Employee Forum is a group of SPA and EPA Non-faculty Employees elected by their peers. The Forum seeks to continually improve the quality of life for Students, Faculty and Employees at the University through mutual understanding, recognition of Employee contributions and respect for the worth of the individual. Participation in the organization’s programs is subject to the observance of the organization’s rules and procedures. The activities outlined below pertain to all forms of communications and interactions, including both face-to-face interactions and interactions occurring via email, listserv or other electronic/digital media. Any delegate who violates this agreement may be removed from the Forum for cause by the Forum Chair or by a simple majority vote by the Employee Forum.

Respectful and professional conduct: Forum delegates represent their divisions and the University. Therefore, in all endeavors they shall conduct themselves in a manner in which their constituencies deserve to be represented.
• Members will address and converse with everyone using courteous, respectful and non-abusive language at all times.
• Members will follow the University’s ONYEN Policy, found at, while conducting Forum business. A member must follow the stated rules of conduct in all emails.
• Forum representatives are encouraged to freely share Forum and committee documentation through emails or other electronic/digital media to facilitate their work process. Appropriate discretion should be used when opening communication channels with outside entities. Any outside sharing of Forum business communication through such channels must be agreed upon beforehand by all contributors.
• Members will attend all required meetings as outlined in the Forum Bylaws. The Forum secretary will notify a delegate if that person is delinquent. Delegates are required to serve actively on at least one Employee Forum committee. Only Delegates may serve as Chair or Co-Chair of these committees. (Refer to Bylaw VII. Employee Forum Responsibility – Section 2.) Appropriate steps will be taken to remove delinquent members, as outlined in the Forum Bylaws.
All provisions are stated with the purpose not of limiting but rather of fostering a safe environment allowing a fair exchange of thoughts and ideas on a variety of subjects. All voices shall be respectfully heard. All members will be held to the same standard. Failure to adhere to these standards and provisions may result in corrective action, which may include removal.

Consequences: Any Employee Forum member may request a vote for recall or no confidence of a Forum delegate or Staff Assembly delegate who fails to uphold this Agreement. A 2/3 majority vote is required by the Employee Forum. However, the Forum Chair has the executive power to remove a member for cause. The member involved in a disciplinary action will have the option to resign before any action is taken.

Certain egregious conduct does not require any previous warnings, and the Forum member will face an immediate vote of recall identical to the voting procedure outlined above, except the member will not have the option to resign if recalled. The Forum Chair may use their executive power without a vote to remove a member for cause, defined as:
• Actual or threatened violence toward any individual or group while conducting Forum business.
• Conduct endangering the life, safety, health or well-being of others while conducting Forum business.
Forum delegates must affirm the following:

I have read and I understand the Employee Forum’s Conduct Agreement. I agree to abide by the rules described above and understand that I may be removed as a delegate if I violate any of these provisions. By the action of accepting my elected or appointed post, I agree to uphold this Conduct Agreement and the Bylaws set forth by the UNC Employee Forum.