Agenda – March 7, 2001
9:30 a.m.– Assembly Room of Wilson Library
I. Call to Order
II.Welcome Guests, Members of the Press
III. Opening Remarks
IV. Special Presentations
- Vice Chancellor for Auxiliary Services Carolyn Elfland on University Transit Package
- Director of Carolina Women’s Center Diane Kjervik on Carolina Women’s Week
V. Employee Presentations or Questions
VI. Human Resources Update
- Laurie Charest, Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
VII. Approval of Minutes of the February 7, 2001 meetings P
VIII. Unfinished Business
- Forum Resolution Urging Increased Number of Community Meetings (2nd Reading)
IX. Stretch Time
X. New Business
- Forum Resolution Supporting Implementation of Fare-Free Transit System (1st Reading)
XI. Forum Committee Reports
- Career Development: Fred Jordan
- Communications: Suzan deSerres P
- Forum Newsletter
- Employee Presentations: Sheila Storey
- Nominating: Tracey Haith
- Orientation: Suzan deSerres
- Personnel Issues: Mary Ann Vacheron
- Recognition and Awards: Karen Jordan
- University Committee Assignments: Lee Edmark
XII. Chair’s Report (Executive Committee): John Heuer
XIII. Task Force/University Committee Reports
- Pedestrian Safety Committee—Jill Mayer/Sheila Storey
- Transportation & Parking Advisory — Chris Barfield/Joanne Kucharski
- University Priorities & Budget— Joanne Kucharski
- Master Plan Executive Steering Team—Joanne Kucharski
- Transit System Improvement Committee—Joanne Kucharski
XIV. Announcements/Questions
XV. Adjournment
P = Included in Agenda Packet
March 7, 2001
(Wilson Library Assembly Room)
Delegates Present
Chris Barfield
GeorgeAnn Bissett
Anita Booth
Keita Cannon
David Collins
Linda Collins
Suzan deSerres
Lee Edmark
Keith Fogleman
Jeffery Fuchs
Tracey Haith
Glenn Haugh
John Heuer
Tom Jenswold
Fred Jordan
Karen Jordan
Ramona Kellam
Gary Lloyd
Connie McPherson
John Meeker
Clarence Peoples
Gail Plaisance
Freida Rosenberg
Rob Sadler
Sheila Storey
Diane Strong
Darian Sturdivant
Bonita Summers
Joanne Terry
Robert Thoma
Elaine Tola
Mary Ann Vacheron
Sylvia White
Kathy Dutton “
Karen Geer “
Laurie Charest“
“ = Ex-Officio
Delagates Absent
Andy Chrismon
Sue Dodson
Pam Griffin
Sheila King
Margaret Moore
Cathy Riley
Wendy Riley
Tom Rhyne
Jean Skelton
Kay Teague
Chanetta Washington
Joanne Kucharski “
Excused Absences
Alternates Present
Gary Cocker
Tommy Griffin
Muffarah Jahangeer
Barbara Logue
Lauren Mangili
Cindy Reardon
Linda Carl
Carolyn Elfland
Scott Ragland
Nancy Suttenfield
Call to Order, Welcome to Guests
Chair John Heuer called the meeting to order at 9:34 a.m. He noted that the Forum had an informal theme of facilities services issues at the February meeting, and he said that the day’s theme would be Forum business.
The Chair welcomed Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Nancy Suttenfield to join the group. Suttenfield said it was a pleasure to be back with the Forum. She noted that many meetings conflict with happenings in Raleigh at which she and other officials represent University interests in an era of budget reductions. She understood that it was customary for a top-level University official to present opening remarks sharing recent developments concerning University staff.
Suttenfield shared the good news that UNC-Chapel Hill would participate in a pilot tuition waiver program that would allow Employees to take two authorized courses at any time during the year. Previously, this benefit was not available during the summer session, but Employees now will be able to attend summer school classes with this benefit.
In addition, the University will now waive Employees’ application fee when applying through Continuing Studies and other academic programs. She congratulated the Forum’s leadership in making these changes possible.
Suttenfield noted that the Transportation and Parking Advisory Committee (TPAC) had completed its work and delivered its recommendations to Chancellor Moeser. She thanked the Forum for facilitating good discussion and for its input with regard to necessary changes. She recalled that University bond construction would disrupt parking lots and force the University to accommodate the needs of Employees travelling to and from work.
Acknowledging the work of Linda Carl and Carolyn Elfland, Suttenfield said that the University would not raise parking permit fees for individual Employees this year, although she could not rule out this option in the future. However, in the coming year, there would be likely many challenges related to Employee compensation and health insurance, and it seemed wise not to add on the burden of parking increase.
Suttenfield noted news accounts of the State’s budget situation, which has worsened in the last couple of months. It had been previously reported that the University would contribute 1.5% of its State appropriation to meeting the budget deficit. However, given the worsening situation, the University would now revert 1.92% of its State appropriation. The University would distribute this cut in an across the board fashion, absorbing one-third centrally and two-thirds through schools and departments.
Suttenfield said that a 2% reversion of a $400 million appropriation should have some effect on the University’s total operating budget of $1.4 billion. She believed that the University would be able to cope with the cuts without further disruption to hiring and programs. However, the budget picture remains uncertain in the coming year, given that there are likely to be at least similar reductions in the future. Campus administration would keep the Forum informed as the legislative session progresses.
Suttenfield reiterated an invitation from facilities services that Employees share their input and suggestions on ways to strengthen the capital improvement program. She particularly hoped that Employees would study campus areas that have been overlooked and ways to improve communications, such as through the campus website. She thanked the Forum for the opportunity to speak.
The Chair announced that Frieda Rosenberg and Tom Rhyne have been appointed Forum Delagates due to resignations. The Forum gave the new Delegates a round of applause. Betty Waynick becomes the first alternate from Division 1 and Gary Cocker becomes the first alternate from Division 2.
The Chair noted that the Forum Executive Committee had met twice in the past month to discuss transit plan alternatives with TPAC members Linda Carl, Carolyn Elfland and Joanne Kucharski. He thanked the trio for attending the Executive Committee meetings and sharing proposals, as well as hosting community meetings on these concerns. He in turn welcomed Carl and Elfland to share the committee’s recommendations to the Chancellor.
Elfland thanked the Forum for allowing them to attend and present recommendations. She also thanked the Forum for its contributions to discussions, and noted how Delegates input had weighed heavily on the course of discussions. Elfland presented the Forum with a one-page handout detailing the recommendations.
The reverse side of the handout details how many parking spaces the University will lose on an annual basis over the next seven years. The University will lose some of these spots on a permanent basis, while the process will return other spots to the parking pool when building construction is complete. The second part of the graph portrays the new parking demand the capital program will create due to new hires. The committee found this number by looking at the current ratio of Employees to square feet of building.
The third part of the graph shows the total need of spaces each year, given spaces lost and increased demand. The Transportation and Parking Advisory Committee has tried to arrive at solutions to meet this increase. In the early years, many of the spaces lost will be regained due to the completion of campus construction. However, as demand increases, the University will require a permanent solution that will allow Employees to get to campus. Elfland noted that the graph is based on a seven-year plan, given than built spaces would not be on-line until the seventh year.
Carl thanked the Forum Executive Committee for its discussion of the recommendations. She also thanked TPAC members Chris Barfield and Joanne Kucharski for their work throughout the year. She noted that TPAC had begun meeting weekly this year and had recently met twice with the Executive Committees of the Faculty Council and the Employee Forum. The committee had also met with the UNC Hospitals parking advisory committee and had held three community meetings, all in an effort to get as much input as possible into the decision making process.
Elfland said that the plan recommendations are to extend park and ride service until 8 p.m. each evening, to allow Employees working until 6-7 p.m. the chance to use park and ride in their schedule. Elfland said that extending park and ride service was essential to reduce the number of cars coming to campus. She expected that the University would have a lease on a new 100-car park and ride lot on the 15-501 corridor on Franklin Street in the next year.
Elfland noted that the student body has recently voted to devote student fees to funding a fare-free transit system, on the condition that the Towns and the University support the remainder of the project. The fare-free system would not go into effect this fall. TPAC decided that it wanted to support the fare-free transit system in anyway possible and recommended that the University find $1 million for this project.
If the Towns and the University are unable to make the fare-free option possible, this $1 million would go to a series of internal transit options. These options include funding a series of shuttles running to Airport Road, Facilities Services, the ‘P’ lot, the Hendricks building and the park and ride lot at the Friday Center. The options would also include funding a free ‘EU’ route from main campus to the Law School, and funding a fourth shuttle running from main campus to 440 West Franklin Street.
Elfland said that if the fare-free transit system takes effect, only a portion of these internal transit improvements would occur. If the fare-free system were rejected, the University would proceed with all of these projects.
Now, Elfland came to the funding mechanism to support these projects. The first part of the project funding would come from miscellaneous sources that would not directly impact all faculty, students, and staff. These sources include raising the fee to park on campus for conferences, raising the temporary daily parking rate, increasing late fees for citations, raising University parking meters to match the Town rate, and imposing a registration fee on all State vehicles parking on campus.
The University found a second source of funding by imposing a tax on departments according to how many Employees each has. This .005% tax would improve internal transit over the long haul.
Additionally, TPAC asked for a $500,000 bridge to make a dent in these options. Elfland noted that Suttenfield had supported TPAC’s request in meetings with the budget committee and the Vice Chancellors, to the tune of $1-1.5 million. She thanked Suttenfield for this enormous background effort.
Thus, Elfland said that Employees would not face a parking permit increase or the imposition of a transit fee. However, next year in all likelihood the University would face a parking permit increase given that there has not been an increase in the last 3-4 years.
Once again, Elfland thanked Kucharski and Barfield for their work and recommendations on behalf of campus Employees. She offered to take any questions. Mary Ann Vacheron asked when the University would begin discussions with the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro. Elfland said that the Towns would not make a decision until the end of June. The Towns are of course aware that the students and the University have approved the fare-free referendum. She imagined that the groups would discuss the issue very soon. Carl noted that the Forum was the first public group to whom the recommendations have been announced. She noted the hard work of Kucharski and Barfield on behalf of staff interests.
The Chair gave Suttenfield, Carl and Elfland a special thank you for their hard work on this very difficult project. The Forum gave the trio a round of applause for their work.
The Chair noted that Scott Ragland of the University Gazette was present. He then welcomed Diane Kjervik, the director of the Carolina Women’s’ Center program, to give a description of Carolina Women’s Week.
Kjervik noted that the Forum would also hear information about Women’s’ Week first, before it is placed on the web site or revealed to the public. She acknowledged the help of the Forum, particularly Paula Schubert and Judith Scott for their part on the planning committee for the Women’s’ Center, and Kathy Dutton for her representation on the Center advisory board. All three had been helpful and involved in reviewing program plans.
On March 26, Valerie Parisi, a faculty member with Obstetrics and Gynecology, would give a speech on the power of women’s’ leadership. She would also present an award to Mary Turner-Lane for promoting and advocating the cause of women on campus. Expected to attend are Chancellor Moeser, Provost Shelton, Representatives Kinnaird and Insko, and a special musical guest. Kjervik emphasized that the event will be for women and men interested in promoting the wellbeing of women, and is not strictly for women only.
Later in the week, Terri Houston, Director of On-Campus Recruitment and Support for the Office of Minority Affairs, will give a talk on the one chance to make a first impression. Rachel Rosenfelt will speak on how to build successful mentorships. Susan Dunlap, a chaplain at UNC Hospitals, will speak on women’s’ spirituality. Barbara Prear and Trudy Bennett will speak on the proposition that “we are all housekeepers.” Carol Lautier of Financial Aid will lead a poetry reading in the evening.
Angela Carmon of UNC Public Safety will speak on how one can protect oneself against acts of violence. The Carolina Indians’ Circle will give a presentation on Native American concerns and issues, and the UNC Nursing School will lead a women-only skills lab on how to give self-examinations. There will be a talk on emergency contraception. Mary Schledorn will give a talk on the menopausal years, or becoming a dragon lady.
Kjervik invited students, staff, and faculty to attend all of these events, which would kick off at the Old Well Monday, March 26. The Chair thanked Kjervik for her remarks and said that he looked forward to attending the week’s programs.
Human Resources Update
Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Laurie Charest noted that the principals of the SPA salary survey had held their first meeting. The Singer Group has been selected as the program leader. She said that UNC and NCSU representatives felt that a lot of progress had been made in measuring salary levels with peer institutions already. The survey team plans to act on a fast timetable by issuing a preliminary report by the second week of May. Charest would report the progress of the group in subsequent Human Resources updates.
Human Resources will host a tax-deferred savings plan fair March 20 in the Student Union. Employees curious about 401(k), 403(b), and 457 plans are encouraged to attend. Charest noted that the fair had received great comments last year and she hoped the same would occur this year.
Charest noted that the health insurance survey, also known as the “pick your poison” survey, would go out to Employees in around a week. This survey provides Employees an opportunity to choose from a variety of options, and gives Employees a chance to have some input on how the State will structure changes to the heath plan. Charest said that the survey will go out to Employees via individual e-mails to faculty and staff, and would be printed in the current issue of the University Gazette.
Charest said that the survey is going out to Employees in every way possible to give all at least one chance to respond. She said that there is a possibility that Employees will respond more than once, but said that it was important that all Employees have at least one opportunity to find out about the questionnaire. Every comment will be forwarded to the State Health Plan and its director, Jack Walker. Charest would meet with Walker Monday to discuss survey results. She was pleased by the 500 responses the survey had already received.
Charest said that the University would hold its 20-year service banquet March 24, and said that the University was inviting back Employees who had reached their 30-, 35-, or 40-year anniversary of service to the State. Author and faculty member Doris Betts will be the featured speaker.
Ragland asked Charest if she had more details about the tuition waiver announcement. Charest encouraged Employees with questions to contact Training and Development.
The Chair thanked Charest for her remarks. He proposed that the Forum initiate a new custom of inviting Karen Geer, the 2000 Forum Secretary and Business Manager for Facilities Services, to provide regular updates on the development of the campus master plan.
Geer noted that there had been several updates to the campus website detailing project schedules, designer selections, and traffic patterns around the projects. She noted that the Board of Trustees had recently considered the issue of storm water management associated with the new science complex with the Town of Chapel Hill. Work on the science complex should begin in 30-45 days.
Facilities Services is engaged in a hot water upgrade project for several dorms. In the course of this work, there will be two road cuts that the University will schedule with contractors. These road cuts will occur where Raleigh Road and Country Club Road meet Cameron Avenue, between Joyner and Magnum dormitories and Aycock and McIver dormitories. Drivers will take a traffic detour around these areas, but the disruption will not occur for the next several months.
Geer noted that she is responsible for updating the web site, and she invited Employees’ comments and questions. She would also work with Scott Ragland to improve campus communication. She offered to take questions from the group.
Barfield asked when the road cuts would affect Country Club Road and Cameron Avenue. Geer said that she did not know the exact schedule. She said that the work would begin around the McIver/Alderman/McKeon quadrangle, then work its way outward.
Robert Thoma suggested that this work occur when school is out, during the summer months. Geer said that she had not seen the contract schedule, since the contractor was not required to provide a schedule until the contract is actually awarded.
Geer referred listeners to the website for further information. She said that this site would be updated regularly. The Chair thanked Geer for her remarks.
Approval of the Minutes
The Chair called for a motion to approve the minutes of the February 7 meeting. He noted that B.J. Tipton was incorrectly identified in the minutes. In addition, the Talloire declaration was misspelled. Talloire is the French town where the sustainability declaration was signed in 1990.
With these corrections, Tom Jenswold made a motion to approve the minutes, with Chris Barfield seconding. The minutes were approved as amended.
Unfinished Business
The Chair noted that the Forum was to consider a resolution urging the Chancellor to hold more community meetings on second reading. He noted that the resolution had arisen from the positive response to the October 26, 2000 community meeting. He then read the resolution.
Keita Cannon asked the timeframe for the Forum’s community meetings. It was noted that there is not a specific timeframe for community meetings, although they typically take place in the spring and fall. Much of the timing depends on the issues of the moment. The Chair said that the resolution was a general encouragement to the administration to continue the tradition of Forum community meetings.
Robert Thoma made a motion that the resolution be approved at second reading and forwarded to the Chancellor and his designees. Suzan de Serres seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.
At this point, the Forum took its customary five minute stretch break. Following the break, the Chair called the meeting to order with the newly recovered Forum gavel. The Chair noted that the gavel had been carved by the father of Jim Peacock from a fallen branch of the Davie Poplar.
New Business
The Chair noted that a resolution supporting implementation of a fare-free transit system had been placed on the day’s agenda. However, he asked that the Executive Committee had a chance to fine-tune the resolution before it is forwarded to the full Forum. He would place the resolution on the March agenda.
Committee Reports
Fred Jordan, chair of the Career Development committee, reported the group had met March 1 and decided to meet the fourth Thursday of each month at noon. He said that the committee was still working to complete revision and distribution of the staff development flier. The flier still needed some revision.
Jordan was happy about the expansion of the tuition waiver program to summer school, although he wished that the work had involved the Forum Career Development committee. He noted that the Executive Committee had taken the lead in this area in 2000.
Regarding new business, the committee plans work in Employee career and supervisory growth, and continue work on existing opportunities. The committee will ask the Chancellor for a letter to accompany the staff development responsibilities brochure. The committee also plans to make a presentation either to the University Managers’ Association or the Faculty Council encouraging staff development. Also, the committee plans to write an article on staff development for the Forum newsletter InTouch.
Jordan asked those Delegates with success stories similar to Bobbie Lesane’s contact committee members. The next meeting will take place March 22 at noon in 042 Sitterson. He hoped to convene with former committee members, and he identified current members GeorgeAnn Bissett, Tommy Griffin, Tracey Haith, Muffarah Jahangeer, Clarence Peoples, and Bonita Summers.
Suzan de Serres, chair of the Communications committee, said the group had met February 8 to discuss goals for 2001. She identified members Linda Collins, Connie McPherson, Elaine Tola, Jean Skelton, Keita Cannon, and Matt Banks. Last month, the committee published the first issue of the Forum newsletter InTouch. Article deadlines for InTouch fall one week after the monthly Forum meeting, and the target date for publication falls a week after that. Delegates with ideas for articles are free to approach de Serres following the monthly meeting.
The committee’s next meeting will take place March 8 at 9:30 a.m. at the University Gazette’s second floor conference room at 210 Pittsboro Street. The group will discuss contents of the Forum’s annual Gazette insert with Scott Ragland. She said it was important that committee representatives attend this meeting. Ragland thanked Facilities Services for patching the ceiling of the conference room.
Sheila Storey, chair of the Employee Presentations committee, said the group had met February 14 to discuss the goals and charge of the committee, and potential speakers. The committee was able to identify potential speakers and began planning for the spring community meeting. She identified committee members Martha Fowler, Robert Thoma, Gary Lloyd, and Tommy Griffin.
Suzan de Serres, chair of the Orientation committee, said the group would hold its first meeting at the Acme Restaurant in Carrboro on March 14 from 11:30-1 p.m. Delagates who have not filled out the surveys about the recent orientation events can obtain them on the back table.
Tracey Haith, chair of the Nominating committee, identified committee members Anita Booth, Sue Dodson, Karen Geer, Tommy Griffin, John Heuer, Tom Jenswold, Joanne Terry, Chanetta Washington, Sylvia White, and Matt Banks. The group met March 1 to discuss processes for running for office. White would inquire with Human Resources about getting the electoral division placed on each Employees’ benefits statement. Heuer should speak with the chair of the Faculty Council about encouraging faculty support of Employees considering running for office. White said that she had already approached the University Managers’ Association with a similar request. Haith reminded Delagates to sign in for each meeting so that their presence would be duly recorded.
Mary Ann Vacheron, chair of the Personnel Issues committee, said the group had held its second meeting February 22. Dorothy Grant, the 2000 chair of the group, had met with the committee to discuss continuing issues. Among items discussed were in-house training, departmental orientation, health insurance concerns, parking problems, and the campus grievance process. The committee elected to form two subcommittees, one to explore parking issues, and the other to discuss merit pay, grievances, salary improvements, and other such concerns. The committee would also be interested to hear from departments with Employee appreciation programs already in place. Vacheron identified committee members Glenn Haugh, Keith Fogleman, Gail Plaisance, and Karen Jordan. Charest noted that Vacheron’s committee could consult with Anne Aldridge concerning departmental recognition programs.
Karen Jordan, chair of the Recognition & Awards committee, identified committee members Dianne Hill, Joanne Terry, Jean Skelton, Gary Lloyd, Sylvia White, Joanne Kucharski, Susan Toppin, Muffarah Jahangeer, and Darian Sturdivant. The committee will meet the second Monday of each month at 104C Hanes Hall. The committee will address procedural issues associated with University Day, and will work on designing a flag for the Forum. The committee is also trying to issue Forum pins to all past Forum Delegates, and will work with the Personnel Issues committee on departmental recognition programs. The committee also plans to work with the University Managers’ Association on the Employee Appreciation Event, with hopes of putting some money aside for this event. The committee also hopes to initiate a social event for Forum Delegates at which people can meet socially, possibly in the fall. The committee will meet again Monday, March 12, and all Employees are welcome to join.
Lee Edmark, chair of the University Committee Assignments committee, said the group had met February 21. He identified committee members Robert Sadler, Keita Cannon, Jeffery Fuchs, Linda Collins, GeorgeAnn Bissett, and John Meeker. He said that the group had discussed creating a catalog of all University committees on campus, for publication on the web. The committee planned to draft a letter to committee chairs requesting information about their group. He had not yet received a copy of the Forum annual report. The committee will meet the second Wednesday of the month in 202 Carr Building.
Edmark said that he had received a call asking for representatives to serve on the Chancellor’s Award and Excellence in Management committees. Both committees involve a three-year commitment but meet only once a year. Edmark asked if Delegates could serve, so that he could respond to Anne Aldridge with a list of nominees.
Chair’s Report
The Chair noted that Chancellor Moeser had agreed to reaffirm Chancellor Hooker’s statement of support for the Forum in a memo to deans, directors, and department heads concerning service on University committees.
The Chair noted that Forum Assistant Matt Banks had attended Financial Records System and check request classes.
The Executive Committee had spent most of its past two meetings discussing transit and parking proposals.
The Chair noted that the January 2002 meeting is scheduled for January 2, during a holiday week. He presented possibilities for moving the meeting, either to the next week or to the January retreat. He would check back about this possibility later in the year.
The Chair noted that Charest had circulated a draft of the health survey to Forum Executive Committee members. Employees can submit the survey until March 16.
The Chair had enjoyed the opportunity to serve on the Bryant Fellowship award committee, which would award $5,000 public service fellowships to students, with a later round to faculty and staff. This year saw forty-eight proposals, a rise from twenty-two last year. Two staff and faculty members, and five students serve on the selection committee. He said the process had been rewarding.
The Chair had also attended sessions associated with the biennial campus assessment by the Office of the President. The Office is in the middle of a two-year cycle of interviewing staff, faculty, administrators, and students on each of the sixteen UNC System campuses.
The Chair noted that the Master Plan advisory committee met February 22 with the Sierra Club to discuss thirteen environmental principles. The Board of Trustees will vote on the plan in March. The Horace Williams committee is more at the beginning stages of the project. The group held two community meetings on February 23 and March 2. The Chair said that developing the Horace Williams tract promises to be an exciting opportunity over the long run.
The campus security committee has invited the Chair to serve on that group. Also, Bruce Runberg has asked the Chair to serve on the housekeeping director search committee.
The Chair and 2000 Forum Chair Joanne Kucharski met with Provost Robert Shelton February 19, and will meet with Shelton and Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Nancy Suttenfield in April. The April meeting should address how Shelton and Suttenfield will divide up areas of responsibility. The Chair will also attend a retreat for Finance and Administration staff in June.
The Chair plans to meet with Sue Estroff to talk about a joint faculty/Forum committee dealing with common concerns, such as health plans proposals.
Valerie Price of the publications service office at UNC is pulling together a web page entitled “Planning for the Future.” Price asked that the Chair contribute a piece on issues of interest to campus Employees.
The Chair encouraged Forum committee chairs to talk with one another on areas of possible cooperation.
The Chair noted that Cynthia Shea has been hired as the University’s first sustainability coordinator, effective April 23. Shea has worked in Germany, the Netherlands, Wisconsin, Florida, and Washington D.C. There was a celebration at the Hargreaves Center noting participation in the drive for one million solar roofs. The Hargreaves Center has worked closely with North Carolina State’s Solar Center, which not only provides direct electrical energy to the Center but also sells back power to Duke Power.
The Chair had the opportunity to tour the Victory Village Child Care Center with Barbara DeLon. DeLon has recently been appointed the University’s Employee Services director. DeLon and her staff will make presentations at the Forum’s April meeting.
Task Force Reports
Sheila Storey reported that the pedestrian safety task force has submitted an annual report to the Chancellor. The University was able to find money for an educational campaign on pedestrian safety issues. She hoped that the campaign would be up and running by fall, and would have an effect on C-Tops training this summer. Employees with concerns about pedestrian safety should e-mail Storey. She noted that the sidewalk on Manning Drive near Chase Hall had been blocked off due to construction. An Employee had e-mailed her about the obstruction, and the problem was resolved.
Keith Fogleman said that pedestrians could help their own safety a lot if they paid more attention while crossing the street. He was frustrated that the driver of the vehicle is felt to be wrong in every case, and thought pedestrians should be more alert to their own safety. The Chair said that those driving personal or State vehicles should drive defensively. He said that some people drive 15-20 miles an hour higher than the speed limit in certain parts of the town.
Fogleman asked why bicyclists could not obey the traffic laws on red lights and passing on the right. He asked why laws for bicyclists were never enforced. The Chair responded that the task force had discussed matters of enforcement, particularly pedestrian fines for jaywalking. Fogleman said that jaywalking enforcement was not evident on campus.
Storey said that the education program would be important in getting word to students about rights and responsibilities of pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers. Fogleman said that students do not even pay attention to crossing signals on Franklin Street, once they become accustomed to traffic patters on campus. Storey asked that Fogleman send her notice of particular campus hotspots. The Chair encouraged drivers to keep their speeds down and avoid driving during class changes, which occur at the top of the hour on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and occur at 8, 9:30, 11, 12:30, and 2 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Fogleman said that as a Facilities Service Employees he does not always have a chance to choose when he must drive.
Diane Kjervik noted that Elaine Brown of the Black Panthers part would be a featured speaker during Women’s Week. She noted that the Black Panthers have become a much more mainstream group than they had been during the 1960s and 70s.
In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned by acclamation at 11:20 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary