Employee Forum Agenda
May 2, 2012
NOTICE: The Forum’s annual portrait will take place on the steps of Wilson Library at 9:05 a.m. before the meeting. Please don’t be late for the photograph!
9:15 a.m. —-Meeting: Pleasants Family Assembly Room, Wilson Library
I. Call to Order
II. Welcome Guests & Members of the Press
III. Special Presentations
- Swearing In of New Delegates
- Darius Dixon, Director of Housekeeping
IV. Human Resources Update—Vice Chancellor Brenda Malone
V. Approval of April minutes
VI. Old Business
- Resolution 12-01 Concerning Compensation and Benefits for Staff (Revised, Second Reading)
- Resolution 12-01 Concerning Compensation and Benefits for Staff (Original)
VII. New Business
- Proposed Response to Guiding Principles Letters to President Ross and to Board of Governors/Legislators (First Reading)
VIII. Forum Committee Reports
- Carolina Community Garden Advisory: Sarah Poteete
- Communications and Public Relations: Jerry Waller
- Education and Career Development: Jennie Brooks/Charles Streeter (April minutes)
- Legislative Action: Ellen Donna Brooks
- Membership & Assignments: Myra Quick
- Recognition & Awards: Chris Meinecke
- Staff Relations, Policies & Practices/Compensation & Benefits: James Holman/Dan Barmmer (April minutes)
- UNC System Staff Assembly: Danny Nguyen/John Gullo
- Executive Committee: Jackie Overton
IX. Announcements/Questions
X. Adjournment
May 2, 2012 Employee Forum minutes
Attending (who signed in): Jodi Abatemarco, Kittie Allen, Teri Augustine, Dan Barmmer, Olga Baza, Joyce Beeson Jennie Brooks, Ellen Donna Brooks, Karen Cheek, Peggy Cotton, Tammy Cox, Elizabeth Craig, Jill Crowder, Kenneth Davis, Odessa Davis, Brenda Denzler, David Fraley, Lawrence Giffin, Sharon Glover, John Gullo, James Gusler, George James, Christina Lebonville, Carleta Long, Denise Mabe, Valerie Madill, Avia Mainor, Arlene Medder, Chris Meinecke, Jillian Molee, Danny Nguyen, Jessica O’Hara, Jackie Overton, Sarah Poteete, Patricia Robinson, David Schwartz, Renee Sherman, Tara Smith, Charles Sockell, Charles Streeter, Marc ter Horst, Nihlei Tial, Alpa Vaghani, Clifton Webb, Alia Wegner
Chair Jackie Overton called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m. She noted that Forum delegates had taken the annual portrait on the steps of the Wilson Library just before the meeting. She led the new and continuing delegates in a recitation of the Forum charge. She then welcomed new Housekeeping Director Darius Dixon to make a few remarks. Dixon said that he was honored to be here. He was an alumnus of Carolina from the 1970s. He had a vision for the Building Environmental Services department. He said he wanted to hear for himself the comments of housekeepers rather than rely on the PRM report. He appreciated the support of the campus as he gets acclimated to the new position.
The Chair welcomed Vice Chancellor Brenda Malone to present the Forum’s Human Resources update. Malone congratulated the Chair for winning the C. Knox Massey award. She reminded listeners that this is the performance management review season. She said that supervisors should complete these reviews by the end of May. She said that Human Resources is putting together a management toolbox document to provide hints, information, and ideas about how to handle managerial challenges. She said that the personnel manual is near completion as is also the re-imagination of the University’s orientation program at the Friday Center. Human Resources will also roll out an exit interview system. The University will use this data to improve its processes. She was excited about the accomplishments of the Forum.
The Chair opened the floor for approval of the April minutes. Chris Meinecke made this motion seconded by Charles Streeter. There was no discussion and the motion was approved by acclamation.
The Chair asked Dan Barmmer to read resolution 1201. Barmmer read the resolution. Associate Vice Chancellor Matt Brody noted that certain employees cannot receive bonuses now. Marc ter Horst asked if EPA non-faculty employees are considered permanent employees. Senior Program Specialist Chris Chiron said that these employees are considered permanent despite having no contractual arrangement. The Chair noted that the resolution was being considered on second reading. Charles Sockell moved that the resolution be accepted, seconded by James Holman. There was no further discussion, and the motion was approved by acclamation. The Chair noted that other organizations have creatively appropriated the Forum’s resolutions for their own use.
Under New Business, the Chair noted that a letter to the Board of Governors had not been vetted by the Executive Committee. She welcomed Staff Relations, Policies, and Practices committee to discuss the proposed letter to the Board of Governors and Legislature. Holman noted that the committee thought to send a letter to the Board objecting to certain tenants of the Guiding Principles document. Danny Nguyen read the letter. Brenda Denzler proposed that the Forum suspend its two meeting rule in order to decide on the letter today. John Gullo seconded this motion. The question arose as to whether the University system should support two different personnel systems. Malone noted the difference between two systems and one system with different protocols. Jennie Brooks said that she was pleased to be an EPA non-faculty employee. Malone said that EPA non-faculty employees will not have their status affected.
With regard to the vote to suspend the rules and consider the letter on second reading, forty delegates voted in favor, four opposed and one abstaining. Barmmer asked if the Forum was to send its letter to the Board of Governors directly. It was pointed out that the Forum as a body is advisory to the Chancellor and relies on him to direct the Forum’s comments to the President, the General Administration, and the Board of Governors. Individually, delegates can do as they please as long as they are not using University equipment or work time. David Schwartz moved that the Forum approve the letter on second reading, seconded by James Holman. Brooks asked if the Board of Governors was appointed by the Legislature, and it was noted that the Board is appointed by the Governor, the House and the Senate in turn. Schwartz asked about supporting documentation to the resolution. Charles Sockell said that the supporting documentation should be included with the resolution. Alia Wegner thought that the Forum should ask for answers to questions raised by a certain date. Malone thought that such a demand would be presumptuous and would lead to the letter not being taken as seriously as the Forum would like. Wegner proposed framing the request in careful way as the first step in the process. Kristen Lewis of the University General Counsel’s office confirmed that the Forum is to present its concerns to the Chancellor or the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources. Charles Sockell thought that the letter was a bit vague.
Barmmer noted a question about no external avenue of appeal. Malone said that the lack of trust was pervasive. She said that decisions have not been made yet. Barmmer thought that the Guiding Principles should specify that an external grievance procedure will exist. Malone said that the current grievance procedure will exist until a new system is created. Elizabeth Craig asked where the letter says that the Forum wants to be part of negotiations. Ombudsman Wayne Blair observed that the goal of the letter appeared to be unclear. He also observed that there did not appear to be agreement on themes. He noted the painfulness of editing a letter in a large group. The Chair asked if the Forum wished to send the letter back to committee. Sockell thanked the committee for its work on the letter. Blair reiterated that the committee should double-check its facts. Holman noted that the first draft of the letter was seven pages long. The Forum voted to send the letter to the Executive Committee for further consideration.
The Chair recalled meeting President Barack Obama. She noted that the Carolina Women’s Center is looking to hire a new director. The Forum will host a community meeting with President Ross on personnel flexibility on June 11. The Forum will hold an all-day retreat at the Upendo Lounge of the SASB North building on June 6. She noted that the UNC System Staff Assembly will hold an all day meeting on May 21. She welcomed Vice Chair Marc ter Horst to officiate the rest of the meeting.
Sarah Poteete reported that the Carolina Campus Community Garden committee had not met this month but it had discussed satellite beds. She thanked Clifton Webb for volunteering to work on Summer Splash activities with Facilities Services. It was noted that the Communications and Public Relations committee expects to get an electronic edition of InTouch published before the end of the fiscal year. Charles Streeter of the Education and Career Development committee reported that the group had discussed moving to Sharepoint for discussion of documents. He said that there would be more discussion at the retreat about this document process. Jennie Brooks said that the committee will try to renew the computer lender program and to work with IT academy. The committee also hopes to have someone from Carolina Student Aid office to speak on student debt load. Myra Quick said that the Membership & Assignments committee will plan the June 6 retreat. Chris Meinecke said that the Recognition and Awards committee will hold a peer recognition ceremony on May 31 in the first floor of Hyde Hall. Thirty-eight winners were chosen out of 320 nominations for the award. Winners will receive $35 cash awards in their paychecks. James Holman noted that the Staff Relations, Policies, and Practices and the Compensation and Benefits committees combined this year. The two committees worked on the Guiding Principles letter discussed earlier and worked on finding guests for the upcoming community meeting. The committee has worked on the parliamentarian position and expanding the payroll deduction program from the Health Care System to the University. Clifton Webb suggested a letter appreciating members of the Housekeeping director search committee. The Vice Chair said that the Forum hosts one or two community meetings each year. Danny Nguyen reported that the UNC System Staff Assembly Human Resources, Diversity, and Benefits committee had worked on a salary letter that had been signed by Assembly Chair Chuck Brink. The Assembly will act on a response from President Ross. Nguyen noted that there were two initiatives, one requiring the General Administration to allow State funds to be used for salary increases and another creating a 1% cost of living adjustment across the board. John Gullo reported that the two Assembly committees he served on had not met this month.
In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 11:16 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary