June 9, 2021
UNC-Chapel Hill Employee Forum
Zoom Remote Meeting: Connection Details Below
NOTE: This is a draft agenda and is subject to change without notice.
I. Call to Order & Opening Remarks: Chair Shayna Hill (9:15 a.m. – 9:20 a.m.)
- Welcome to Guests & Members of the Press
- Chair requests that any nominations from the floor for an Officer position be declared at this time so that they can be added to the ballot. All nominees will be given an opportunity to make a speech before the ballots are sent and the election process begins later in the agenda.
II. Peer Recognition Award Ceremony & Recognition of Outgoing Delegates (9:20 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.)
III. Human Resources Update (10:00 a.m. – 10:25 a.m.)
- Vice Chancellor for Human Resources, Equal Opportunity & Compliance Becci Menghini
- Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Linc Butler
IV. Consent Agenda (10:25 a.m. – 10:40 a.m.)
- April & May Minutes (to be sent separately to delegates)
- Forum Committees
- Communications and Public Relations: Shane Brogan
- Book Club: Brooke O’Neal
- InTouch: Shane Brogan
- Community Service: Jacob Womack
- Carolina Blood Drive: Jen DeNeal
- Carolina Community Garden Advisory: Arlene Medder
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Antonio Squire
- Education and Career Development: L.E. Alexander/Laura Pratt
- Carolina Family Scholarship: L.E. Alexander/Laura Pratt
- Professional Development Grants: L.E. Alexander/Laura Pratt
- Membership & Assignments: Tiffany Carver
- Personnel Issues: Phillip Edwards/Stephanie Forman
- Recognition & Awards: Natiaya Neal
- Rules: Kevin Robinson
- UNC System Staff Assembly: Shayna Hill/Keith Hines/James Holman/Laura Pratt
- University Committee Representatives
- Advisory Committee on Transportation & Parking: Laura Pratt
- Buildings & Grounds: James Stamey
- Policy Review: Stephanie Brown
- Student Stores Advisory Committee: Keith Hines
- Executive Committee: Shayna Hill
- Communications and Public Relations: Shane Brogan
V. Old Business (10:45 a.m. – 11:10 a.m.)
- Forum Officer Elections: Nominators’ & Candidates’ Speeches (Nominations May Be Made from the Floor)
- Chair: Katie Musgrove
- Vice Chair: Natasha Hanks/Keith Hines/Evan Marsh
- Secretary: Tiffany Carver/Tracy Wetherby Williams
- Treasurer: No candidates as of yet.
VI. New Business (11:10 a.m.-11:25 a.m.)
- Standing Rules Document (1st Reading)
VII. Announcements/Questions (11:25-11:30 p.m.)
VIII. Adjournment
Zoom Details — Please contact Matt Banks at matt_banks@unc.edu by Tuesday afternoon at 4 p.m. to request Zoom information. Thank you.
June 9, 2021 Employee Forum minutes
The attendance list was not obtainable for this meeting.
Via Zoom, Chair Shayna Hill called the meeting to order at 9:20 a.m. She invited Forum delegates to nominate themselves from the floor for the officer elections occurring later in the meeting. There were no further nominations. She then welcomed Natiaya Neal, chair of the Recognition & Awards committee, to present the Forum’s annual peer recognition awards.
Neal read the award criteria for the Hall of Fame (Staff Member of the Year) award. Recipients consistently exemplify University’s mission of integrity, collaboration, respect & high-level customer service; and have been with University at least 5 years.
Melissa Hobgood of the Gillings School of Public Health, Student Affairs and Joyce Loftin of History received this year’s Hall of Fame Award.
The criteria for the Perfect Addition (Staff Member of the Year) are said to exemplify the University’s mission of integrity, collaboration, respect & high-level customer service.
Mandy Melton of Chemistry and Calvin Grant of Chemistry are this year’s winners of the Perfect Addition Award.
Neal then read the criteria for the Professional Excellence Award. Winners are said to perform with exceptional execution above & beyond assigned duties; to display supportive interactions within their department and between campus departments; and to promote exemplary interaction with the outside community.
Megan Brockett of Comparative Medicine, Timothy Blackmon of the School of Nursing, Megan Whitaker of the Executive Director for the Arts, and Jessica Wilkinson of the Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise are the winners of the Professional Excellence award.
The criteria for the Overton Leadership Award reflect the leadership and honor the memory of longstanding Forum Chair Jackie Overton. Award-winners lead their unit and the University through involvement in staff issues, committee work, teamwork, and professional development of peers; demonstrate outstanding leadership qualities, inspire, and involve others, and work to create a long-lasting impact.
Katie Thornsvard of the Gillings School of Public Health and Dr. Shauna Harris of the School of Education are this year’s winners of the Overton Leadership Award.
Recipients of the Pinnacle Award exhibit demonstrated leadership, vision, and commitment to excellence on a path of continuous learning through professional development.
Ebony Johnson of the Institute for the Arts & Humanities and Anna Engelke of Applied Physical Sciences are the winners of this year’s Pinnacle Awards.
Neal then spoke about the Employee Forum’s Community Award (3-Legged Stool). The winner of this award, the Forum’s highest honor, is awarded to recognize distinguished contributions by an individual who inspire creativity; promote harmony and partnerships within the University community; inspire teamwork, cooperation, and participation; demonstrate new approaches to current processes; encourage, mentor, and build bridges; form alliances to work collectively; or any other significant community building activities.
Jeffrey Fuchs of University Bands and Music is this year’s recipient of the Community Award.
Neal was proud that the Recognition & Awards committee had considered around 208 nominations for these various awards. She thanked committee members Randall Borror, Tiffany Carver, Adrianne Gibilisco, Quin Jernigan, Arlene Medder, Le’Quisha Person, Kelly Scurlock-Cross, and Matt Banks (non-voting).
Matt Banks apologized for technical difficulties related to capacity for the Zoom broadcast. The Chair apologized to all who tried to get into the meeting but could not. She pledged to feature the peer recognition winners in future Forum communications.
The Chair took a moment to recognize outgoing delegates Ashley Belcher, Dzenita Blackwell, Stephanie Brown, Melissa Campbell, Sarah Carrier, Valerie Cartagena, Allison Constance, Morgan Douglas, Nicole Eggleston, Latifah Gregory, Jeff McQueen, Kadisha Murray, and Le’Quisha Person. She thanked all for their service and invited them to run for office again when their schedule permits.
Vice Chancellor for Human Resources, Equal Opportunity, and Compliance Becci Menghini presented the Forum’s customary update. She outlined reasons that the University will move to in-person work starting July 19th. These reasons include the nature of University work, the infrastructure of the University being designed for in-person work, and the management of equity and the business needs of the institution. She noted that some early pilot at-home programs will continue, focusing on non-customer-facing, non-student-facing jobs.
Menghini said that her division will work to focus on benefits about returning to campus. Guidance on masks and social distancing is still being developed. The division will also work with managers and employees to discuss mental well-being and mental health due to the trauma of the recent pandemic and national events.
Menghini did not have an update on the State budget or possible benefits for staff. A delegate asked for an update as to the University’s stance on House Bill 324. Menghini would provide one as information becomes available.
In response to a question, Menghini said that Transit officials will consult and brief employees in concert with OHR officials in communications and town halls as July 19th approaches. She emphasized that public health experts remind all that the best thing to do for individual protection is to obtain a vaccination and wear a mask.
Menghini noted the number of employees planning for different eventualities related to the July 19th return. She asked delegates to share items that seem to have been forgotten or lost. Katie Musgrove asked about the recognition of employees reaching milestones. Menghini said that this recognition has not gone away entirely but it has experienced significant cuts.
A chat question asked if parking accommodation extensions will occur or if employees will have to reapply. Menghini believed that there would be a reapplication process, with July 19-August 1 being one set of parking billing with permits to begin after August 1st.
Menghini said that there is no plan to isolate those who return to campus unvaccinated due to medical need or personal choice. An employee asked why the University is not requiring reporting of vaccine status. Menghini said the University is encouraging reporting but is not requiring reporting or vaccination of employees. Supervisors or leadership cannot ask employees to state whether they have been vaccinated. Menghini noted the limitations facing the University as to what it can require of employees under current law. She said that the University “will do the best we can with what we’ve got.”
Responding to a question, Menghini said that EOC accommodations will not be an option for employees caring for children or elders. The EOC process is for individual employees alone. Robert Smith III noted that departments can ask about vaccination status if there is a business reason for the question, involving travel, for instance.
The Chair thanked Menghini for her time and remarks. Work/Life Wellness Director Jessica Pyjas presented a list of financial skills, mental health, and other trainings occurring in June.
The Chair called for a motion to approve the April and May minutes of the Forum. Katie Musgrove made this motion seconded by Arlene Medder. The minutes were approved without opposition or abstaining.
The Communications & Public Relations committee will publish a July InTouch featuring the peer recognition award winners.
Jacob Womack deferred to Jen DeNeal to present the University Blood Drive report. June 8th was the 33rd annual Carolina Blood Drive that collected 548 productive units of blood. She praised all volunteers and donors for their contributions on the day and beforehand. The impact of yesterday’s donations touched 1,644 lives. Ninety-five donors were first-time donors.
Arlene Medder said that the Carolina Community Garden is looking to expand the employees who receive garden produce and continue produce distribution.
Antonio Squire said that the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee is working on an alternative holiday committee as well as organize professional development opportunities for the group.
- E. Alexander of Education & Career Development said that the Carolina Family Scholarship applications are in process and being reviewed. Professional Development Grant spring winners were announced in InTouch last week.
Natiaya Neal of Recognition & Awards received a round of applause for the conduct of the peer recognition award ceremony. Neal said that the winner of the Rebecca Clark award for moral courage would be announced soon.
The Chair noted that the Chancellor’s Cup golf tournament has been postponed until September 29th. She reported the campus community meeting or town hall will take place Tuesday, June 22nd. She thanked Dawn Osbourne-Adams for agreeing to facilitate this meeting.
Tiffany Carver thanked all outgoing delegates for their service on behalf of the Membership & Assignments committee.
Phil Edwards reported that the Personnel Issues committee had met to plan questions for the upcoming Vice Chancellor representatives’ meeting June 10th.
Moving to officer elections, Tracy Wetherby-Williams and Jacob Womack made remarks as candidates for the office of Forum Treasurer. Tiffany Carver spoke as the only candidate for Forum Secretary. Natasha Hanks and Keith Hines relayed their messages as candidates for Forum Vice Chair. Katie Musgrove made remarks as the only candidate for Forum Chair.
Jen DeNeal and Laura Pratt walked the Forum through the on-line election process. As ballots were cast and then counted, the Chair thanked all on the Forum for their work on the organization’s mission. Others noted that she had recently won the C. Knox Massey Award, as did delegates James Holman and Kathy James.
Laura Pratt announced the new Forum officers. Katie Musgrove was elected Chair, Keith Hines Vice Chair, Tiffany Carver Secretary, and Tracy Wetherby Williams Treasurer. Kevin Robinson remains as Parliamentarian.
Kevin Robinson introduced a proposed set of rules for the Employee Forum on first reading. The point of this document is to define interactions during meetings to remain on schedule while getting items addressed through a proper procedure. Robinson read through the document and delegates offered edits. The document will undergo second reading at the Forum’s July retreat.
Arlene Medder moved to adjourn, seconded by Kevin Robinson. There was no opposition, and the motion was approved by acclamation at 11:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary