June 8, 2022
UNC-Chapel Hill Employee Forum
Zoom Remote Meeting Only: Connection Details Below
NOTE: This is a draft agenda and is subject to change without notice.
I. Call to Order & Opening Remarks: Chair Katie Musgrove (9:15 a.m. – 9:20 a.m.)
- Welcome to Guests & Members of the Press
- The Chair requests that any nominations from the floor for an Officer position be declared at this time so that they can be added to the electronic ballot. All nominees will be given an opportunity to make a speech before the ballots are sent and the election process begins later in the agenda.
II. Recognition of Outgoing Delegates (9:20 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.)
III. Peer Recognition Ceremony (9:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.)
IV. Human Resources Update (10:00 a.m. – 10:20 a.m.)
- Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Equal Opportunity and Compliance Becci Menghini
- Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Linc Butler
- Senior Work/Life Manager Jessica Pyjas
V. Consent Agenda (10:20 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.)
- May Minutes
- Forum Committees (End of Year Committee Reports)
- Communications and Public Relations: Shane Brogan
- Book Club: Brooke O’Neal
- Community Service: Jacob Womack
- Carolina Blood Drive: Jen DeNeal
- Carolina Community Garden Advisory: Arlene Medder
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Joseph Nsonwu-Farley/Janet Steele
- DEI Council: Janet Steele
- Education and Career Development: L.E. Alexander/Laura Pratt
- Carolina Family Scholarship: L.E. Alexander/Laura Pratt
- Professional Development Grants: L.E. Alexander/Laura Pratt
- Membership & Assignments: Tiffany Carver
- Personnel Issues: Stephanie Forman/Matthew Teal
- Recognition & Awards: Tiffany Carver/Laura Pratt
- Rules: Jacob Womack
- UNC System Staff Assembly: Shayna Hill/Katie Musgrove/Keith Hines/James Holman/Laura Pratt
- University Committee Representatives
- Advisory Committee on Transportation & Parking: Shane Brogan
- Buildings & Grounds: James Stamey
- Carolina Peer Support Collaborative: Joseph Nsonwu-Farley
- Policy Review: Evan Marsh
- Student Stores Advisory Committee: David Bragg/Evan Marsh
- Executive Committee: Katie Musgrove
- Communications and Public Relations: Shane Brogan
VI. Old Business (10:55 a.m. – 11:20 a.m.)
- Forum Officer Elections: Nominators’ & Candidates’ Speeches (Nominations May Be Made from the Floor)
- Chair: Katie Musgrove
- Vice Chair: Keith Hines
- Secretary: Tiffany Carver
- Treasurer: Tracy Wetherby Williams
- Parliamentarian: Jacob Womack
- UNC System Staff Alternate Election
- Shane Brogan/Joe Ormond
- Standing Rules Document Approval (1st Reading)
VII. New Business (11:20 a.m. – 11:25 a.m.)
VIII. Announcements/Questions (11:25 a.m. – 11:30 p.m.)
- Vice Chancellor Representatives Meeting – June 9th, 2022 (10-11 a.m., via Zoom)
IX. Adjournment
June 8, 2022 UNC-Chapel Hill Employee Forum minutes
Delegates Attending: L.E. Alexander, Randall Borror, Sharron Bouquin, David Bragg, Rich Brandenburg, Alicia Brandt, Shane Brogan, Tiffany Carver, Michael Case, Jen DeNeal, Elizabeth DuBose, Jay Eubank, Shayla Evans-Hollingsworth, Jaci Field, Stephanie Forman, Adrianne Gibilisco, Chrissie Greenberg, Lonnie Hawley, Leah Hefner, Jessi Hill, Shayna Hill, Keith Hines, Ta’Keyah Holder, James Holman, Brigitte Ironside, Kira Jones, Stacy Keast, Mary King, Anthony Lindsey, Evan Marsh, Amber Meads, Arlene Medder, Mandy Melton, David Michaud, Manisha Mittal, Katie Musgrove, Joseph Nsonwu-Farley, Ayla Ocasio, Joseph Ormond, Sara Pettaway, Laura Pratt, Charlissa Rice, Kelly Scurlock-Cross, Lori Shamblin, Theresa Silsby, Janice Singletary, Sarah Smith, Robert Smith III, James Stamey, Janet Steele, Annetta Streater, Matthew Teal, Julie Theriault, Alice Whiteside, Tracey Wiley, Jacob Womack
Excused: Vanessa Blake, Todd Hux, Jane O’Hara, Tracy Wetherby Williams
Chair Katie Musgrove called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m. She called for nominations from the floor for officer positions to be elected later in the meeting. Any continuing or incoming delegate for this year is eligible. Evan Marsh nominated himself for Forum Vice Chair. There were no other nominations from the floor. The Chair thanked Laura Pratt for her help in administering the on-line election process.
The Chair recognized outgoing delegates for their terms of service, noting that some outgoing delegates have chosen to stand again for Forum election. She thanked all for their terms of service. She was thus pleased to recognize L.E. Alexander, Vanessa Blake, Jessye Bongiovanni, Rich Brandenburg, Shane Brogan, Tiffany Carver, Jaci Field, Stephanie Forman, Chrissie Greenberg, Jessi Hill, James Holman, Todd Hux, Quintara Jernigan, Kira Jones, Mary King, Evan Marsh, Arlene Medder, Ayla Ocasio, Kelly Scurlock-Cross, Theresa Silsby, Janice Singletary, Robert Smith III, Janet Steele, Matthew Teal, Sarah Wackerhagen, Tracy Wetherby-Willliams, Tracey Wiley, Michael Williams, Tyrone Williams, and Jacob Womack for completing their term as Forum delegates and for their contributions to the work of the group.
At this point, the Forum moved to its annual Peer Recognition Ceremony. Tiffany Carver and Laura Pratt were this year’s co-chairs of the Recognition & Awards committee. Carver thanked everyone who participated in this process, either as committee members who read applications or employees making one of the 185 nominations received this year. She noted that everyone has so much more to do these days and she appreciated all who took the time to make these nominations to acknowledge and celebrate their peers.
Laura Pratt read the award criteria for the Hall of Fame (Staff Member of the Year) award. Recipients consistently exemplify university’s mission of integrity, collaboration, respect & high-level customer service; and have been with University at least 5 years.
Ryan Neve of Earth, Marine, and Environmental Sciences and Pam Morrison of the Eshelman School of Pharmacy received this year’s Hall of Fame Award.
Tiffany Carver read the criteria for the Perfect Addition (Staff Member of the Year). Winners are said to exemplify the university’s mission of integrity, collaboration, respect & high-level customer service.
Christopher Daley of the Renaissance Computing Initiative and Crystal Wu of Arts Everywhere are this year’s winners of the Perfect Addition Award.
Pratt then read the criteria for the Professional Excellence Award. Winners are said to perform with exceptional execution above & beyond assigned duties; to display supportive interactions within their department and between campus departments; and to promote exemplary interaction with the outside community.
Kimi Yingling of Innovate Carolina, Ali Ramirez of Student Affairs Dean’s Office, Stephanie Forman of Health Policy and Management, and Susan Pedersen of Global Health and Infectious Disease are the winners of the Professional Excellence award.
Tiffany Carver read the criteria for the Overton Leadership Award, which reflects the leadership and honors the memory of longstanding Forum Chair Jackie Overton. Award-winners lead their unit and the University through involvement in staff issues, committee work, teamwork, and professional development of peers; demonstrate outstanding leadership qualities, inspire, and involve others, and work to create a long-lasting impact. Nominees need not be supervisors to win this award.
Logan Brackett of Biology and Valerie Tan of Allied Health Sciences are this year’s winners of the Overton Leadership Award.
Pratt then outlined the criteria for the Pinnacle Award. Recipients of the Pinnacle Award exhibit demonstrated leadership, vision, and commitment to excellence on a path of continuous learning through professional development.
Jennifer DeNeal of Ethics & Policy and Patricia Kinneer of Allied Health Sciences are the winners of this year’s Pinnacle Awards.
Carver then spoke about the Employee Forum’s Community Award (3-Legged Stool). The winner of this award, historically the Forum’s highest honor, is awarded to recognize distinguished contributions by an individual who inspires creativity; promotes harmony and partnerships within the University community; inspires teamwork, cooperation, and participation; demonstrates new approaches to current processes; encourages, mentors, and builds bridges; forms alliances to work collectively; or any other significant community building activities.
Rob Birrenkott of the School of Law is this year’s recipient of the Community Award.
Carver thanked her co-chair Laura Pratt and committee members David Bragg, Adrianne Gibilisco, Lonnie Hawley, Arlene Medder, Katie Musgrove, Ayla Ocasio, Kelly Scurlock-Cross, Lori Shamblin, Julie Theriault, Jacob Womack, and Matt Banks (non-voting member).
The Chair noted her great pleasure and honor to read through the nominations for these awards. She praised the amazing work of UNC staff and congratulated all for their accomplishments.
The Forum then moved to its customary Human Resources update with Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Linc Butler. Butler noted that Vice Chancellor Becci Menghini was unable to make the meeting that morning. Butler wished the Forum good morning and expressed his congratulations to award winners. He said that the Peer Recognition event is one of his favorite times of the year, allowing him to see all the wonderful things that colleagues do every day. He thanked all for their contributions.
Butler had no news regarding progress of the State budget. He recalled that from the last budget bill employees will receive another 2.5% legislative increase as of July 1, 2022. However, the university must still wait for implementation guidance from the State and the University System before putting these funds into payroll. In addition, some other potential items may also affect State employee salaries, most notably the possibility of another salary increase or additional one-time bonus payment. Much remains to be seen but Butler has his fingers crossed for good news from the Legislature.
Butler also noted that the Governor had recently issued Executive Order Number 62, which allows all employees one day of leave to recognize a day of cultural, religious, or personal significance. He said that this was very timely, as the University has done work with Adrianne Gibilisco and the Forum’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee on this topic to clarify instructions and the policy around the alternate holiday provision of the university’s own leave policy.
Butler said that the Governor’s Order goes beyond these reforms as it provides for a day that can be used by employees to recognize a day of cultural, religious, or of personal significance. This is not a grant of an additional holiday on the holiday schedule but is rather the granting of additional leave. Butler added that the System Office has issued guidance on this order yesterday afternoon establishing that the order will apply to UNC system campuses. UNC-Chapel Hill is in the process of establishing time management protocols for this use, which will fortunately enable use during the upcoming Juneteenth holiday. More details are not yet available as the System Office only provided guidance the previous day.
Butler said that the leave will be eight hours paid leave available to SHRA and EHRA non-faculty employees, as well as any category of leave-earning faculty. This leave can be used for any single day of personal significance which includes, but is not limited to, days of cultural or religious importance. Eligibility criteria includes probationary period, time-limited and permanent employees. Temporary employees, however, are not eligible for this leave. The leave is prorated for part-time employees who work at least a half-time schedule. Employees working fewer hours than a half-time schedule are not eligible for this leave. New employees hired after the date of implementation are eligible. This leave must be used in one work shift and cannot be split partially into different days. Supervisor approvals are required for this use of leave, like other types of leave available.
Butler noted that local improvements urged by the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee include strengthening the language and policy to encourage managers and supervisors to do all they can to accommodate requests for alternate holidays. He said that this leave is not paid out upon separation if it is not used. It also expires at the end of the calendar year if it has not been paid out. Still, Butler understood that with the New Year, a new bucket of eight hours of leave will be available for this purpose. Butler noted transfer provisions that state that if an employee moves from one State agency to another, this leave will transfer with them.
Butler noted that campus Human Resources will continue work with TIM and Communications to notify and update the campus about the policy. Butler thanked those on the Forum who have worked with the Office of Human Resources to update the local alternate holiday provisions as well. He observed that the Governor’s Executive Order referred in passing to a 20% vacancy rate for state government employees, a staggering figure. Butler said that the university is working with the System Office to find other creative ways to recruit and retain employees.
Butler noted a provision rolling out to campus which builds the administrative infrastructure for SHRA recruitment and retention bonuses, an innovation. However, this is just one tool that the university has, and Butler wished more were available. He then offered to take questions from the group.
James Stamey asked if a campus-wide email will go out detailing these policy changes. Butler said that OHR will work to inform people as quickly as possible about these changes to enable them to take advantage. The Chair relayed a chat question asking if an employee starts a new job with a two and a half percent increase, how will that relate to their new salary if placed in the new job by June 30th. Butler said that OHR awaits confirmation on this timing issue. He said that OHR tries to factor this increase in current job offers. He wished that similar practice was in place across the state, recalling that it was in place at NC A&T State and NC Central Universities when he worked at those places. He anticipated that a decision on this question will come with final guidance from the System Office.
The Chair raised another chat question regarding alternate leave retroactive for 2022 and whether this is only effective for the new fiscal year. Butler understood that the leave is effective now and thus could not apply to days previously taken.
Butler welcomed Senior Work/Life Manager Jessica Pyjas to provide wellness updates and events for June. Pyjas noted the many resources and different webinars and in-person events available for registration at She noted the success of the Spring Fling jog and run, as well as the Miles for Wellness initiative, in which Carolina fielded 38 teams which walked a total of 85,071 miles. She provided more details to the Forum in a digest supplied to delegates following the meeting.
Pyjas noted that the Helping Heels registration list still has over one hundred UNC affiliates available for paid and volunteer work on childcare, pet care, and senior companionship care, among other items. In addition, the Wellness Champions program will begin morning internet interest sessions June 28th.
Pyjas said that sadly, the Tar Heel Bike program ended as of May 31st. The program launched in October 2017, with around 13,000 members who took 140,000 trips overall. Pyjas said that the pandemic had slowed bike use recently. She understood that a new program may be on the way including electric options, possibly by next year. Finally, Pyjas noted the many opportunities for savings detailed in the most recent WorkWell newsletter.
Chrissie Greenberg asked Butler a question regarding internal promotion and the 20% threshold. She knew that OHR was working toward changes to this policy, and she asked if Butler could speak on this progress. Butler said that there had been good news in this area. OHR is in the process of updating language specific to new guidance received. He recalled that previously, any increase exceeding 20% of the base salary would require external approvals by the UNC System Office and potentially the Board of Governors, depending on the size of the increase.
Butler said that the new rules focus less on the base salary as a reference point than on where the proposed salary falls within the assigned salary range for that position. He anticipated many actions to be approved at the local level because of this change, great news. Still, the University must obtain final clarification on the requirements before formally posting the new rule. He noted the general frustration of applying a different set of rules to individuals who are being promoting internally versus external applicants. OHR officials continue to push as there are still many pain points related to the career banding system, most notably how pay bands remain stagnant. He said that OSHR officials have said that updating these pay bands could wait until the new compensation system is rolled out, but Butler did not think that the State should take that stance given current vacancy rates. He hoped for movement soon because ranges are not where they need to be.
Jaci Field asked about a timeline for possible rate changes but thought given Butler’s comments that there is not one yet. Secondly, she asked if Butler could speak in more detail about OHR steps for retention. Butler said that a new provision is rolling out to campuses and state agencies allowing for one-time recruitment and retention bonuses. Each campus or agency must establish a process for how those bonuses will be administered, leaving UNC-Chapel Hill with policy work to do but also re-configuration efforts to ensure that these desired changes can occur. He hoped to have all of this finalized in the very near future. He estimated that this guidance would be provided in the next couple of weeks.
The Chair thanked Butler for his remarks and work. She moved to the consent agenda, asking for a motion to approve. Elizabeth DuBose made this motion, seconded by Arlene Medder. The motion was approved without opposition or abstentions.
Shayna Hill spoke in her capacity as Vice Chair of the UNC System Staff Assembly. She noted that group had passed a resolution requesting abolition of the 20% threshold that was approved and went to the Board of Governors. She thanked the Forum for its support of that resolution. She also asked the Forum for its support of another resolution regarding updating of career banding pay bands. This resolution had advanced through the Chairs’ committee and the Executive committee and would receive a full vote soon.
Hill said that the Chancellors’ Cup golf tournament will take place at Finley Golf Course in Chapel Hill. She thanked Jaci Field for her work helping make that happen. She asked delegates to donate their time and energy to the tournament, which will take place Tuesday, September 27th. Proceeds from the tournament go to raise funds for the Janet B. Royster staff scholarship program. Arlene Medder confirmed that employees can use community service leave to volunteer for the tournament but not to play in the event.
Shane Brogan reported that the Communications and Public Relations committee’s final edition of InTouch for the academic year would go out soon depicting Blood Drive and Community Garden activities. People with other ideas for content should contact Brogan.
Jacob Womack reported that the Community Service committee was closing shop for the year. He recalled the Toy Drive in December which donated hundreds of toys to the UNC Children’s Hospital. In addition, the March Madness drive to support the Ronald McDonald House raised over $1500 worth of goods and services, which were much appreciated.
Jen DeNeal thanked all who contributed or volunteered at yesterday’s Blood Drive at the Dean E. Smith Center. The drive had 93 volunteers and 515 presenting donors, leading to collection of 510 units of blood throughout the day. She thanked all the community partner businesses that donated food as well as volunteers through the day. The Blood Drive committee worked to organize the June drive as well as the Holiday Blood Drive in December. Overall, the year’s effort featured more than 150 volunteers and collected 830 units of blood, a spectacular haul during a critical national blood shortage.
The Chair thanked DeNeal for her work and sadly noted that she is due to leave the University for another position out of state soon. She wished her congratulations and best wishes.
Arlene Medder reported that the Carolina Community Garden has re-opened for housekeepers to pick up produce on site. Medder highlighted that the Garden gives lots of produce throughout the year. Staff members are welcome to volunteer to work in the Garden, as the Garden always needs volunteers in the summertime when students aren’t as prevalent on campus.
Joseph Nsonwu-Farley spoke about the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee’s work through the year. He noted the group’s work to move the alternative holiday proposal forward and the restructuring of the group to increase administrative cover for committee officers.
L.E. Alexander said that the Education and Career Development committee is recruiting readers for the professional development grant program. This past year the committee awarded a total of 28 grants. This year committee chairs have worked to refine the process for these grants to be more consistent with the University’s revised purchasing and travel policies. In addition, the committee has revised communication with awardees to describe exactly how to process their awards.
Laura Pratt said that the Carolina Family Scholarship program also needs readers. She highlighted that the Carolina Family Scholarship program was founded in 2004 to provide need-based scholarships to the children of UNC employees attending any UNC system campus or community college here in North Carolina. The Education and Career Development committee is responsible for administering the scholarship program and thus reviews applications and works with the Office of Scholarships and Student Aid to ensure distribution of funding. Last summer eight scholarships of $2,000 each were awarded. The committee has authority to grant another $16,000 in scholarships this summer as well.
Tiffany Carver said that the Membership & Assignments committee is beginning to plan for the Forum’s 30th anniversary celebration. She would organize a meeting to this effect with those who expressed an interest in this work. She had also reached out to the Carolina Club about possible dates for a Forum luncheon marking the occasion.
Stephanie Forman and Matthew Teal provided updates on the Personnel Issues committee, encouraging all to consult the committee’s annual report on the Teams site. The committee has focused on all-around retention efforts and advocating for compensation system updates, salary range revisions, addressing pay equity issues, and finding meaningful career development and pathways to promotion and mentorship. The committee has sought strategic ways to move forward on the retention issue via these different pathways.
In July, Forman said that the committee will meet with Vice Chancellor Menghini and Associate Vice Chancellor Butler and their staff to discuss ways to work on the career development question. Listeners were invited to attend the July 18th meeting.
Tiffany Carver and Laura Pratt, co-chairs of the Recognition & Awards committee, thanked all who helped or participated in the recognition event this morning.
Jacob Womack said that the Forum will consider its Standing Rules on first reading later in the meeting.
Shane Brogan said that the Advisory Committee for Transportation and Parking had cancelled its most recent meetings. The Chair hoped that the Forum could hear from Director Cheryl Stout on the upcoming parking season and the emerging Five-Year plan.
James Stamey reported that the Buildings and Grounds committee did not discuss anything for this month. He recalled the committee’s work on the design approval for the Kenan Stadium upgrade, the training facility, and the American Indian Cultural Garden. David Bragg had no update from the Student Stores Advisory committee.
At this point the Forum held its election for Forum officers. Katie Musgrove was the only candidate for Forum Chair, while Keith Hines and Evan Marsh stood for the position of Forum Vice Chair, both making brief comments. Tiffany Carver spoke as the only candidate for Forum Secretary. Tracy Wetherby Williams was the only candidate for Forum Treasurer.
Shane Brogan and Joe Ormond were the candidates for UNC System Staff Assembly alternate, both choosing to make remarks to the Forum. The Chair then turned over election administration to Laura Pratt, who explained the election process. Delegates voted via the Qualtrics survey as instructed.
As delegates voted, the Chair asked for comments regarding the University’s parking distribution system for use in a future discussion with Transportation officials. Julie Theriault noted that the system will no longer allow day parking, although hourly parking will remain. She said this change could be challenging for the staff who come to campus as needed who have relied on the day parking option.
Discussion moved to the first reading of the Forum’s Standing Rules document. Parliamentarian Jacob Womack noted that the Forum could change its standing rules at any time during the year if needed. The Chair opened the floor for discussion of the rules on first reading. As there was none, the Chair called for an approval of the rules document on first reading, with the final second reading to occur in July. David Bragg made this motion, seconded by Laura Pratt. The motion was approved without opposition or abstentions. The Chair thanked Womack and his group for their work on the document.
The Chair noted that the Vice Chancellors’ representatives’ meeting will take place the following day. She said that delegates wishing to attend this meeting should contact Matt Banks to obtain the relevant Zoom link and password.
Arlene Medder noted that employees can now benefit from a covered booster incentive leave, which allows an extra eight hours of paid leave for uploading of documentation of a covered booster shot.
Laura Pratt announced that the Forum had a tie in one of its elections. Tiffany Carver said that many delegates had logged off before voting. Parliamentarian Jacob Womack ruled that the Forum would need to revote at its next meeting given the tie in voting for the UNC System Staff Alternate position.
Laura Pratt announced the winners of the Forum officer elections: Katie Musgrove for Chair, Keith Hines for Vice Chair, Tiffany Carver for Secretary, Tracy Wetherby Williams for Treasurer. She reminded everyone that Shane Brogan and Joe Ormond had tied in the race for Staff Assembly Alternate. The Forum would vote again on this question in July. The Chair thanked Pratt and Jen DeNeal for all their hard work on producing and compiling the electronic election ballots.
Discussion revealed that Jacob Womack’s current term as Parliamentarian was finishing out the term of departed Parliamentarian Kevin Robinson. Womack thus had to win an election to serve a full two-year term in this role starting July 1, 2022. Laura Pratt moved that the Forum undertake a voice vote to confirm Womack in the absence of other candidates. Elizabeth Dubose seconded this motion. There were no other nominations for the position. Annetta Streater confirmed that delegates absent from the day’s meeting have missed their opportunity to vote. Womack was thus confirmed Forum Parliamentarian via a unanimous voice vote. The Chair congratulated Womack for his election.
Delegates wished Jen DeNeal the best of luck as she would soon depart the university. DeNeal praised the remarkable community of the university. She said it was her sincere pleasure to work with delegates and award winners who make this place what it is. She was very grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of this body. The Chair thanked DeNeal for her contributions, most notably in her authorship of the two academic reports on staff responses to the pandemic and her service as chair of the Carolina Blood Drive effort.
The Chair then outlined the agenda for the July 13th retreat’s half-day outdoor session. Jessica Pyjas then clarified details about the booster leave mentioned earlier. These details will be sent to employees and captured on the HR website soon.
The Chair called for a motion to adjourn. Jen DeNeal made this motion, seconded by David Bragg. The meeting adjourned at 11:34 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary