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June 18, 2024 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Attending: Sharron Bouquin, David Bragg, Shane Brogan, Shavon Carey-Hicks, Leah Hefner, James Holman, Rebecca Howell, Brigitte Ironside, Stacy Keast, Haydee Marchesé, Vanessa Morris, Katie Musgrove, Joe Ormond, Charlissa Rice, Theresa Silsby, Matthew Teal, Ally Wardell, Jason Womack

Chair Katie Musgrove called the meeting to order at 11:35 a.m., after a brief discussion confirming that the meeting had a quorum (1/3 of committee membership under the Forum Bylaws). The Chair asked for a motion to approve the May minutes of the committee. Jacob Womack made this motion, seconded by Theresa Silsby. The motion was approved by acclamation.

Matt Banks led the committee in a discussion of the Forum’s monthly budget report, noting that the Forum’s designated expense entries have by this point been either depleted or “zeroed out” for use in next year’s budget as carryover dollars. The Chair noted that the Forum had spent approximately $45,000 this year and has yet to receive refunds on UNC System Staff Assembly work from the System Office. She said that the Forum would have a surplus of $10,663 to roll into next year’s budget.

Brigitte Ironside added that a few expenses will come through in the next couple of weeks, although these will likely be minimal. Rebecca Howell confirmed that the University Managers’ Association budget would be reflected in next year’s budget proposal. The Chair thanked Ironside and Banks for their work on these reports throughout the past year.

The Chair then moved to a draft of the Forum’s budget proposal for 2024-25. This budget will contain the rollover dollars from the previous budget. She hoped the Forum’s budget would be granted an increase to at least pre-pandemic funding levels. She provided the committee with a draft budget and asked for comments before forwarding the document to the OHR Business Office. There was no further discussion regarding the budget proposal. The Chair thanked the committee for its consideration of this topic. She hoped that the approval for the budget proposal would come soon, but thought it would likely wait until August.

The committee discussed the runoff election for the Forum Treasurer position. The Chair hoped that the Forum could finalize this runoff at its July 10 retreat meeting. She emphasized that only delegates who were present to vote at the June 6 meeting could participate in the runoff election. Jacob Womack said that he and Matt Teal would handle the administrative details related to this election.

Matthew Teal hoped to make Matt Banks the future owner of the Qualtrics surveys for the year related to Forum elections. This step would help in consistency and recordkeeping. Banks was ready to help in whatever way needed.

The Chair said she had asked the Communications and Public Relations committee to begin work on updating the Forum website with changes necessary to accompany the recent Bylaws revisions which were passed in June.

The Chair said that the UMA merger had been completed, with work still to come on the transfer of the budget and the updating of relevant webpages related to the history of the UMA. She thanked all who had worked on these projects throughout the year.

The Chair said that the timeline improvement work related to SharePoint would likely continue into next year. She hoped to find new volunteers to work on this effort at the July 9-10 retreat.

The Chair then noted the upcoming Vice Chancellors’ representatives’ meeting occurring in July. Delegates should soon receive a Qualtrics survey through which they should indicate their plans to attend. She then shared a draft agenda for the July 9-10 retreat meetings. She noted that SEANC District 25 have offered to supply lunch at the July 9 outdoor meeting at which they would share remarks about that organization. She would distribute the liability statement and parking details for the Outdoor Education Center soon to delegates.

The Wednesday, July 10th half-day meeting would likely stay in the morning rather than the afternoon. She hoped that meeting would see the approval of the Forum’s standing rules, goal-setting for the year, and a breakout session whereby Forum committees would be composed.

The Chair would work with Banks to distribute a Qualtrics survey asking whether delegates plan to attend. The Chair shared a draft version of the annual report for 2023-24. She reminded committee chairs to complete their annual reports in time for the July retreat.

The Chair also raised the question of possibly shifting the schedule of Forum general meetings from Wednesday mornings to Friday mornings, in order to gain more flexibility in scheduling in-person meetings. Charlissa Rice inquired about the annual reports, to which the Chair directed her to consult the Forum website for guidance on previous versions of these reports.

Jacob Womack asked about possible weather alternatives. The Chair said that she had already reserved the Pleasants Family Assembly room in the Wilson Library for this purpose, should the weather turn rainy or unreasonably hot.

The committee discussed the minutia of the annual report draft, including chapter sections and appendices.

The Chair noted that Chair Emerita Shayna Hill would likely invite all delegates to her house for a pool party in August.

Shane Brogan reported that the Communications and Public Relations committee would publish its final edition of InTouch for the year soon. Delegates with submissions should contact him or Joe Ormond as soon as possible.

Vanessa Morris said that she had been away ill. She understood that the book club’s in-person meeting had gone well, with hopes to repeat it in 2024-25. The book club would select next year’s books following the July Forum retreat.

Ally Wardell said that the Community Service committee had held a Carolina Community Garden volunteer day which had gone very well. She thanked co-chair Theresa Silsby for bringing water for volunteers that morning. Silsby hoped that the committee would hold a future event in the fall to avoid the hot weather.

The Chair reported that the Carolina Blood Drive summer effort had gone very well. The committee will discuss ways to improve this effort in time for the December drive.

There was no report from the DEI committee. Shavon Carey-Hicks of the Leadership, Education, and Career Development committee said that the Carolina Family Scholarship application period closed June 15th. Application materials will go out to reviewers soon. Similarly, professional development grant applications will be reviewed through July.

The Chair said that the Membership and Engagement committee had been intrinsic in completing work associated with the Forum Retreat.

Leah Hefner said that the Personnel Issues committee is working with individuals on submitted questions and would then complete its annual report. Sharron Bouquin took a moment to recognize Hefner, who would roll off the Forum in July. The Chair thanked Hefner for her considerable accomplishments on behalf of university staff.

Charlissa Rice had no updates from the Recognition and Awards committee. The Chair thanked that group for its hard work on the Peer Recognition event which occurred in June.

Jacob Womack had no further report from the Rules committee.  James Holman said that the UNC System Staff Assembly will hold its July meeting at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee. The Chair said that the Chancellors’ Cup golf tournament will take place in Chapel Hill in late September. She said that leaders will seek volunteers for this effort soon. The Chair hoped that Interim Chancellor Roberts would host an event for participants prior to the golf event.

The Chair said the Advisory Committee on Transportation had wrapped up its work on the university’s five-year transit plan. She said that the Forum has received some questions regarding the structure of parking fees under the new plan.

Matthew Teal said that the Policy Review Committee was discussing research data ownership and purchasing card refresher training. The committee also is working on faculty workload policies.

Theresa Silsby said that there would be a new upgrade to team dynamics regarding the university’s help ticket functionality. She asked for patience as ITS works to implement these changes.

In the absence of further discussion, Charlissa Rice moved that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by David Bragg. The motion was approved by acclamation and the meeting adjourned at 12:31 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,                            Matt Banks, Recording Secretary


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