Agenda — December 4, 2002
9:30 a.m.—-Meeting, Wilson Library Assembly Room
I. Call to Order
II. Welcome Guests & Members of the Press
III. Opening Remarks
· Chancellor James Moeser
· Presentation of Certificates to Outgoing Delagates
VI. Special Presentations
· Robert Dowling from Orange Community Housing & Land Trust
V. Employee Presentations or Questions
VI. Human Resources Update
· Laurie Charest, Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources
VII. Stretch Time 6
VIII. Approval of Minutes of the November 6, 2002 meeting P
IX. Old Business
X. New Business
· Resolution 02-11, On the Winmore Housing Initiative (1st Reading)
· Forum Elections (Declared Candidates Listed; Nominations may be made from the floor for any office)
Þ Forum Chair: Tommy Griffin
Þ Forum Vice Chair: Jim Bennett & Mike Hawkins
Þ Forum Secretary: Joanne Kucharski
X. Forum Committee Reports
· Career Development: Fred Jordan
· Communications: Linda Collins
Þ Forum Newsletter
· Employee Presentations: Gary Lloyd
· Nominating: Kay Teague
Þ Forum Elections
· Orientation: Joan Ferguson/Barbara Logue
· Personnel Issues: Mary Ann Vacheron
· Recognition and Awards: Shirley Hart/Sylvia White
· University Committee Assignments: Lee Edmark
XI. Chair’s Report (Executive Committee): Tommy Griffin
XII. Task Force/University Committee Reports
· Advisory Committee on Transportation— Tommy Griffin
XIII. Announcements/Questions
XV. Adjournment
P = Included in Agenda Packet
December 4, 2002
Wilson Library Assembly Room
Delagates Present
Tom Arnel
Debra Banks
Jim Bennett
GeorgeAnn Bissett
Scott Blalock
Dixie Bloom
Keita Cannon
Roy Caudle
Katherine Caudell-Graves
Andy Chrismon
Meredith Clason
Gary Cocker
David Collins
Linda Collins
Karen Copeland
Cynthia Cowan
Ray Doyle
Joan Ferguson
Shanna Fleenor
Keith Fogleman
Amy Gorely
Tommy Griffin
Shirley Hart
Glenn Haugh
Mary Johnson
Fred Jordan
Chris Koltz
Joanne Kucharski
C.L. Lassiter
Gary Lloyd
Cheryl Lytle
Andrew Maglione
Lauren Mangili
Connie McPherson
Lynn McPherson
Corrie Mimms
Syed Mustafa
Diane O’Connor
Carol Payne
Gail Plaisance
Lynn Ray
Cynthia Reardon
Tom Rhyne
Mack Rich
Debra Skinner
Diane Strong
Kay Teague
Matt Todd
Mary Ann Vacheron
Ruth Williams
Delita Wright
Laurie Charest“
John Heuer“
“ = Ex-Officio
Delagates Absent
Nanette Coulon
Lee Edmark
Wanda Gunter
Barbara Logue
Clarence Peoples
Rob Sadler
Pamela Siler
Norma Roberts
Excused Absences
Mike Hawkins
Jimmie Hart
Stephanie Lombardo
Bonita Summers
Sylvia White
Alternates Present
Kara Adams
Linda Allred
Jim Curtis
Jeanne Hiesel
Mike McQuown
Sherrie Settle
Brian White
Connie Boyce
Gena Carter
Eric Ferreri
James Moeser
Scott Ragland
Forum Chair Tommy Griffin called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m. He recognized Chancellor James Moeser, Scott Ragland, Laurie Charest and other guests. He said that this day’s meeting recalled when family leave, and he asked departing Delagates to consider returning to the Forum when they become eligible. He then welcomed Moeser to present opening remarks.
Moeser thanked the Chair for the opportunity to speak to the Forum. He noted the difficulties of the past couple of weeks related to the Susan Ehringhaus situation, and said that he spoke to the Forum as a humbled person. He said that it was not easy to admit a mistake, but that he had done so through an email distributed across campus.
First of all, Moeser said that no one had instructed him to make his apology, which he directed to the faculty and staff of the University. He said that on his honor his statement was sincere and not a public relations gesture.
Moeser said that all of life at the University was predicated on learning for everyone here, not just 18-22 year olds. He said that his error of judgment had led to the need of policies to guide administrators in this area.
Moeser said that he had also learned that the University is loved by all of the people, even beyond the campus. He noted that staff literally pour their soul into their campus jobs, and he promised to remain a strong advocate for staff with the State. He said that even in a difficult budgetary year, it was important to know that he was committed to work for salary remediation for staff. He assured the Forum that this issue would have his strongest support.
Moeser thanked the Forum for its time and acknowledged the leadership of Forum chairs Jane Stine, Joanne Kucharski, John Heuer and Tommy Griffin. He said that he would be personally very pleased if the Forum reelected Griffin as its 2003 Chair. Moeser spoke of the quality and spirit with which Griffin has led the Forum this year, and said that he had represented the interests of staff very well this year.
On another subject, Moeser noted that the University’s State Combined Campaign had raised $986,000, almost 86% of its $1.15 million goal. He said that the University would continue to take campaign donations through December 20. Interested parties can contact Bob Schreiner at 6-3012. While the University has fallen short of its goal, Moeser said that the University still had the largest aggregate contribution of any State agency to the campaign. He thanked contributors on behalf of the many people who have contributed.
Moeser also encouraged Employees to participate in holiday service projects such as food drives and other projects. He said that the University would hold a winter blood drive on December 18 from 7:30-1 p.m. at the Woolen Gym. Employees can call 96-BLOOD or 962-5663 to make an appointment, or just walk in.
Moeser offered to take questions or comments. Barbara Logue thanked Moeser for his sponsorship of the staff appreciation event. Moeser said that he hoped everyone had had a good time, and said that the event was a very small gesture and signal of how much the University values its staff.
At this point, Moeser presented the Forum’s outgoing Delagates with their certificates of appreciation.
Class of 2002 Forum Committee Service
Diane O’Connor: 2001 Nominating Committee; 2002 Orientation Committee
Georgeann Bissett: 2002 Executive Committee; 2001 & 2002 Career Development Committee; 2001 Communications Committee; 2001 & 2002 University Committee Assignments Committee
Linda Collins: 2002 Communications Committee Chair; 2001 Communications Committee; 2001 & 2002 University Committee Assignments Committee
Rob Sadler: 2001 & 2002 Executive Committee; 2002 Career Development Committee; 2002 Orientation Committee; 2001 University Committee Assignments Committee
Andy Chrismon: 2001 & 2002 Personnel Issues Committee; 2002 Nominating Committee; 2001 Orientation Committee
Clarence Peoples: 2001 & 2002 Career Development Committee
Keith Fogleman: 2001 & 2002 Personnel Issues Committee
Barbara Logue: 2002 Orientation Committee Co-Chair; 2001 & 2002 Communications Committee
Kay Teague: 2002 Forum Secretary; 2002 Executive Committee; 2002 Nominating Committee Chair; 2001 Orientation Committee; 2001 Personnel Issues Committee
David Collins
Gail Plaisance: 2001 & 2002 Personnel Issues Committee
Wanda Gunter: 2002 Personnel Issues Committee; 2002 Recognition & Awards Committee
Diane Strong: 2001 & 2002 Executive Committee
Gary Lloyd: 2002 Forum Vice Chair; 2002 Executive Committee; 2002 Employee Presentations Chair; 2001 & 2002 Recognition & Awards Committee; 2001 Employee Presentations Committee
Glenn Haugh: 2002 Orientation Committee; 2001 Personnel Issues Committee
Fred Jordan: 2001 & 2002 Career Development Committee Chair; 2002 Nominating Committee; 2001 Personnel Issues Committee
Andrew Maglione: 2002 Personnel Issues Committee
Connie McPherson: 2001 & 2002 Communications Committee; 2001 & 2002 Personnel Issues Committee
Keita Cannon: 2002 Executive Committee; 2001 Career Development Committee; 2001 & 2002 University Committee Assignments Committee
Lee Edmark: 2001 & 2002 University Committee Assignments Committee
Bonita Summers: 2002 Career Development Committee; 2001 Orientation Committee
Sylvia White: 2002 Recognition & Awards Co-Chair; 2001 Forum Secretary, 2001 Executive Committee; 2001 Nominating Committee Chair; 2001 Recognition & Awards Committee
The Chair asked the outgoing members to consider serving on the Forum again once their eligibility returns.
The Chair then asked Vice Chair Gary Lloyd to take over the gavel during the Forum officer elections, as he was standing as Forum Chair. Lloyd noted that the Forum had one nomination for the position of Forum Chair, and asked if there were any other nominations besides Tommy Griffin. As there were no other nominations, Katherine Graves moved to close nominations, a motion which was supported by acclamation. Barbara Logue moved that the Forum set aside its rules and elect Griffin by acclamation, as there were no other candidates. Roy Caudle seconded this motion. The Forum voted by acclamation to elect Tommy Griffin the Forum Chair for 2003.
Griffin thanked the Forum for its support and confidence.
Lloyd noted that the Forum had two nominees for the office of Vice Chair, Jim Bennett and Mike Hawkins. There were no nominations from the floor, and he entertained a motion to close nominations. Gary Cocker made this motion, seconded by KF? Members of the Nominating committee then moved to distribute and take up ballots from the Delagates.
While the votes were being counted, the Chair noted that the Orange County Community Housing and Land Trust had been in contact with the Forum office regarding a place on the agenda. The Chair was pleased to welcome back Wayne Kuncl. Kuncl had volunteered with this organization in 1996. The Trust is a non-profit, publicly supported organization. Kuncl serves as a homeowner representative and Laurie Charest serves as the University’s representative on the Trust’s board.
Kuncl then introduced the executive director of the Trust, Rob Dowling. Dowling thanked the Forum for the opportunity to speak. He noted that most people have heard of Habitat for Humanity, but fewer people have heard of the Housing and Land Trust. Dowling noted that through the Trust, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom houses are available for under $100,000 in Chapel Hill and Hillsborough. Most people do not believe this fact because the average priced home in Chapel Hill costs around $300,000, a price far beyond that which most UNC Employees can afford.
The Trust offers 32 townhouses in Meadowmont, $80,000 for a two bedroom and $95,000 for a three bedroom. Dowling said that 6-7 University Employees have become prospective buyers. Other projects are in development, and the Trust’s objective is to make these opportunities known to campus Employees.
Dowling noted that the Trust has a cap on income for those it can serve. Its bread and butter customers typically earn between $30-40,000. He said that buyers must accept that their ownership in the trust is designed to be affordable to all those who purchase the house afterward. Buyers have the chance to buy below appraised value but must in turn agree to sell similarly below value, in order to maintain the stock of affordable housing in Orange county.
Amy Gorely asked where Employees could learn more about the Trust. Dowling directed Employees to He also distributed brochures and cards. Tom Arnel asked if the Trust works with the lowest paid Employees, those earning $18-25,000 a year. Dowling said that the Trust had sold homes to two housekeepers who make less than $18,000 a year.
Lloyd announced that the Forum had elected Jim Bennett to be the Forum’s Vice Chair for 2003. He noted that Joanne Kucharski had already received a nomination for the office of Forum Secretary. He asked if there were any other nominations. Fred Jordan rose to nominate Katherine Graves for this office, citing her reason and common sense in Forum debates. He said that she had shown her nerve by jumping into discussions about parking. She attended Career Development committee meetings before her official swearing-in last year and has continued to be an active and valued participant with that committee. She is a lifetime North Carolina Jaycee and has received the Order of the Long Leaf Pine from Governor Jim Hunt. Jordan said that the Forum would benefit from Graves holding the Chair’s position by her enthusiastic participation, good sense and strong management skills.
Graves said that she had served on the Career Development committee to develop policies about staff training and the staff development fund. She had worked with the committee to advise the University’s Training and Development department and to encourage Employees to enhance their skills through continuing education. She hoped to serve the Forum well as its secretary by developing unity among all Employees.
Lloyd asked if there were any further nominations from the floor. Fred Jordan confirmed that the previously nominated candidate would have a chance to speak. Jordan then moved to close nominations, seconded by Glenn Haugh.
Lloyd then gave Kucharski a chance to respond, as specified in the Forum Guidelines. Kucharski said that adverse weather had begun her term as 2000 Forum chair. She asked members to take care to be healthy and safe over the next few days She said that she had not expected to be elected chair in 2000, but had worked afterwards to mobilize the Communications committee, start the newsletter InTouch, and perform Employee outreach through the peer recognition and prize patrol programs.
Kucharski recalled that when the University threatened a parking permit fee increase that year, the Forum worked to gain approval for a departmental transit fee which had no impact on Employees’ paychecks. In 2000, the Forum designed and procured the Forum pins and the Forum flag.
In the registrar’s office, she had help develop a flex time schedule for Employees to stay away from construction in Hanes Hall. She said that the registrar’s office had developed staff recognition and longevity award programs, and had promoted staff training of lesser-skilled workers to contribute to that department. She hoped that these accomplishments would encourage Delagates to vote for her as 2003 Forum Secretary.
Nominating committee members then distributed and took up ballots from the Forum.
Human Resources Update
The Chair introduced Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Laurie Charest to present the Forum’s customary Human Resources update. First of all, Charest thanked all of the Forum’s outgoing Delagates for their work these past two years. She also thanked Sue Estroff and Tommy Griffin for their help and remarks at the recent Employee appreciation event. She also thanked TIAA-Cref for their work on the event and their subsidy of Bull’s Head bookstore purchases that afternoon.
Charest noted that despite all best efforts, the adverse weather policy remains the same as last time. Unless the Chancellor or his designee closes the University, the University will remain open. Unless the Chancellor has closed the University, it is the Employee’s decision whether to come to work, wherever the Employee lives. One exception is critical Employees, whom are to come to work under any circumstances. Employees should already know whether they are critical Employees.
Time missed from work due to adverse weather must be accounted for within 12 months. The Employee decides how to make up for the adverse weather leave, either through paid or unpaid leave. An Employee cannot work overtime to make up the leave.
Employees can consult radio and television stations to learn about the University’s status, but should not look at State Government bulletins since these are different than the University. Employees can call the University’s adverse weather hotline, 685-8100, or go to the University’s homepage for information about the status of the University.
Charest also encouraged Employees who are unfamiliar with the adverse weather policy to consult the UNC Human Resources web page for a frequently asked questions (FAQ) page on the policy. Essentially, unless one hears otherwise, the University is open during bad weather, but Employees should use their best judgment about whether it is safe to come to work. If the weather ices the campus over badly, this circumstance has closed the University in the past. If the campus is icy, one should listen to radio and television broadcasts for up to date information.
Mary Ann Vacheron said that she had heard UNC Health Care System (HCS) workers have received a $500 bonus and two weeks bonus leave. Charest said that she did not think these employees received the two weeks bonus leave. Graves said that performance based raises were differential, but said that all HCS workers received bonuses.
At this point, Lloyd announced that Joanne Kucharski was elected the Forum’s new Secretary for 2003. The Forum then took a five minute stretch break.
The Chair asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the November meeting. It was noted that Laurie Charest and Stephanie ??? were indeed in attendance at that meeting. With this correction, Jim Bennett moved to accept the minutes, seconded by Katherine Graves. The motion was approved unanimously.
The Chair read resolution 02-12 on the Winmore housing project. The Forum would consider the resolution again on second reading in January.
Fred Jordan, chair of the Career Development committee, said that group was able to meet for one last time. A new committee would form at the retreat on January 17.
Linda Collins, chair of the Communications committee, said that group would publish one more issue of InTouch. She hoped that people found the newsletter useful, and the committee had tried to cover important Forum events and useful news. She thanked all committee members for their contributions.
Gary Lloyd, chair of the Employee Presentations committee, said that the committee had not met since the last presentation. He noted that the new chair of the committee will be Jim Bennett, and Lloyd said that the committee was a good one that does not take a lot of time.
Kay Teague, chair of the Nominating committee, said that the group had met November 26 to get ready for today’s officer elections. Joanne Kucharski would chair the committee next year. Teague said that the committee gives members a chance to communicate with regular Employees about the work and mission of the Forum, and to recruit new members. She urged Delagates to remember to sign in each meeting.
Glenn Haugh of the Orientation committee said that the group had met November 20 to discuss processes related to the annual retreat. The committee still is waiting to see who will represent the Student Body President. Provost Robert Shelton will represent the Chancellor’s office, and former Forum chairs will each comment on one issue to move the Forum forward. Committee chairs have been invited to the retreat to speak on their group’s particular focus.
Mary Ann Vacheron, chair of the Personnel Issues committee, said that group was preparing for its second meeting with Shelton next week. Vacheron praised Shelton for his understanding of staff concerns and his honest communication during the committee’s first meeting in October.
A representative of the Recognition & Awards committee noted that the group had distributed the key chains to Employees through the peer recognition program. The committee has also finished its annual report.
George Ann Bissett said that the University Committee Assignments committee had finished its assignments. Chair Lee Edmark has begun work on the committee’s annual report.
The Chair said that he had been very busy with planning for University Day and the Employee Appreciation event. He hoped Employees had thoroughly enjoyed both events. He had also attended the tuition task force meeting, and had managed to convince the committee of the need to include staff salary needs in any discussion of campus tuition increases. He said that staff interests should be included in the final product of the committee to be rendered on December 19. Of course, any decision on tuition must receive approval from the Board of Trustees and Board of Governors. This step has demonstrated a University awareness of the desperate need for staff salary increases.
Concerning the Advisory Committee on Transportation (ACT), the Chair said that the group was developing a good plan to consider all transit options, not just parking. He said that the committee should develop a five year plan on parking fee increases. The committee also has favored a tiered parking plan, striking Employees making under $50,000 a 5% increase, those earning between $50,000-$100,000 a 10% increase, and those making over $100,000 a year a 20% increase. The Chair said that he still wished that the University would provide parking as a free benefit, but he did not think that this would take place in the near future. He said that it could become a goal for the Forum to include the provision of parking “as free as possible” in the University’s benefit package.
The Chair said that he had led the Executive Committee meeting and had also met with the water conservation committee group. He had also attended other Forum committee meetings. He said that he would go anywhere anytime to support people, and particularly to help staff salaries and benefits improve. He hoped early next year to start a letter-writing campaign to send to the Legislature to tell the Employees’ side of things to Raleigh.
The Chair recalled that the Forum had past a resolution seeking representation on the Board of Trustees. He said that a committee of all past Forum chairs would work together on a presentation to the Board in the future about why the staff need and deserve representation on the Board. He said that the staff need a method of unfiltered communication with the Board, and said that the Forum would continue to work on this goal.
The Chair said that Employees need to stick together and support each other in a tough legislative and economic year. He said that Employees’ voices are gradually being heard in the media and in the places of power. He thanked the outgoing Delagates for their service and said that he had learned something from everyone in the room. He asked the outgoing members to stand and receive recognition from the Forum.
Lloyd presented the Chair with an engraved silver-plated picture frame as a token of appreciation for the Chair’s service as the Forum’s spokesperson and eloquent representative.
Lloyd noted that each December, the Forum usually has one outgoing chair present the Forum gavel to the incoming chair in a small ceremony. Since Chair Tommy Griffin would succeed himself this year, he would simply slide the gavel back across the table to himself.
The Forum agreed to postpone its January meeting until the January 17 retreat, combining business items with the retreat’s activities.
The Chair urged members to thank the people with whom they work every year, and to tell them of their appreciation. He wished all safe journeys for the holidays and good times with their families and friends.
In the absence of further business, Gary Cocker made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jim Bennett. The meeting was adjourned by acclamation.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary
Finis Coronat Opus