December 19, 2017 Executive Committee minutes
Attending: Bryan Andregg, Naquan Hill, Shayna Hill, Katie Musgrove, Arlene Medder, Natiaya Neal, Kathy Ramsey, Greg Smith, Katie Turner
Excused Absences: Jacquelyn Copeland, Clare Counihan
Chair Shayna Hill called the meeting to order at 11:30 a.m. She asked Naquan Hill and Matt Banks to present the Forum’s monthly budget report. Banks said that he had worked to compile the InfoPorte information into a budget report. He had been unable to make this compilation prior to the meeting. There was a question about whether and when to revoke funds related to the Forum’s professional development grants. Bryan Andregg noted the need to track those people who win grants but do not use them. There was a request that Banks produce the professional development grant data at the January Executive Committee meeting.
The Chair noted that Dawna Jones had resigned from her position as head of the Forum book club. Natiaya Neal offered to take on this role. She asked that the book club be promoted in the Forum newsletter InTouch. There was a question as to whether the book club’s meals would be funded this year. Greg Smith added that the December InTouch would likely go out a bit late this month.
Katie Musgrove said that the Toy Drive would wrap up soon. The drive likely received donations of up to a truck full of toys for the UNC Children’s Hospital. Musgrove also said that the Food 4 All drive has collected the equivalent of 2,200 meals, with time to spare before the March deadline.
Musgrove noted that the December blood drive had collected 353 pints, with 447 slots for donations filled. She noted that there had been problems with the Red Cross ending donations at 1 p.m. as donors with appointments were left in line without the chance to give. She said that a debriefing session about difficulties with the December drive would occur the following day. The blood drive committee was angered that the December drive turned donors away and is considering other options. Musgrove praised committee members for their work above and beyond the call of duty.
Members asked why the “needles out” policy was enforced for the December drive. Members noted difficulties with the Red Cross not paying for overtime for staff involved in the drive. Bryan Andregg asked if the drive could occur before the holiday break. Musgrove said that holding the drive while students are present would complicate the logistics of the drive. Forum officers pledged to attend the debrief meeting if possible.
Arlene Medder said that the Carolina Campus Community Garden committee had held their last meeting of the year.
Matt Banks said that he would consult with Chair Emeritus Charles Streeter for help in dividing the roster of employees into the Forum’s electoral divisions.
The Chair noted that the Forum had missed the October Staff Assembly election for an alternate to replace Kewana Smith. Matt Banks took responsibility for this mistake, but said that he typically has not been tasked to keep up with UNC System Staff Assembly events.
The Chair proposed that the Forum create a form whereby delegates can indicate their number of years served and other information for the Forum’s records.
The Chair thanked Tiffany Carver for her work organizing the 25th anniversary event at the Carolina Club. She thought this event was generally successful and certainly well-received.
Bryan Andregg said that the Personnel Issues committee had been asked to write a resolution on recruitment and retention of University staff. He had studied Forum resolutions on this subject since 2006. He found the Forum’s previous resolutions similarly worded and ineffective towards improving these areas. The committee will meet in January. Arlene Medder asked about replicating a cost of living chart with salary information. Bryan Andregg said that UNC-Chapel Hill staff are generally better compensated than other University System staff, who are better compensated that other State employees. He said that a cost of living adjustment for living near Chapel Hill is needed but is unpopular in other parts of the State.
The Chair noted that the UNC System Staff Assembly Chairs’ meeting said that the short session will require input from State employees on issues as early as October 2018. Alan Moran said that every individual is entitled to contact their legislators on this question. The Chair raised the question of University fundraising devoted specifically to staff employees. She said that if the Forum does not raise this issue, the improvement will never happen. Bryan Andregg noted that University Development usually targets its asks very carefully to meet specific needs. Katie Turner emphasized the importance of the Carolina Covenant commitment to provide 100% of need-based aid and need-blind aid. She said that Student Stores question had turned on the University commitment to find income for student scholarships. Alan Moran suggested that the Forum press a negotiating advantage based on the number of staff who donate to the University.
The Chair found the University career banding system to be very clunky requiring managers to be extremely creative to provide needed increases. However, she said that changing classifications for SHRA employees to the EHRA designation does not necessarily provide more money for these positions. Members noted how funds for EHRA faculty and non-faculty are disseminated for each school’s dean to decide the level of raises, which are mainly reserved for faculty positions.
Naquan Hill said that there was a preliminary move towards a bonus grant to employees depending on level of performance in the last State budget salary increase. Alan Moran noted his frustration with trying to change to another level with an increase in job duties but only to have the move locked up by Human Resources. Bryan Andregg said that a key is having a local Human resources group willing to push forward. Members noted the loss of continuity when employees leave the University because of these circumstances.
It was noted that the UNC System Staff Assembly is pushing the Board of Governors to endorse extending employee benefits or allowing employee family members to use benefits. Members noted difficulties with registering for desirable on-line programs at the University that do not accept tuition waivers. Members discussed different approaches the Forum could take to deal with these problems.
The Chair asked that the Forum go into closed session to consider an honorary resolution in January.
Alan Moran noted reports that Facilities Services will soon eliminate flexible scheduling for its employees. He said that this course would present many problems for Facilities Services employees. Todd Hux said that he would not want the University to lose employees over this issue. The Chair noted the popularity of flexible scheduling but also said that schedules must support the operations of the unit.
In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 1:22 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary