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May 15, 2018 Executive Committee minutes

Attending:  Bryan Andregg, Clare Counihan, Lori Haight, Shayna Hill, James Holman, Todd Hux, Alan Moran, Katie Musgrove

Chair Shayna Hill called the meeting to order at 11:41 a.m.  She reported that the TIAA tomato seedling distribution at the Carolina Campus Community Garden had gone well.  She asked for a motion to approve the March and April minutes of the group.  Clare Counihan made this motion, seconded by James Holman.  The motion was approved by acclamation.

The Chair asked about the Forum’s disposition regarding its responsibility to hold a community meeting each year, according to its Bylaws.  Alan Moran recalled that this responsibility has typically been that of the Vice Chair.  The Chair said that the Forum would need to conduct at least one such meeting this year as the Bylaws specify.

The Chair raised the question of establishing a committee on the Forum’s integrity and history.  It was noted that former delegate Brenda Denzler had been unable to complete a history of the Forum that she began a few years ago.  Alan Moran asked about the prospect of adding past delegates to work on this task.

Katie Musgrove noted that the TIAA tomato seedling event had featured the announcement of the TIAA Difference Makers’ Grant.  She proposed that the Forum apply for these funds.

The Chair asked delegates about the possibility of holding meetings with various members of the campus administration.  She said that access to high-level officials is a resource which the Forum could not afford to overlook.  Delegates discussed combining the community meeting idea with increased exposure of the Forum to high-level decision-makers.  Alan Moran discussed episodes of previous history of the Forum.

Bryan Andregg commented that the Forum seemed to be locked into discussions of relatively smaller issues at its Vice Chancellor representatives’ meetings, causing it to lose traction on point issues.  He thought that the Forum needed to find a way to elevate its concerns.  James Holman said that the only place he can resolve some of his area’s issues is in the Vice Chancellor representatives’ meetings.  Andregg thought that the impact of these meetings should be larger.

Lori Haight proposed that the Forum’s Community Meeting be held on the afternoon of the Employee Appreciation Day, which usually closes at 2 p.m.  Clare Counihan noted that the History Department has been brought in to do a study of the Carolina Women’s Center history.  She proposed that the Forum could commission a similar study of its past.  It was noted that the Forum had some funds available for this project in the current fiscal year.

The Chair commented on the need to document what has been done and what needs to be done for campus staff.  Alan Moran noted the continuing perception of the Forum as an organization that does not do anything for employees.  He liked the idea of a history to fight this erroneous idea.  He proposed that the historian reach out to previous Forum Chairs and Vice Chairs.  Lori Haight suggested that a trained archivist could also be useful for this purpose.

James Holman suggested that the Facilities Services area could reinstitute all-hands meetings.  He recalled that previous directors Van Dobson and Jim Alty had held similar meetings.  The Chair asked who would facilitate these meetings.  She proposed raising this issue and the issue about the Forum community meetings on the next Vice Chancellor representatives’ meeting agenda June 14th, 2018.

The committee agreed to postpone the appointment of a Staff Assembly alternate until the election of Assembly delegates in September.

Kathy Ramsey discussed last minute details related to the UNC System Staff Assembly Chancellor’s Cup golf tournament in Sanford that week.  Todd Hux offered to provide equipment for the event.

The Chair noted that Qualtrics survey results had led her to propose that the Forum hold its July 11, 2018 all-day retreat in two stages.  The first stage would be the Carolina Outdoor Education Center’s teambuilding exercises, to be held that morning from 8:30-12:30 p.m.  Afterwards, the Forum would retire to the Hickory Tavern on Main Street in Carrboro to discuss the year’s goals and committee assignments.  She thought to respond to delegate concerns about weather or physical exertion by limiting the Challenge Course activities to low-intensity activities only.

The Chair proposed that the Forum begin offering book club lunches once again, perhaps quarterly.  Clare Counihan said that she would present on behalf of the Education and Career Development committee that week.  She thought it important to do these types of outreach activities.

The committee asked that the Forum pay for the remainder of its activities in the current fiscal year, if possible.

In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned by acclamation at 1:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Matt Banks, Recording Secretary

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