March 21, 2023 Executive Committee meeting minutes
Attending: L.E. Alexander, Randall Borror, David Bragg, Shane Brogan, Tiffany Carver, Elizabeth Dubose, Keith Hines, James Holman, Rebecca Howell, Arlene Medder, Katie Musgrove, Joe Ormond, Sara Pettaway, Laura Pratt, Charlissa Rice, Lori Shamblin, Annetta Streater, Matthew Teal, Tracey Wetherby Williams, Jacob Womack
Excused Absences: Kira Jones, Amber Meads
Chair Katie Musgrove called the meeting to order at 11:35 a.m. She asked for a motion to approve the February minutes. Arlene Medder made this motion, seconded by Tiffany Carver. The motion was approved by acclamation.
Tracy Wetherby Williams and Matt Banks presented the Forum’s monthly budget report, noting updates made with the new professional development grants distributed this past month. The Executive Committee will consider the next fiscal year at its April meeting.
The Chair noted that preparations continue for the Forum’s 2023 delegate elections. She thanked Keith Hines, Tiffany Carver, and Arlene Medder for their leadership in this area. She also noted that the Forum’s involvement with the Housekeeping moderated sessions has likely concluded. There was no news related to salary compression in Facilities Services, aside from the upcoming treatment of conversion issues related to future pay band updates.
The Chair described her vision for incorporating Forum Bylaws revisions at the annual retreat this July. Jacob Womack said that he would help in this process as Parliamentarian to the extent that he is able. The Chair noted that creation of a chair-elect process would require revision of many different areas of the Bylaws. She anticipates starting this process in May.
Committee discussion turned to the shift of the university’s main graduation ceremony to a Saturday in 2024. Rebecca Howell noted the problems that this shift will cause with smaller departments’ graduation ceremonies which normally occur on that Saturday.
The Chair recalled that the Forum would consider resolution 23-01 on sexual assault and sexual harassment at the April meeting. She asked that the Personnel Issues committee keep her updated on other resolutions or proclamations for inclusion on the April agenda.
Shane Brogan reported that the Communications and Public Relations committee recently published its March issue of InTouch. He asked that delegates send their other ideas for stories to him or to Joe Ormond. The Chair noted that the Forum book club would meet this week.
Jacob Womack said that the Community Service committee will continue work on its March Kindness Drive. Delegates had received emails on this subject and were encouraged to forward these on to their units. He said that the drive stands at $600 of its $2,000 goal. The Chair said that she would place these advertisements on the Forum’s social media pages.
Arlene Medder did not have an extensive report from the Carolina Community Garden. Tracy Wetherby Williams asked about a possible Employee Forum workday for the Garden. Members indicated their interest, but the group needed to settle on a possible date in May or June.
Laura Pratt reported that preparations continue for the Carolina Blood Drive on May 3rd. She was pleased to report that her co-chair Amber Meads had had her baby successfully earlier that month. Pratt will send out an email to delegates asking them to volunteer or donate at the May 3rd drive, following the Forum meeting scheduled for that morning.
Rebecca Howell reported that there were no major updates from the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee. She did note that co-chair Janet Steele is due to step down from that role. Howell hoped to find another co-chair for the group soon.
L.E. Alexander said that the Education and Career Development committee’s professional development grant application process will begin in April, with the Carolina Family Scholarship process to follow. She asked delegates’ help in finding faculty reviewers of these applications. There was no further report from the Membership & Assignments committee.
Leah Hefner said that the Personnel Issues committee will hold their meeting the next day to discuss resolution 23-01 as well as other possible subjects for resolutions. She said that Julie Theriault had discussed a resolution regarding accessibility and the maintenance backlog with the DEI committee, but she did not know the final status of this work. James Holman also had prospective ideas concerning the State Government Transparency Act. Tracy Wetherby Williams thought that the language of this bill was not clear, leading to the possibility that it could extend to unrelated items. Holman said that the bill would also provide press access to employee personnel files, which the State Employees’ Association of North Carolina (SEANC) fears will lead to abuse.
Tiffany Carver reported that the Recognition & Awards committee will send out requests for nominations for the peer recognition awards around the first of April. The committee will also seek readers at the upcoming Forum meeting on the 12th. The Chair hoped to hold a planning meeting with this committee to discuss ways to improve the process of considering these awards.
Keith Hines noted that the UNC System Staff Assembly will meet in Raleigh in April at the new UNC System Office. The Chair said that the Assembly will work on a resolution regarding the Board of Governors’ new compelled speech rule change. She also noted that the Chancellors’ Cup golf tournament will likely be held in Greensboro this year.
The Chair reported that she had asked clarifying questions regarding the new revisions of the UNC System’s grievance policy. She thanked System Vice President Chris Chiron for providing a helpful description of these changes. Matthew Teal lamented that his office had only heard of these changes through the Forum, rather than through other communications. Members thought about why this notification took place in this way.
Charlissa Rice mentioned that peer support grants have expanded recently.
The Chair said that the Advisory Committee on Transportation and Parking had held its first meeting of the year a couple of weeks ago to charge the group and work out its timeline of tasks related to the 5 Year Parking & Transportation Plan. She said that a small group of Forum delegates will have the chance to join a focus group on these questions.
The Chair anticipated that Transportation and Parking will likely wish to present to the Forum on the upcoming 5 Year Plan at its April or May meeting.
The Chair said that Associate Vice Chancellor for Real Estate and Campus Enterprises Gordon Merklein and Director of Ethics and Policy Kim Strom are scheduled to speak at the Forum’s April meeting. In addition, Chancellor Guskiewicz will start the meeting off and Vice Chancellor Nate Knuffman will speak on budgetary issues. As always, Vice Chancellor Becci Menghini will speak on Human Resources concerns. In May, Walter Miller, the University’s Director of Payroll, is scheduled to discuss the new TIM system.
The Chair asked if there were any questions for the next Vice Chancellors’ representatives’ meeting, to take place on Thursday, April 13th.
Tracy Wetherby Williams asked if the Forum has received any updates regarding the updated recognition ceremony for employees reaching service milestones. Others asked about the status of recognition gifts. The Chair recalled that the event is likely to occur in May or June with just a banquet (the gift program has yet to be reinstated).
In the absence of further discussion, the Chair called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Arlene Medder made this motion, seconded by Tracy Wetherby Williams. The motion was approved by acclamation at 12:29 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary