UNC–Chapel Hill Employee Forum Annual Retreat Agenda
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
SASB North-Upendo Lounge
9:00-9:15 AM Morning Refreshment—Coffee, Tea, Pastries
9:15-9:30 AM Welcome and Introductions
9:30-9:40 AM Review Agenda
9:40-10:10 AM Human Resources Update
10:10-10:30 AM Forum Business
10:30-10-40 AM Break
10:40-11:30 AM Election of Forum Officer Candidates
(Nominations and speeches from the Floor will be accepted)
- Forum Chair
- Candidates: Chuck Brink, Tommy Griffin, Jackie Overton, Marc ter Horst
- Forum Vice-Chair
- Candidates: Chuck Brink, Marc ter Horst
- Forum Secretary
- Candidates: Myra Quick
- Forum Treasurer
- Candidates: Carletta Long
- Election to UNC System Staff Assembly Delegates
- 3 Year Term Delegates
- Candidates: Chuck Brink, Koyah Rivera
- Alternate Assembly Delegate
- Candidates: Carl Shuler
- 3 Year Term Delegates
11:30-12 Noon Guest Speaker: Provost Bruce Carney
12:00-1:00 PM Lunch
1 PM -1:30 PM Presentation of Certificates to Outgoing Delegates
1:30-2 PM Motivational Talk: Koyah Rivera
2:00-2:15 PM Selection of Executive Committee Divisional Representatives
2:15 -2:40 PM Committee Descriptions by Current Committee Chairs
2:40-2:45 PM Delegates Selection of Forum Committees
2:45-3:30 PM Committee Breakouts, Initial Meeting to Establish Plans for the Year.
3:30-3:45 PM Committee Reports
3:45-4:00 PM Closing Remarks and Adjournment
June 2, 2010 Employee Forum Minutes
Vice Chair Jackie Overton called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m., welcoming delegates and guests on behalf of the Membership and Assignments committee. She led the Forum in a series of introductions.
Overton welcomed Vice Chancellor Brenda Malone to provide the Forum’s customary Human Resources update. Malone said that the Carolina Blood Drive was still registering volunteers and donors at www.unc.edu/blood She said that Human Resources was working to reinvent the basic clerical skills program. Kathy Bryant said that Human Resources had kicked off its workplace literacy program by registering ten people in the general literacy classes and 17 people in computer literacy classes. She noted that Verita Murrill was returning to the University as a senior manager in Training & Talent Development. Matt Brody said that Human Resources would host a community meeting on EPA non-faculty issues June 21 at 10 a.m. in the Wilson Library Assembly room.
Malone asked employees to submit their thoughts in the University’s employee survey as the Chancellor is interested in the pulse of the University community. Myra Quick asked if Malone could provide an update on plans for the University banding system. Malone said that the President’s letter to the Office of State Personnel on NC Pay had not yet received a response. Malone said that Human Resources intends to present a final draft of its proposed changes to the Forum at the July meeting.
Marc ter Horst read a resolution written by the Staff Relations, Policies and Practices committee concerning changes to the University grievance procedure. Lucy Lewis thought that the procedure needed to guarantee translated copies and policy translators in the policy. She wanted clearer language in protection from retaliation in the policy. Lewis said that the removal of grievance rights for a first written warning was a step backward. She also thought that the advisor panel chair should not be a Human Resources staffer. Chuck Sockell proposed that the Forum send out a copy of the original grievance policy to its delegates. Malone said that she took the comments of the Forum seriously. Human Resources would incorporate what changes it could but Malone did not expect that there would be one hundred percent incorporation of the Forum’s proposals. She emphasized that it was up to the Office of State Personnel to accept whatever changes the University proposed. Malone said that the University’s policy is more liberal than the typical State policy.
Carrie Goldsmith said that the Forum’s facebook page should be ready on July 1. The page will include links to InTouch editions, minutes, agendas, photos and more. Goldsmith would send out a link to the page soon.
Nadera Salam said that the Community Garden committee had met on May 7. She noted that the garden had given away 100 tomato plants and harvested 75 heads of Chinese cabbage and 100 heads of lettuce.
Alan Moran read a statement from the UNC Staff Assembly concerning furloughs. The statement urged that employees earning less than $30,000 a year not be subject to any mandated furloughs. Sandra O’Buckley asked if the furloughs would apply to those on federal grants, and Overton replied that they have previously applied to everyone. Aluoch Ooro recalled that furlough monies in federal grant departments had been reallocated to buy equipment. Matt Brody said that these funds remained with the grant or are returned to the granting authorities. The Forum voted to accept the statement offered by Moran, with two abstentions.
Aluoch Ooro conducted the election of officers for the Forum. She noted that Chuck Brink had withdrawn his candidacy for chair. Marc ter Horst said that he would emphasize discussion if elected chair or vice chair, believing in a collaborative approach to problem-solving. Jackie Overton said she felt passionate about what the Forum represents. Standing for vice chair, Chuck Brink cited his experience with the Staff Assembly and the Education and Career Development committee as reasons for his candidacy.
The Forum elected Jackie Overton chair and Marc ter Horst vice chair. The Forum elected Myra Quick secretary by acclamation and Carleta Long treasurer by acclamation.
Koyah Rivera pledged to improve understanding, communication, morale, and efficiency if elected the Forum’s delegate to the UNC Staff Assembly. Brink cited his experience working with chancellors and provosts on the UNC System Human Resources task force as reason for his candidacy. The Forum elected Rivera its delegate to the Staff Assembly. The Forum elected Carl Schuler alternate to the Staff Assembly by acclamation.
The Forum next heard from Provost Bruce Carney. Carney said that his position dealt with anything to do with faculty, staff, or budget. He said that Dave Perry had temporarily stepped into the role of Associate Provost for Finance, taking Elmira Magnum’s position. A permanent search will hopefully be finished by September. Carney said that the University is working to overhaul its financial and human resources systems. The University had also began work on its academic plan, a task that he found very interesting. Marc ter Horst asked about staff involvement on search committees. Carney said that staff involvement would be appropriate on the search committee for the Vice Chancellor for Research & Economic Development. He said other search committees would be appointed on a case by case basis. Alan Moran asked what the best use of the Employee Forum’s resources will be in the future. Carney said that the Forum would do well to work on Human Resources issues and ways to deal with the succession of layoffs and overwork facing employees. He said that legislative cuts remain on the horizon for this year, perhaps from 4-8%.
The Forum presented certificates and photographs to outgoing members, and then recessed for lunch.
Alan Moran briefed the Forum on Senate Bill 1480, which would eliminate longevity pay, raise the minimum age to 60 for full retirement, raise State Health plan premiums, and require employees hired after October 1, 2006 to have 20 years of service to be vested.
Koyah Rivera gave a motivational talk on making work more enjoyable.
Forum delegates then choose their committees and had a brief committee meeting.
Chuck Brink suggested that the Forum conduct a primer on parliamentary procedure and Robert’s Rules of Order at the next Forum meeting.
Jackie Overton expressed her thanks for being elected Forum chair. She encouraged delegates and employees to contact her at 2-5029. She also asked delegates to suggest other employees to serve in vacant delegate positions.
In the absence of further discussion, the Forum adjourned at 2:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary