Community Service Committee (CSC)
Members: Katie Musgrove (Chair), Kewana Smith, Bonita Brown, Ricky Roach, James Fuller, John Williams
Goals/Plans (Committee will meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month to plan/arrange the following)
- Development of a “Community Service Spotlight” section (CS section) of the monthly “In-Touch” newsletter listing various community service opportunities for UNC staff, as well as spotlighting an employee that engaged in community service and/or utilized Community Service Leave (CSL)
- Within each newsletter CS section, encourage the use of CSL
- Will highlight two opportunities for the upcoming month (ex: June’s In Touch will highlight July Opportunities)
- Use Carolina Center for Public Service Listserv Posts for 1 or 2 potential event ideas to highlight that may be of interest for UNC Faculty/Staff
- Will highlight the four yearly Employee Forum sponsored events (including the blood drive) and the CCCG service dates as well (see below)
- Will spotlight one employee who engaged in community service and/or utilized CSL (will also solicit info from employees on their public service endeavors to highlight in future issues)
- Kelly Raker has offered to now list my email ( in the section requesting spotlight entries as opposed to hers
- Upcoming deadlines for InTouch entries are July 27th & August 24th
In conjunction with…
- Cultivation of specific programs/events through UNC Employee Forum like the annual Blood Drive
- One planned/sponsored event each quarter (4 per year)
- Proposed ideas for quarterly events to align with UNC University-wide theme “Food for All” (
- One Event = UNC Wide Combined Event Sponsored by Employee Forum similar in scale to the Blood Drive (Possibly on UNC Service Day, the mandatory leave day during Winter Break or other National Service Day)
- Cross-publicize with various groups on campus including UNC GAA, Carolina Union, UNC Faculty Council, Graduate Student Center, etc.
- Budget, Logistical Planning Stages, Approval Process?
- Potential Employee Forum Sponsored Volunteer Opportunities
- Million Meals Packaging Event via Stop Hunger Now (University-wide event) WORLD FOOD DAY OCT 16, 2017?
- TABLE NC event sponsored by Employee Forum for UNC Faculty/Staff Volunteer Opportunity Spring
- Salvation Army Holiday Event- Angel program? Winter
- Canned Food Drive for local Homeless Shelter or Pantry (Fall)
- Habitat for Humanity Employee Forum Sponsored Group Event (Spring/Summer)
- Proposed ideas for quarterly events to align with UNC University-wide theme “Food for All” (
- One planned/sponsored event each quarter (4 per year)
- Develop training/ arrange disbursement of information to schools/divisions/HR Directors UNC wide educating them on Community Service leave/encouraging their employees to utilize (Both via flier idea from HR, but also within the UNC website’s ’Public Service’ section)
- HR Directors disseminate the one time flier via their listservs for their various faculty/staff
- University wide email with flier regarding CSL policy via University-wide ‘no-reply’ Listserv
- Maybe Charles can help us to request permission from the Chancellor/Vice-Chancellors to use this tool as a way to disseminate the CSL flier/informational message
- In addition to the initial email blasts notifying supervisors/UNC Faculty & Staff about Community Service Leave, develop a Quick Hits/FAQ section on the HR website publicizing the ‘quick and dirty’ information that is sent out in the email blast and directs people to the full CSL page for further details/rules (we would create a link to these FAQ’s on the Public Service section of the UNC website
- Help to Develop/Enhance UNC website’s ’Public Service’ section
- Include information within the website informing UNC Faculty/Staff how to go about planning/executing their community service activity, whether it be an individual/group experience and whether it be a one time, short term or even long term volunteer experience
- In conjunction with representatives from Carolina Center for Public Service, work to produce these FAQ’s, How to’s and beginners guides to prepare people to choose and then participate in various volunteer/community service opportunities
- Important Contacts/Partners for our CSC Endeavors
- Kim Allen, Carolina Center for Public Service
- Kelly Raker, InTouch Spotlight (or Communications Committee Chair)
- Brandy Flickinger, Benefits Coordinator, HR
- Charles Streeter, Employee Forum Chair (Potential Liaison with the Chancellors and Vice Chancellors Offices)
- Matt Banks, Employee Forum Assistant (Potential Resource for other Contacts within UNC)
- Other ideas/suggestions for Committee? (If so, please send me an email or give me a call)