July 20, 2015 Education & Career Development Committee meeting minutes
Attendees (9): Samara Reynolds, Emily Gomez, Shayna Hill, Shamecia Powers, Nakenge Robertson, Matt McKirahan, Krista Prince, Ronda Manuel, Clare Counihan
Subcommittees for 2015-2016:
- Careers in Higher Education Administration Mini-Conference
- Samara, Krista, Nakenge, Shane, Shamecia
- HR Training & Development Partnership
- Shayna, Shamecia, Matt, Emily
- InTouch Career Corner Article Series
- Clare, Emily
- Professional Development Fnding
- Ronda, Matt
- Awards & Recognition*
Subcommittee Ideas/Reports from Meeting 1:
- Careers in Higher Education Administration Mini-Conference
- Expanding “Careers in Higher Ed. Admin. Panel” from last year
- Half-day event with rotating sessions (potentially 10am-1pm), including lunch
- Potential topics – moving across UNC (panel), growing into leadership/supervisory roles, higher ed-focused master’s programs, working in professional schools and academic units, resources on campus, tuition waiver/educational benefits, similar-but-different careers in higher ed admin panel
- Timing: either in conjunction with Employee Appreciation Day in October (unless would be more of a conflict than a benefit for staff members, supervisors, or HR planning committee), OR ~Jan/Feb/March
- Networking opportunities
- Record sessions and post on website after conference
- Krista to connect with Will Frey/HR to ask about date preferences
- HR Training & Development Partnership
- Promoting classes via T&D that focus on the 9 competencies that SPA staff members are expected to master; helping identify those that fit or encouraging creation of new courses
- Improving PR/marketing strategies and web presence re: current class offerings for all employees (many out-of-date, or people don’t know about them)
- Reinstating certifications (modules?) that could be popular again
- Shayna to meet with HR partners in August – Jenn Baker, Will Frey, Linda Smith, Gina Carter
- InTouch Career Corner Article Series
- Format: Will ask Katie for preference, but potentially shorter pieces focusing on quick tips, links to internal and external resources, addressing other content (Harvard Business Review, Chronicle of Higher Ed, etc.)
- Article ideas: Introduction to Career Corner, Q&A/Advice Column, Professional Dress, Negotiation, Interviews w/staff leaders on campus, Managing Up, Mentoring, Moving Up at UNC, Resumes
- Clare to meet with Katie Turner
- Professional Development Funding
- Professional Development Grant – Matt says we are waiting on budget approval from Charles for this year, before we can proceed
- Carolina Family Scholarship (CFS)
- Identifying new and collecting renewals
- This year: $16K one-time contribution, but will need to fundraise to move forward
- Contemplating changes to grant, including 1 yr vs. 4 yr commitment
- Incorporating/Partnering with scholarship office, State Employee’s Combined Campaign, etc.
- Better promotion re: fundraising via InTouch, social media, payroll deduction options
- Krista suggested student organization potential support (with surplus budgets)
- Ronda will keep us posted
- Awards & Recognition*
Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 11, 1:30pm in Hanes Hall (Rm. 239)