UNC–Chapel Hill Employee Forum Annual Retreat Agenda
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
SASB North-Upendo Lounge
8:45 -9:15 AM Morning Refreshment—Coffee, Tea, Pastries
9:15-9:30 Welcome and Introductions
9:30-9:45 Remarks from Dick Baddour
9:45-10:00 Human Resources Update with Gena Carter
10:00-10:05 Business: Approve May Minutes
10:05-10:15 Break
10:15-10:40 Ice breaker activity
10:40-11:15 Election of Forum Officers
(Nominations and speeches from the Floor will be accepted)
· Forum Chair
Candidates: Jackie Overton
· Forum Vice-Chair
Candidates: Dan Barmmer
· Forum Secretary
Candidates: Myra Quick
· Forum Treasurer
Candidates: Tammy Cox, Alia Wegner
· Forum Parliamentarian
Candidates: Valerie Madill
11:15-11:30 Presentation of Certificates to Outgoing Delegates
11:30-12:30 PM Lunch
12:30-1:15 Interactive Activity/Debrief (with Verita Murrill)
1:15-1:40 Committee Descriptions by Current Committee Chairs
Communications & Public Relations **
Education & Career Development **
Legislative Action
Membership & Assignments
Staff Relations, Policies, & Practices/Compensation & Benefits **
**annual report linked
1:40-2:00 Delegates Selection of Forum Committees
2:00-3:00 Committee Breakouts, Initial Meeting to Establish Plans for the Year.
3:00-3:30 Committee Reports
3:30-4:00 Closing Remarks and Adjournment
June 6, 2012 Employee Forum minutes
Attending (who signed in): Jodi Abatemarco, Kittie Allen, Teri Augustine, Dan Barmmer, Olga Baza, Joyce Beeson, Karen Cheek, Peggy Cotton, Marilyn Couch, Tammy Cox, Jill Crowder, Odessa Davis, Brenda Denzler, David Fraley, Lawrence Giffin, John Gullo, James Gusler, George James, Christina Lebonville, Carleta Long, Denise Mabe, Valerie Madill, Avia Mainor, Arlene Medder, Chris Meinecke, Jillian Molee, Danny Nguyen, Jackie Overton, Sarah Poteete, Myra Quick, Patricia Robinson, David Schwartz, Renee Sherman, Tara Smith, Charles Sockell, Charles Streeter, Marc ter Horst, Nihlei Tial, Alpa Vaghani, Jerry Waller, Alia Wegner
Chair Jackie Overton called the retreat to order at 9:15 a.m. She welcomed 45-year University employee Dick Baddour to provide opening remarks. Baddour recalled his career at the University and his encounters with former receptionist Esphur Foster at the Law School. He noted that the University is in the education and service business. He recalled the importance of relationships and the sense of team that being a part of Carolina is really about. He said that the University has another component, a sense of service to one another.
Senior Director Gena Carter gave the Forum’s customary Human Resources update. She appreciated the way that the Office of Human Resources and the Forum work to tackle problems. She appreciated the respect between the groups, even if there is not always agreement. She noted that on May 30 the Office released revisions to the grievance policy requiring both parties to agree in writing to an extension of deadlines, and making the deadlines ten calendar days prior to hearing dates. These changes will take place July 1. Carter said that grievance panelists and chairs are still needed. She noted that the Performance Management cycle ended May 31, and departments have until June 29 to enter ratings. Senior Director Ashley Nicklis gave a health insurance update, noting that State Health Plan premiums will increase 5.13% as of the first pay check in June. The copayment and deductible for employees will not increase.
The Chair entertained motions to approve the May minutes, noting that there were two corrections. David Schwartz made this motion, seconded by Myra Quick. The minutes were approved as amended by acclamation. The Chair then led the Forum in an icebreaker activity.
Myra Quick conducted the Forum officer elections. Jackie Overton was elected Chair, Dan Barmmer Vice Chair, Myra Quick Secretary, and Valerie Maddill Parliamentarian by acclamation. Alia Wegner withdrew her candidacy for Treasurer in favor of Tammy Cox. The Chair thanked the Forum for its vote of confidence. She recalled her experience preparing for her University Day speech and the response she received afterwards. She said that everything in her life had led to this moment and experience now.
The Forum took its lunch break. Senior Manager Verita Murrill led the Forum in a “Step into the Center” ice breaker session. Sarah Poteete noted that the Carolina Campus Community Garden advisory group had been added to the Forum in the last couple of years. Jerry Waller noted that the Communications and Public Relations had worked on creating a blog and Facebook page, as well as one printed edition of InTouch. He hoped that the committee would work on creating a shared calendar for the Forum this year. The Chair noted that the Forum had created divisional listservs whereby delegates can contact everyone in their electoral divisions via e-mail. Jennie Brooks and Charles Streeter said that the Education and Career Development committee will work to find uses for the Staff Development fund such as notary public class support, textbook assistance, and other things. The Chair noted that the Forum had almost supported on-line computer training when it learned that Information Technology Services was creating an IT academy for free. Dan Barmmer suggested that the fund be used to support employee participation in classes that do not offer a grade, such as emergency medical training. It was noted that the Legislative Action committee tracks legislation affecting University employees. Myra Quick said that the Membership and Assignments committee had planned the 20th anniversary event of the Forum in March, as well as the election and orientation of new delegates and the retreat. Chris Meinecke said that the Recognition and Awards committee had planned the peer recognition awards banquet, which was held on May 31. The Chair noted that the peer recognition awards received 320 nominations this year, up from 180 last year. Meinecke thanked his committee, noting in particular Jonathan Pletzke for statistically compiling the merits of nominations. James Holman said that the Staff Relations, Policies, and Practices and Compensation & Benefits committees had combined for this year. The committees had worked on resolutions and had done much of the background work leading to the PRM report on the Housekeeping department earlier this year. The Chair praised Chancellor Thorp’s decisive steps in this area. Holman said that information coming to the committee is processed slowly but surely. Dan Barmmer added that the Compensation and Benefits committee had worked on tuition waiver and pay resolution questions. The Chair noted that the Forum has won representation on nearly 30 University committees.
The Forum broke into individual groups to sign up for committees and make plans for the coming year. The Chair noted the creation of the Carolina Engagement Council which will have a large influence on the University’s academic plan.
Sarah Poteete reported that the Carolina Campus Community Garden advisory committee will have co-representatives in addition to her. Charles Streeter reported that the Communications and Public Relations committee will need to institute use of Sharepoint for Forum committees to collaborate on document creation and editing. It was noted that Alia Wegner will be the new chair of this group. Streeter reported that the Education and Career Development committee would work to revive the computer loan program. The committee will also consider increasing the reimbursement for books. Myra Quick said that the Membership and Assignments committee will work on implementing electronic voting for Forum elections. Lawrence Giffin said that the Legislative Action committee will work to get information on budget bills and other items affecting University staff. Chris Meinecke said that the Recognition & Awards committee will rest for now having just finished its work on the Peer Recognition award event. James Holman said that the Staff Relations, Policies, and Practices committee will decide whether to join with the Compensation & Benefits committee. The SRPP committee will move its monthly meeting to the last Tuesday of the month from 12-2 p.m. It was noted that Tim Burke will chair the Compensation & Benefits committee. Burke wanted the Forum to work on cell phone problems in Facilities Services. The Chair thought that something was not right to require employees to use their personal cell phones for University business. The Chair asked that the Forum compose its Executive Committee at the July 11 Forum meeting.
The Chair noted that the Forum will host its community meeting on Monday, June 11. Employees must get permission from their supervisor to attend. She asked delegates to help shepherd attendees to the meeting. Alia Wegner asked about having a staff member on the panel. The Chair said that she would work to marshal resources to present information to staff. She noted that the Forum is on record as being against the proposed personnel flexibility legislation. She urged Forum members to speak with one voice on this legislation.
The Chair said that Forum delegates could order polo shirts or t-shirts from the Forum Office starting in July. She looked forward to a productive year, noting that 12,000 University employees depend on the Forum to be an effective representative.
In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary