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Employee Forum Agenda

9:00 a.m.–Winter Celebration: Pleasants Family Assembly Room, Wilson Library

Join us for a potluck and good conversation with local dignitaries!

9:40 a.m.–Meeting, Special Collections Learning Center, Room 504, Wilson Library

I.   Call to Order & Opening Remarks—Chair Charles Streeter

  • Open call for announcements and questions for the end of the meeting

II.  Welcome to Guests & Members of the Press

III. Special Presentations

IV.    Human Resources Update—Vice Chancellor for Workforce Strategy, Equity, and Engagement Felicia Washington

V.      Approval of November Minutes (Sharepoint Link, Delegate-Only Access)

VI.     Old Business

  • Vote on Assumption of Responsibility for Carolina Family Scholarship Fund

VII.   New Business VIII.  Forum Committees

  • Carolina Blood Drive: Todd Hux
  • Carolina Community Garden Advisory: Arlene Medder
  • Communications and Public Relations: Katie Turner
  • Education and Career Development: Andy Eaker
    • Recognition & Awards
  • Membership & Assignments:  Karen Jenkins
  • Recognition & Awards:
  • Personnel Issues:  Yvonne Dunlap
    • Compensation & Benefits:  Chrissie Greenberg/Kelli Raker
    • Legislative Action:  Kirk Montgomery
    • Staff Relations, Policies & Practices:  Everett Deloney/Rocky Riviella
  • UNC System Staff Assembly: Shane Hale/James Holman/Charles Streeter
  • Executive Committee: Charles Streeter
    • Provost/Vice Chancellor Meeting Thursday, December 11

IX.     Announcements/Questions

X.      Adjournment


December 3, 2014 Employee Forum minutes

Attending (those who signed in):  Jo-Ann Blake, Bonita Brown, Tiffany Carver, Jacquelyn Copeland, Tammy Cox, Andy Eaker, Teresa Estcovitz, Paula Goodman, Christine Greenberg, Michael Highland, Todd Hux, Karen Jenkins, Ronda Manuel, Matt McKirahan, Arlene Medder, Jackie Overton, Kathy Ramsey, Samara Reynolds, Tara Smith Ben Triplett

Excused:  Deborah Bush, Oscar Fleming, Kirk Montgomery, Stacey Owen, Kelli Raker, Renee Sherman, Katie Turner

Chair Charles Streeter called the meeting to order at 9:45 a.m.  He hoped that all would partake in the day’s potluck.  He also said that Forum delegates should enjoy themselves that morning as activities would soon pick up again in 2015.  He asked if there were any questions or issues for discussion at the end of the meeting.

The Chair introduced Associate Vice Chancellor Matt Brody to present the Forum’s customary Human Resources update.  Brody noted that Vice Chancellor Felicia Washington had to attend a meeting with the Chancellor that morning.  He said that the winter commencement will feature Professor James Johnston on December 14, 2014.  He noted that the Board of Trustees had granted Davie Awards to Rusty Carter, John Ellison, Michael Kennedy, Sallie Krawcheck, Don Stallings and Billie Jones Stallings, and Michael Zollicoffer.  He noted that there will be a luncheon for Carolina veterans on December 10, and invited employees to contact the Equal Opportunity Office if interested in attending.

Matt Brody announced that he is leaving UNC-Chapel Hill for the position of Vice President for Human Resources at UNC General Administration.  He said that he would always value the Forum as an important body that brings the concerns of staff forward.  He pledged to work closely with the UNC System Staff Assembly and to bring and advocate the interests of staff in his work.  He noted that the EPA non-faculty raise process has finally reached its conclusion, with increases to appear in the December 23 paychecks.

Senior Director Gena Carter noted that the State has a new performance management policy that will go before the Office of State Human Resources Commission in February.  Jo-Ann Blake asked if children of employees can use the tuition remission program made available to employees.  Senior Director Ashley Nicklis said that these employees’ children cannot use this program.  Matt Brody recalled that Duke University did allow use of tuition remission for their staff employees.

An employee asked if funds for faculty and staff in college are available for those not attending UNC System institutions.  Ashley Nicklis said that the Employee Assistance program is available subject to departmental restrictions.  This program only reimburses the equivalent of three credit hours at UNC-Chapel Hill at these institutions.  The available funds cannot total more than $5,250 in reimbursements before they are taxed.

At this point, the Forum held its meeting to allow distribution of door prizes from the Winter Celebration.  The Chair thanked Karen Jenkins and the Membership & Assignments committee for their work organizing the event.  Sponsors for prizes included The Noodles Company, Playmakers Theater, Triangle Office Equipment, Suttons Drugstore, Italian Pizzeria #3, and UNC Public Safety.

Given corrections to the November minutes from Clare Counihan and Arlene Medder, the Chair asked the Forum to put off their approval until January.

The Chair asked delegates to consider the Carolina Family Scholarship Fund’s housing with the Employee Forum.  Karen Jenkins thanked Jackie Overton for advising her to apply for the scholarship for her children.  She submitted the necessary documents and was thrilled to find out her children won the scholarship.  The Chair said that the Fund needs an organization to take ownership of the tasks involved.  He noted that two previous Chancellors have invested in the Scholarship Fund and more work needs to be done to find funding.

Matt McKirahan said that the Forum would declare its support similar to the way it voted to house the Carolina Blood Drive.  Paula Goodman asked where the Fund would be housed.  McKirahan proposed that the Education and Career Development committee support the fund.  Shamecia Powers asked if the organization to carry forward the Fund’s work was in place.  The Chair said that Bruce Egan started the Fund, which he then handed off to Sharon Glover upon his retirement.  The Chair and Andy Eaker had met with Egan and Glover about the possibility of housing the Fund and found a serious need in place.  He said that the Forum could begin discussions with Vice Chancellor Matt Fajack and the Development office to find financial support.  Tammy Cox said that she would be happy to champion the project as Treasurer.  Michael Highland asked if the Forum needs an outside stakeholder to continue the project.  McKirahan said that the Forum would need to write this effort into its Bylaws.

Kathy Ramsey asked about the confidentiality of records in this endeavor.  The Chair said that Forum personnel would not work with income information.  Tammy Cox said that Forum members could take FERPA training to learn how to handle confidential data.  The Chair called for a motion to approve the Forum’s assumption of responsibility for the Carolina Family Scholarship Fund.  Andy Eaker made this motion, seconded by Tammy Cox.  The motion was approved by acclamation.  The Chair would inform Bruce Egan and Sharon Glover of the Forum’s decision.  Matt McKirahan planned to write a resolution for the Forum Bylaws.

The Chair asked for Forum committee reports.  Todd Hux noted that the Carolina Blood Drive has had 148 appointments for 334 appointment slots for the December 9 drive.  He said that the Forum’s involvement has led to an increase in walk-in appointments in recent drives.  He noted that volunteers now have the opportunity to become double red-cell donors.   Kathy Bryant said that she would be willing to send out a notice about the Drive to Human Resources officers on campus.  Hux praised Rhonda Beatty, among others, for their conscientious work in carrying out the details of the Drive.

Arlene Medder said that the Carolina Campus Community Garden’s shed is close to completion.  The group is discussing plans with an architect about solar power for the shed.  NC State University is helping in this effort.  Medder said that plans are to complete the shed in the spring.

Katie Turner of the Communications and Public Relations committee noted that the Forum website has adopted the Heelium template, which provides a cleaner feel.  She said that there are details to be cleaned up as a result of the change.  Tammy Cox noted that the book club selection for January will be The Goldfinch.  She urged more men to attend the meetings.  The Chair said that attendees can check out books from the library to avoid the expense of purchase.

Andy Eaker said that the Education and Career Development committee said that the professional development grant process was near completion and should go live in January, hopefully.  Matt McKirahan thanked Human Resources representatives for their suggestions for improving the program.  Eaker said that the committee is working to finalize a date for a Higher Education Careers Panel, hopefully in March.  He said that the group must secure a space and date for the effort.  The Chair noted that the Forum’s HAVEN training occurred on November 18.  He said that the Forum needs to institute regular ongoing trainings of this nature.  Tiffany Carver asked if the Panel would replicate trainings offered by Human Resources.  Eaker said that the Panel is designed as a stairstep for those interested in management.  Eaker said that professional advancement is one of the motivations for the Panel, outlining his career development to this point.  He hoped that the Forum could expand its range of social media classes.  Senior Director Kathy Bryant said that Training and Talent Development does not limit its trainings to managers.  The vast majority of classes are open to everyone.  Christine Greenberg said that she had success with the training track offered by Human Resources.  Bryant said that the committee hopes to reinstitute the track program.  Michael Highland noted that employees can also access to obtain managerial training.

Eaker also described the possibility of a Center for Staff Excellence in the future.  He hoped to tie together the Forum’s customary recognition awards with career development and mentoring awards.

Karen Jenkins noted that the Membership & Assignments committee had worked on plans for the December potluck.

There was no report from the Personnel Issues committee.

The Chair reported that the UNC System Staff Assembly met that day.  He would soon attend a mixer with the UNC System Faculty Assembly that afternoon.

The Executive Committee will meet in December.  He noted that the Vice Chancellor/Provost meeting will take place December 11.

Ronda Manuel said that Julia Sprint Grumbles and Vice Chancellor Felicia Washington will lead a discussion at the Friday Center at 8:30 a.m. Friday, December 12 on the Forbes article, “Women and Minorities Penalized for Promoting Diversity, Study Says.”  She invited listeners to contact her about reserving a space.

In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned by acclamation at 11:16 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Matt Banks, Recording Secretary

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