May 21, 2019 Executive Committee minutes
Attending: Tiffany Carver, Tyler Enlow, Lori Haight, Shayna Hill, Todd Hux, Heather Lewis, Karlina Matthews, Arlene Medder, Alan Moran, Katie Musgrove, Natiaya Neal, Tracy Wetherby Williams
Chair Shayna Hill called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. She asked for a motion to approve the April minutes. Katie Musgrove made this motion seconded by Arlene Medder. The motion was approved. Matt Banks made the Forum’s budget report. He presented the possibility of purchasing 1,000 Forum pens for around $350. Todd Hux moved that the Forum move ahead with this purchase, seconded by Natiaya Neal. The motion was approved.
The Chair noted that Forum historian Jennifer Standish had conducted oral interviews with several Forum personages. She noted that the Committee had previously approved an additional 15 hours for her to conclude her work in the upcoming fiscal year.
The Chair asked about the progress of the salary compression resolution on the part of the Personnel Issues committee. She noted that the committee chair, Rose Thorp, was away on maternity leave. Heather Lewis asked that Banks share Alan Moran’s draft resolution with the committee.
The Chair led a discussion about the Chancellors’ Cup golf tournament and the Forum’s willingness to host the event next year. She noted the extensive and heavy work associated with hosting the event provided by Forum delegates and others in 2018. Todd Hux asked why the Staff Assembly does not rotate hosting duties among System campuses. He said that if the weight of hosting was to fall on UNC-Chapel Hill again, the Forum must find more delegates to serve. Katie Musgrove suggested that the golf tournament go to Finley golf course, but Hux recalled that Finley was booked last year.
Natiaya Neal thought that the Forum should still host the tournament next year. She noted that employees drive up to Chapel Hill from Sanford and could be convinced to assist with the day’s activities. The Chair suggested that the Forum create a separate dedicated committee for the tournament. She also suggested that the Forum find new committed Staff Assembly representatives to lead this effort. Neal advised that delegates sign up for this committee at the July 10th retreat.
The Chair led a discussion about the process of finding participants in the tournament. Members suggested different names of possible golfers for 2020. Tiffany Carver said that she would like to help but could not devote an entire day to supporting the tournament. The Chair asked if the committee wished for the Forum to host the tournament in 2020. Natiaya Neal made this motion, seconded by Katie Musgrove. The motion was approved by acclamation.
The Chair invited delegates to run for Forum officer positions at the June meeting. Alan Moran commented that contested races are always welcome.
Natiaya Neal noted that preparations for the June peer recognition awards were nearly complete. She noted the work that Cheryl Gerringer and her group had done to provide award checks in hand for the event on June 12th. Arlene Medder suggested that the Forum create nametags for the day. The Chair thanked Neal for the work on the program and particularly for refreshing the award categories.
Katie Musgrove asked about the status of the Rebecca Clark staff award and the possibility of a presentation at University Day like awards presented to faculty each year. The Chair recalled that there had been some movement then the idea had been held up. She hoped to reintroduce the item in the future in discussions with University leaders.
The Chair asked for feedback on the location and content of the July 10th retreat. She had decided not to conduct the retreat at the Outdoor Education Center due to concerns about delegates unable to stay on their feet for the duration of the session.
The Chair suggested that the Forum create videos at the retreat to further communication with campus staff about the organization. She noted that Charles Streeter has offered to help edit these videos. Members discussed the pricing and location of various options, eventually agreeing to obtain pricing information from several campus locations.
The Chair suggested that the Forum do its divisional and committee selections to begin the meeting, followed by goal-building and teamwork exercises. After lunch, delegates could work on filming different concepts.
Lori Haight noted that this is her last meeting as Communications and Public Relations committee chair. She hoped that the committee could increase its membership. She thanked Greg Smith for his work on the InTouch newsletter and Natiaya Neal for her work reviving the book club.
Katie Musgrove said that the Community Service committee had organized the tomato seedlings event at the Carolina Campus Community Garden, which this year featured 43 volunteers and 15 event coordinators. She distributed flyers for the June 4th blood drive. She said that the committee will staff the June 7th Habitat for Humanity build. Participants are invited to donate $10 each to assist with organizational costs for the event. Finally, Musgrove was pleased that the Office of Human Resources has offered to begin a Community Service Leave promotional campaign.
Laura Pratt said that the Education and Career Development committee had conducted a successful round of professional development grant selections. She noted that these ten grants will be paid out in the next fiscal year. She added that the Carolina Family Scholarship application process would end June 2nd.
There was no report from the Membership & Assignments committee.
Heather Lewis said that the Personnel Issues committee will not present the salary compression resolution at the June Forum meeting.
There was no further report from the Recognition & Awards committee or from Staff Assembly representatives.
The committee discussed the activities at the May 1st Forum meeting featuring Interim Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz. Members discussed the prospects of the community college/departmental internship program mentioned by Alan Moran in a recent Forum meeting. Tyler Enlow noted SHRA regulations that could delay or impede implementation of this idea. He anticipated that the Office of Human Resources would follow-up on this concern at the Forum’s August meeting.
The Chair congratulated Alan Moran on his promotion to the position of Construction Administrator.
In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 2:31 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary