February 19, 2015 Executive Committee minutes
Attending (those who signed in): Oscar Fleming, Todd Hux, Karen Jenkins, Matt McKirahan, Arlene Medder, Charles Streeter, Ben Triplett
The Chair called the meeting to order at 11:30 a.m. He noted that the committee did not have a quorum due to the week’s snowstorm. He said that Clare Counihan’s child care initiatives presentation would need to be postponed.
Matt Banks presented the Forum’s monthly budget report. He said that there were some charges that he needed to check with Human Resources.
The Chair said that the Forum should ask a variety of dignitaries to accompany Chancellor Folt for the May 6th community meeting, including Chris Kielt, Felicia Washington, Joel Curran, and Stan Waddell.
Ben Triplett asked about the use of text alerts to let employees know about adverse weather conditions. Karen Jenkins noted that many employees do not have access to e-mail or to text. The Chair thought it would be useful for the Forum to advertise about the adverse weather hotline.
Oscar Fleming thought that it would be useful to have someone speak about how the University will determine its next five-year plan for parking. The Chair thought that this subject might be better addressed at a Forum meeting. Ben Triplett asked about discussing health insurance and the change in benefits and premiums. The Chair noted that SEANC can lobby on behalf of employees where the Forum cannot.
The Chair said that he preferred for the community meeting to take place in the Pleasants Family Assembly room, to minimize cost to the Forum. He said that the room can hold an impressive number of people if arranged in auditorium style. He said that the Forum will send out notification e-mails about the event beforehand.
The Chair noted the goals and objectives document will contribute to the assessment for staff. He hoped to develop a survey tool before June 30th for release over the summer. He said that the Forum will need to work on a transitional document for the next Chair. He hoped that the Forum retreat will contain planning and strategic thinking to set the course for the next year.
The Chair led a discussion of the selection process for the next UNC President. He thought that the Forum should make clear its vision for the next President. The committee discussed providing support for the various UNC centers under review by the Board of Governors.
The Chair directed that the Forum invite student representatives to discuss the nomenclature of certain campus buildings at the March Forum meeting. There was discussion of the usefulness of removing versus interpreting racist-era monuments.
Karen Jenkins asked that the Forum create ledger-sized posters for publicizing the Forum delegate nominations in Facilities Services.
The committee agreed to invite Gene Nichol, the head of the Center of Work, Poverty, and Opportunity, to speak at the March Forum meeting if available. Members thought that this invitation, while controversial, would allow the Forum to represent staff in the best way possible.
In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary