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Matt Banks, Alia Wegner, Dan Barmmer, Katie Turner, Charles Streeter

Next meeting:

Tuesday, March 5th, 12-1pm in Carr Building 200B

I.      Announcements

Alia Wegner announced that she resigning as chair. She cited her work responsibilities and graduate courses as requiring too much time to retain the chairship. She will, however, continue to participate in the committee and attend the meetings as a member. She passed the chairship to Katie Turner.

II.    Discussion

The committee discussed the attached handout and concluded that we should be moving toward a digital format. The committee decided to use the EF blog as an aggregator for content for print issues and explore the option of designing the newsletter ourselves. The committee would like to print a reduced number of copies of the newsletter and circulate them only to departments we suspect would like hard copies. Charles Streeter also suggested that we consider a process for people to subscribe to the newsletter.

III.   Next steps

  • Alia Wegner will pass on information regarding past publications to KatieTurner
  • Matt Banks will provide a list of employees in departments in which we estimate staff members not to have internet access
  • Katie Turner will meet with Jerry Waller to discuss designing the newsletter in Adobe InDesign
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