Employee Forum Agenda
9:15 a.m.—-Winter Potluck Social
10 a.m.—-Meeting: Pleasants Family Assembly Room, Wilson Library
I. Call to Order & Opening Remarks—Chair Charles Streeter
II. Welcome Guests & Members of the Press
III. Special Presentations
- Ryan Hancock, Chair of the NC State Staff Senate
Ryan Hancock, Administrative Support Specialist with Urban Affairs, currently serves as the 2013-2014 Chair of the Staff Senate, NC State’s advisory board to the Chancellor, representing the campus’ 5,500+ SPA and EPA non-faculty employees. In this role, Ryan meets regularly with Campus Administration, reports to the Board of Trustees, and represents NC State University at the University of North Carolina Assembly.
- Anna Wu, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Facilities Operations, Planning and Design
Anna Wu oversees Design & Construction; Building Services; Grounds Services; Housekeeping Services; Facilities Planning; and Energy Management. As University Architect, she has redefined the planning and development process at the nation’s oldest public university, advancing sustainability, promoting design excellence and creating an innovative campus development model for universities across the country. She chaired the Association of University Architects’ Sustainability Task Force and has served on panels at Harvard University Graduate School of Design, AIA North Carolina and the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE).
IV. Human Resources Update—Vice Chancellor Brenda Malone
V. Approval of November Minutes
VI. Old Business
VII. Forum Committee Reports
- Bylaws Committee: Rotating Chair
- Carolina Community Garden Advisory: Arlene Medder
- Communications and Public Relations: Katie Turner
- Education and Career Development: Lois Douglass-Alston/Matt McKirahan (October minutes)
- Membership & Assignments: Paula Goodman
- Recognition & Awards: Michael Highland
- Personnel Issues: James Holman (October minutes)
- Compensation & Benefits: Shelby Long
- Legislative Action: David Fraley
- Staff Relations, Policies & Practices: Yvonne Dunlap
- UNC System Staff Assembly: Michael Highland/James Holman/Charles Streeter/Clifton Webb
- Executive Committee: Charles Streeter (October minutes)
VIII. New Business
- Closed Session
IX. Announcements/Questions
- Forum Office Closed December 20-January 5, 2014
X. Adjournment
December 4, 2013 Employee Forum minutes
Attending (those who signed in): Dan Barmmer, Nancy Beach, Jo-Ann Blake, Tiffany Carver, Jackie Copeland, Tammy Cox, Jill Crowder, Lois Douglass-Alston, Yvonne Dunlap, Jim Fuller, Sharon Glover, Paula Goodman, Maggie Grant, Christine Greenberg, John Gullo, Melissa Haugh, James Holman, Todd Hux, George James, Karen Jenkins-Cheek, Shelby Long, Avia Mainor, Matt McKirahan, Jackie Overton (ex-officio), Jonathan Powe, Myra Quick, Kathy Ramsey, Clifton Webb
Chair Charles Streeter called the meeting to order at 9:58 a.m. He welcomed all of the Forum’s guests and Delegates to the winter social. He asked Paula Goodman, Kathy Ramsey, and the rest of the Membership & Assignments committee to conduct a drawing for donated prizes. The Chair was proud to welcome Chancellor Carol Folt, among other guests at the event.
The Chair introduced the President of the NC State University Staff Senate, Ryan Hancock. Hancock outlined the work of the NC State Staff Senate. He described the structure of the organization and its mission. He noted that the Senate holds simultaneous video conferences with one hundred field agencies across the State. He noted the Senate’s broad range of representation on the NC State University Council, Board of Trustees and Visitors reports, Budget Advisory Committee, and other standing committees and task forces requested by the Chancellor. Hancock described the committee structure of the organization. He noted that the Human Resources committee holds joint festivals with NC State athletics and also collects food to donate to troops abroad. He noted that the Senate uses Facebook and Twitter to communicate with employees, as well as using e-mail and web outreach. The Senate has a desktop computer loan program to assist those below a certain income. The Senate’s Public Relations committee has a “Shout Out to Staff” program to recognize outstanding contributions. He said that the Senate had produced videos with various people describing the support they had received from various employees on the Raleigh campus.
Tammy Cox asked if the NC State Staff Senate has a budget. Hancock replied that it has a $5,000 budget for business meetings and another $2,000 for discretionary expenses. He noted that the Senate had convinced a local merchant to donate American flags for a salute to Veterans on campus in November. He said that senators serve one year appointments but alternates serve indefinite terms. In response to a question about staff support, Hancock said that the Senate has a ¾ time person. Arlene Medder asked about the military donation effort. Hancock said that the Senate worked with the State Employees’ Credit Union to create momentum for the drive. He said that the campus Toys for Tots program will donate 30 boxes next week.
The Chair thanked Hancock for his informative presentation. He said that the Forum would work on its mid-year planning at its December Executive Committee meeting and January 8 full Forum meeting. Hancock related the story of an employee who helped a student obtain eggnog from NC State’s famous dairy.
The Chair introduced Assistant Vice Chancellor Anna Wu. He noted that Wu was the ’09 recipient of the C. Knox Massey Award. Wu said that she usually relies on graphics while discussing the campus’ beautiful scenery and architecture. She has been on campus since 1995, first as an architect then a project manager. She started as Assistant Vice Chancellor of Facilities Planning and Operations in July 2012. She said that this post presents a great opportunity to work with employees in conjunction with the leadership of Associate Vice Chancellor Bruce Runberg. She was impressed with the amazing expertise and dedication of employees in Facilities Services who worked to combat the June flood and the Cobb fire, among other work. She wanted to continue to foster opportunities to expand lifelong learning for employees and to provide training for staff. She said that staff and administrators can communicate and collaborate in work together, not at cross purposes. She cited Human Resources’ help with the PRM study in Housekeeping. She looked forward to working with the people who make this place work.
Paula Goodman asked about the bond program. Wu recalled that the State had voted in a multibillion dollar bond program around 2000, with UNC-Chapel Hill receiving $515 million, which was matched by external gifts. Much of this money was used for renovation and construction, which have slowed since then. The campus has not had much funding for repair and renovation since 2008. She said that construction will pick up again on various spots around campus, including Polk Place. Anna Schwab asked about the status of Carolina North. Wu said that the recession had undercut the momentum of this project. She hoped one day the University will be able to break ground. John Gullo asked about Wu’s architectural philosophy balancing tradition and innovation. Wu noted the high performance building standards that the University upholds. She said that the UNC Board of Trustees has been active in guiding the approval process. She said that the University has tried to build building representative of their era. She pointed to the Genome Science Building as an example of innovative research and architecture combined in a statement of intent. She hoped that employees have enjoyed the transformation of the Bell Tower parking lot into a useable open space.
The Chair welcomed Vice Chancellor Brenda Malone to present, for one last time, the Forum’s customary Human Resources update. Malone reminded biweekly employees that they must submit NC-4 forms for State income tax exemptions by December 20, and monthly employees by January 3. She said that the University will introduce a new process for emergency contacts. Information Technology Services, General Counsel, and Human Resources all worked together on this project. She said that upon renewing one’s ONYEN password, employees must submit emergency contact information for one individual. Malone reminded listeners that this is the last week of the Carolina Cares/Carolina Shares fundraising campaign. She said that the campaign has raised $667,000 but was short of its $1 million goal. She asked employees to try to donate if possible. Jill Crowder commented that she had not heard from her captains and division leaders since the campaign kick-off. She thought that campaign officials could do with a dose of enthusiasm. Malone agreed. Malone thanked the Forum for its good work and commitment to keep dialogue and respect going. She urged the Forum to support the new administration. She said that Chancellor Folt understands what employees need and will make sure that her administration conveys the value and work of staff to campus leaders. Malone thanked the Forum for its support and for its pushback when needed. She thanked the Forum for all it has given to her. The Chair was proud to present Malone with a few tokens of affection from the Forum. The Forum gave Malone a standing ovation as she left the podium.
The Chair called for a motion to approve the minutes of the November meeting. Todd Hux made this motion, seconded by Clifton Webb. The Chair said he had an amendment to the minutes. The Forum voted by acclamation to accept the minutes as amended.
The Chair noted that the Bylaws committee plans to present revisions to the Forum in January, with a target of completing discussions by April.
Arlene Medder of the Carolina Campus Community Garden committee said that the group was studying architectural drawings. Anna Wu noted that the Garden had received official approval for the fence around the property.
Jackie Copeland noted that the Communications and Public Relations committee had begun planning work on the next issue of InTouch. The book club will meet again Friday, December 20 at noon in the Bull’s Head Bookshop.
Matt McKirahan said that the Education and Career Development committee was undergoing the final stages for approval of professional development grant proposal.
Paula Goodman thanked Kathy Ramsey, Jackie Copeland, Tammy Cox, and others from the Membership & Assignments committee for their work on the day’s drawing.
Michael Highland said that the Recognition & Awards committee was working to improve the peer recognition nomination process.
James Holman turned over discussion of the Personnel Issues committee to Yvonne Dunlap. Dunlap noted that Chief Jeff McCracken had joined the committee to discuss the new campus gun law. She outlined requirements of the law. The Chair noted that Public Safety will speak on nighttime parking at the Forum in the New Year.
The Chair noted that the Staff Assembly’s Human Resources, Diversity, and Benefits committee had not met this month.
At this point, the Forum moved to enter closed session. The motion was approved by acclamation.
After discussion, Yvonne Dunlap moved that the Forum exit closed session, seconded by Jackie Overton. The motion was approved by acclamation.
The Chair confirmed that there were no further announcements or questions. He noted that the Forum Office will be closed from December 20-January 5.
The Chair called for a motion to adjourn. Myra Quick made this motion, seconded by Karen Jenkins-Cheek. The motion was approved by acclamation. The meeting adjourned at 11:42 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary