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August 16, 2022 Executive Committee Meeting minutes

Attending: L.E. Alexander, Sharron Bouquin, Randall Borror, David Bragg, Shane Brogan, Jay Eubank, Stephanie Forman, Leah Hefner, Keith Hines, James Holman, Rebecca Howell, Todd Hux, Kira Jones, Angenette McAdoo, Amber Meads, Arlene Medder, Katie Musgrove, Brooke O’Neal, Joe Ormond, Laura Pratt, Sara Pettaway, Charlissa Rice, Lori Shamblin, Janet Steele, Annetta Streater, Tracy Wetherby Williams, Jacob Womack

Chair Katie Musgrove called the meeting to order at 11:32 a.m. She welcomed a motion to approve the July minutes of the committee. Arlene Medder moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Charlissa Rice. The July minutes were approved. The June minutes would be available for consideration at a future meeting.

Tracy Wetherby Williams and Matt Banks were still waiting for an approved budget from OHR Finance. The Chair moved to development of the Forum’s annual report, noting that she was still awaiting revisions from some committee members. She planned to email the report to the Chancellor by the end of September.

The committee discussed the proposed proclamation regarding Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, thanking Kira Jones and Jacob Womack for their contributions to this document. Members suggested grammatical changes to the proclamation and the applicability of different style guides. Members noted the gender-neutral language regarding people who may become pregnant, and the request for feedback at the end of the proclamation. Todd Hux suggested keeping these features of the draft. The committee recommended that the draft go forward to the full Forum for consideration at the September general meeting.

The Chair said that the committee needed to postpone discussion of the 30th anniversary preparations due to absences. She said that most of the necessary planning would occur in ad hoc committee meetings over the next two months.

Similarly, there was little discussion of arrangements connected with the September 27th Chancellors’ Cup golf tournament. The Chair asked if donations of chairs were still applicable. She mentioned other arrangements the Forum would need to make that morning. James Holman said that he would ask the Housekeeping office regarding tables and chairs for the Finley golf course tournament.

The Chair was uncertain as to the status of staff teams this year. She recalled that last year there was room for only three staff teams across the 17 System schools. More details for volunteers would be available as the event date nears. The Chair raised the question of swag to donate to tournament organizers and where it might be obtained.

Arlene Medder asked about the dress code for volunteers. The Chair said that polo collared shirts along with khaki or black pants is typically the standard for golf courses. Members recalled discussion that the Finley golf course personnel will take on delivery of meals that day. The Chair asked Matt Banks to obtain prices on ordering collared, embroidered polo shirts for tournament volunteers who do not have one. The Chair also asked about possibilities for obtaining swag for the tournament. She would await guidance from the Staff Assembly leaders on this topic.

James Holman said that the State Employees’ Association of North Carolina (SEANC) would supply water and items for the tables stationed at tournament golf holes. Keith Hines said that Shayna Hill has reached out to Student Stores regarding a sponsorship of a golf hole.

The Chair said that the Forum’s scavenger hunt accompanying the Employee Appreciation Fair was coming up on October 21st. She said that the Communications and Public Relations committee has begun discussing planning for that event. Still, much work needs to be done to obtain giveaway items for the scavenger hunt. She said that the Forum will likely distribute digital and in-person clues for the hunt. She asked for volunteers to contact Shane Brogan and Joe Ormond to offer help with this task. The Chair said that she would be away with the Tar Heel Bus Tour on the day of the event.

The Chair also asked committee members to consider volunteering with the ad hoc committee planning the 30th anniversary event with Keith Hines and Tiffany Carver. The committee eventually decided to hold this event on Tuesday, October 11th in the place of the Forum’s regular monthly meeting. The plan is for the event to be held at the Carolina Club, featuring speakers from the Forum’s past as well as current delegates and University officials. The Chair would touch base with the Chancellor regarding his attendance at the event and event funding.

There was no report from Shane Brogan of the Communications and Public Relations committee. The Chair noted that Vanessa Blake has offered to take over chairing the Forum Book Club from Brooke O’Neal, who has handled this task admirably for the past three years.

Jacob Womack said that the Community Service committee hopes to establish a day of service for UNC employees in the next year, perhaps expanding to a week of service at some point. Amber Meads said that the Carolina Blood Drive is planning to hold its first meeting towards the winter blood drive that week. The winter drive will occur Wednesday, December 7th given Fetzer gymnasium requirements. Members discussed the possibility of moving the drive to accommodate the Forum meeting that will also occur that day. Arlene Medder reported that the Community Garden is in talks to expand with university departments. Medder has updated the harvest and volunteer spreadsheet for the Garden.

Janet Steele reported that the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee planned to focus its efforts on serving as a sounding board and resource for underrepresented campus groups. Members suggested various groups that might need advocacy help from the committee.

Laura Pratt said that the Education and Career Development committee has selected eight students of UNC faculty and staff members to receive $2,000 each through the Carolina Family Scholarship program to study at UNC System or community colleges in North Carolina. Leah Hefner reported that the committee had met jointly with the Personnel Issues committee and Institutional Research office representatives to discuss information gathering around professional development at the University. The conversation led to inquiries as to what exists now in this area and the acquisition of contacts in different units. Alexander said that the committee also hopes to meet with Urban Planning faculty concerning eventual creation of an affordable housing resolution.

The Chair was excited about the idea of combining the consideration of a resolution with a community meeting on affordable housing. Leah Hefner of the Personnel Issues committee said that the group would work on a survey to this end soon. Hefner noted that the Vice Chancellors’ representatives’ meeting had featured Matthew Teal’s documentation that higher education employees are leaving their jobs for reasons that are not necessarily salary based. Stephanie Forman echoed this point, noting the importance of lack of growth and professional development as a reason for employee departures. The Chair suggested following up with Employment and Management Relations to obtain information on this question from exit interviews with departing employees.

Hefner noted that her committee has received a great deal of feedback on the travel processing system Concur and the university’s eventual plans for the system. A question arose as to whether the School of Medicine has stopped using this system for its travel arrangements.

The Chair sought to finalize citation language for the Rebecca Clark award winner’s citation in preparation for University Day on October 12th. The Chair also noted that the UNC System Staff Assembly had put together a report on retention strategies with suggestions from the 17 System schools.

The Chair noted that James Stamey has received another 3-year appointment on the University Buildings and Grounds committee. There was no report from the Policy Review, Advisory Committee on Transportation, or Student Stores Advisory committees.

Todd Hux reported on a new policy in one Facilities Services shop that requires its employees to be present for 85% of workdays in a given quarter or receive negative marks on performance reviews. He said that the policy seemed to conflict with policies on compensatory leave, sick leave, and vacation time. He thought that this policy was implemented to maintain staffing levels. Family leave, civil leave, adverse weather closings, and University closings due to adverse weather were excluded from this restriction. Members wondered at how this policy was enacted and approved through Carolina Talent work plans.

James Holman said that a similar policy has been in place in the Housekeeping department for at least the past two years. He said that employees have received punishment for violating this policy. The Chair asked Hux and Holman to share documentation of this policy.

In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 12:58 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Matt Banks, Recording Secretary

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