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Agenda – July 7, 2004

9:30 a.m.—-Meeting: Pleasants Family Assembly Room, Wilson Library

I.          Call to Order

II.         Welcome Guests & Members of the Press

III.            Opening Remarks

· Provost Robert Shelton

IV.       Special Presentations

· Judith Wegner, on the State Health Plan

V.        Employee Presentations or Questions

VI.       June 2, 2004 Minutes

VII.      Old Business

VIII.     New Business

IX.        Stretch Time 6

X.         Forum Committee Reports

· Orientation:  Meredith Clason

· Personnel Issues: Delita Wright

· University Assignments:  Tom Arnel

· Career Development: Curtis Helfrich

· Communications: Brian White

Þ    Forum Newsletter

· Community Affairs, Recognition and Awards: Dixie Bloom

· Employee Presentations:  Katherine Graves

· Nominating: Patti Prentice

Þ    Forum Elections

XI.        Chair’s Report (Executive Committee):  Tommy Griffin

XII.       Task Force/University Committee Reports

· Advisory Committee on Transportation—Tommy Griffin

· Chancellor’s Task Force for a Better Workplace—Tommy Griffin

· University Priorities and Budget Advisory Committee—Tommy Griffin

· Carolina North Project—Tommy Griffin

XIII.      Announcements/Questions

XIV.     “Go Around the Room”

XV.      Adjournment

P = Included in Agenda Packet



JULY 7, 2004

The meeting was called to order and all Delegates and visitors were welcomed.


Mr. Shelton spoke of his meeting with the Board of Governors and Trustees.   The Budget is not final.   It is still expected to be out some time next week.   After this, it will be sent to the governor for final approval.   We remain hopeful for 2.5% increase, or a $1,000 a year pay raise, which ever is the highest.   The DD119 process should be very typical.   There was some talk of reduction in the budget.  Overall it is good news to be only 1.5% reduction.


The Dean of the School of Public Health candidates will begin interviews.

Brian White asked what is a DD119.


This is a form which is completed for salary increases/adjustments.   This is used for ERA and SPA employees.


Tommy Griffin asked if the 1.5% reduction will cause loss of positions.   Mr. Shelton answered they are hopeful that the normal attrition rate will occur and no lay-offs will be needed.


Tommy said the past lay-offs have hurt us.  Are there any long-range planning to recoup those loses?


Mr. Shelton stated they continue to work with the Board of Trustees.


Dave Brannagan stated the natural attrition does not mean fewer people doing the work.  Mr. Shelton stated a junior person would be hired at a lower salary and the same amount of people for the jobs would be in effect.


Judith Wagner spoke on health insurance for us.  (I emailed her to get a summary of this, but never heard from her)  Here is what I got:


Many thanks to all who are helping with the health benefits.   There was a meeting with the legislatures and Jack Walker had a presentation in May to them.  This will be sent to Tommy.   We are an aging population and chronic disease follows this.   It was suggested that more “Health and Wellness” fairs could be held.   Many people think they are well, however, have underlying problems not yet detected such as high blood pressure.


There are more women than men as time goes on.   Also, there is a large difference in the costs of younger employees versus older and the costs can vary drastically.   It was noted that one area of concern was a Health screening education.   They are finding that if drugs are higher, people won’t get them because of the costs involved, and then there are those who don’t eat right due to their low income.   These are concerns which are being looked into.


Each major agency or unit should develop a committee as finding what is best for their needs.



The Ombudsperson committee is working and doing phone interviews.   The list has been narrowed to 14 applicants.   The plan is to talk to all of the candidates and have a decision by late August or early September.


It was next discussed that UNC has been a pilot for career banding.  OPS post-poned IT banding to early September.


In May there was manager training for this.


Delita asked if IT directors would be paid less.   Would top managers be put in Director’s band?    This will be looked into at the meeting with IT and ask about IT managers


Clara Miller – update


1) Advisory meeting being formed.   Asking for nominations.   Over-site of work planning and job goals, performance review.

2)    Employee event Friday October 15.  Recommended by Task Force, the focus is on careers and program development.

3)    University management development program. – They are accepting nominations.  Go to the HU website to apply.

4)    Legislative update.   The budget committee is still working on the budget.


John Adams – asked if there was any discussion of the top salary range?


Clara stated what we are seeing is a whole range shift.   Clear guidelines are needed.


Tommy:   Minutes from last meeting, move to approve.   Motion to approve, and a vote was unanimous.


New Business:  None


Old Business:


Tommy expressed thanks for the Health committee.


Delita:   Mentions the committee which Jack Walker is involved in.  Also the second which deals with preventive medicine/wellness.  Delita stated Jack Walker talked  about insurance on a sliding scale according to individual salaries.


Tommy stated the Tar Heels for Health volunteers would be most beneficial to assist in this committee.


Syed asked how one can serve on Jack Walker’s committees.  Tommy answered the legislature met twice on this.   The committee will possibly require serving beyond any Delagates term as a delegate.


Committee Reports:


Orientation – working to organize the new delegate orientation as well as the delegate handbook.


Personnel – Delita stated they were working on the grievance process and the best management initiative.


Tommy Griffin spoke of the GED program, it is an excellent opportunity for University employees.  Syed was able to acquire computers for this purpose.


Communications Committee – Brian White, met last week, and worked on the Gazette information which will be in next week.


Tommy Griffin stated everyone should sit down and write an article and submit it to “In Touch”.


Dixie – Working on the award program, such as the “Shining” employee award.


Katherine stated they are shooting for October to have this completed.


Patty – Gearing up for the nominating of Delagates in each division.   Waiting to meet with Katherine.


Chair Report – We are currently trying to get two students to assist in the Employee Forum Administrative office.   The students will be paid, but not from the Forum funds.   Everyone should think of what you need for your committee and submit these requests to Tommy.


Matt is still with us.


David Brannigan asked if anyone had looked into housekeeping training to enable them to work clerical positions.


Tommy stated yes, and there is a proposed development program, however, where the funds can come for this is still unknown.


Tommy stated that the work-study students for the Forum office would be a 9 month job for them.


Dale Baily stated that departments have limited funds to hire and train on-the-job.


Tommy stated that a lot of employees in the 80’s were hired this way.


Transportation Committee – Chuck spoke of getting a ticket while parked doing his job.   He stated he got it reduced to $15.00 however, since it was issued in the line of doing his job, this should be revoked.    Tommy stated he would take care of this ticket.


Dave Brannagan stated this is a serious matter and stronger measures should be done.


Cheryl Little asked about the construction companies who are blocking areas to park.  Tommy stated their contracts are allowing these companies access to their working areas.


Camilla Crumpton stated that the construction companies get the best spaces.  Syed wanted to write an article on this subject and submit for publication.


Tommy stated this needs to go to the Chancelor’s Task force.


The Wellness committee was mentioned.  Katherine stated that Cheryl Lytle who works with Heals for Health and hopes she will volunteer some time to this.


Delita stated she is trying to find people in the PIC to work on this health issue.


Tommy asked if we’d discuss this at the next meeting.


Tommy stated that Judith is a great advocate in this.   Delita stated she felt Judith should be on this committee.   She is very knowledgeable about the subject.


A motion was made to adjourn, and passed unanimously.



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