December 18, 2012 Executive Committee minutes
Attending (those who signed in): Dan Barmmer, Gena Carter, Christina Lebonville, Arlene Medder, Myra Quick
Vice Chair Dan Barmmer called the meeting to order at 11:30 a.m. He noted that his remarks at the last Forum meeting had been recorded in the University Gazette.
Barmmer noted that the committee did not have a quorum and so could not approve the November minutes of the committee. Forum Assistant Matt Banks said that plans were ongoing to replace the Forum copier with his desktop printer and fax interface.
Christina Lebonville said that the NC Vision Coalition needed staff representation. She was uncertain whether this representation deserved Forum subcommittee status similar to that of the Carolina Campus Community Garden. She said that the shared arrangement of representation on the Community Garden between herself and Arlene Medder had worked well and could provide a model for representation on the Vision Coalition. Lebonville reported that she had an interview coming up for graduate school that will take up much of her time. She said that she, Jason Palivoda, and Lawrence Giffin had attended Coalition meetings in November. Myra Quick proposed that the Forum appoint someone not so active with Forum responsibilities, perhaps even a non-Forum employee. Barmmer agreed with this idea, and proposed that the Forum appoint two representatives to the Coalition. Lebonville said that the Coalition had proposed that the Forum do some surveys and other work regarding staff input. Barmmer confirmed that Jacob Lerner is the final contact for the Coalition. Dan Barmmer asked if the committee should table this question until it had a quorum.
Dan Barmmer noted comments from former Forum delegate Alan Moran regarding the vetting of subcontractors. Moran noted that all parts of the University can bid for jobs at the University. Carpentry had recently lost bids to outside companies. He raised the point that subcontractors may not have gone through the I-9 and eVerify processes, as well as the University’s criminal records check procedures. Moran asked if the Forum could consider whether the University could require any person working here to undergo I-9 and eVerify testing. Arlene Medder said that the University should work to make itself a safe place for all. Barmmer recalled that 10-15 years ago temporary employees were not required to have these checks. Myra Quick noted concerns about housekeepers who work during early morning hours walking all over campus unescorted. Gena Carter said that she understood that a number of these housekeepers buddy up to avoid difficulties. Dan Barmmer asked if the University still maintains Point2Point service for employees and was told that it does not.
Arlene Medder said that the Carolina Campus Community Garden was producing 30-40 pounds of produce each week. She said that the Garden had been the subject of study for various research projects on campus. Dan Barmmer asked if other System campuses have developed their own community gardens. Medder said that she did not know but would check.
There were no other topics beyond that of subcontractor background checks for the January 10 Vice Chancellor/Provost meeting. Members were impressed with Charles Streeter’s presentation of the revised Forum web page for the Communications and Public Relations committee. Myra Quick said that the Membership and Assignments committee had not met. Dan Barmmer asked if the Forum could use its divisional listservs to develop a survey on child care for staff. There was no report from the Education and Career Development committee. There was no report from the UNC System Staff Assembly.
Regarding the Personnel Issues committee, Christina Lebonville noted an employee’s concern about parking in the Cardinal deck after hours. The Cardinal deck is reserved for UNC Hospitals patients. There was a question as to whether this person has a permit to park on campus generally. This employee had received a flat ‘No’ from Public Safety when inquiring if the Cardinal deck would be opened to graduate students or staff after 5 p.m. Members commented that employees parking in the Dogwood deck could show their One Card after 5 p.m. to get out of the deck for free. Gena Carter said that when discussing changes with Public Safety one needs to be as thorough as possible. Lebonville asked Matt Banks to provide her with a copy of the Advisory Committee on Transportation’s schedule of fee implementation for park and ride service. Lebonville also noted concerns about the confidentiality of campus mail. Arlene Medder recalled that UNC Mail Services would open campus mail only if it has no idea to whom it should be delivered. Lebonville asked who could open mail that is not labeled as confidential. Carter asked if Lebonville had touched base with Lea Holt of Housekeeping. Lebonville said that Holt had said that mail could be opened if there is no address unless it is marked “confidential.” Carter suggested that Lebonville and the committee double back to Facilities Services and Housekeeping to find out how this policy is implemented. Carter confirmed that mail to Human Resources is hand-checked after it is delivered to Suite 1500 in the Administrative Office Building.
Gena Carter noted that some employees had been offended by displays of Christmas imagery during the holidays. Myra Quick said that in her area, Religious Studies, a wide range of displays is tolerated.
In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 12:25 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary