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May 28, 2013 Employee Forum Executive Committee minutes

Attending (those who signed in):  Dan Barmmer, Gena Carter, Tammy Cox, Jill Crowder, James Holman, Todd Hux, Christina Lebonville, Arlene Medder, Chris Meinecke, Jackie Overton, Charles Streeter, Katie Turner

Chair Jackie Overton called the meeting to order at 11:30 a.m.  She noted that the Legislative Affairs committee would need to be active in the next year to deal with the expected changes in Raleigh.  She noted a grammatical change and an unclear sentence in the March minutes.  She asked for a motion to approve the minutes as amended.  Chris Meinecke made this motion, seconded by Tammy Cox.  The minutes were approved as amended.

Tammy Cox provided the Forum’s monthly budget report.  She noted that the University had placed extra attention on overhead spending.  She said that the overhead account was facing a shortfall that needs to be addressed, as it contains funds for the Forum Assistant’s salary and the Chair’s departmental stipend.  The Chair said that she would meet with the Chancellor to discuss Forum budgetary items at the end of the week.

Charles Streeter said that the Education and Career Development committee had finished its proposal to provide Rosetta Stone language programs to University employees through use of the Staff Development fund.  He noted that Rosetta Stone requires purchase of at least 20 licenses a year.  Committee members confirmed that subscribers can change languages in the middle of their term.  Streeter said that the chair of the Education and Career Development committee and the Forum Assistant will administer the program.  Headsets for the program will be stored in the Forum Office.  The Chair said that subscriptions should be given to employees first-come first-serve, perhaps with a few subscriptions held back for Forum delegates.  Jill Crowder asked about work-related priority.  Streeter said that the committee intentionally wanted the program to be non-work-related.  Employees enrolled should be careful not to allow their training to interfere with their other work duties.  The Chair called for a motion to approve the proposal and send it to the full Forum.  Arlene Medder made this motion, seconded by Christina Lebonville.  The motion was approved by acclamation.  The Chair asked that the Communications and Public Relations committee publicize this proposal.  She also noted that she had recently gained an account on Twitter.  The Chair asked Streeter to work on logistics for the Rosetta Stone proposal.  Chris Meinecke noted that the peer recognition award event will take place in Hyde Hall later that week.

The Chair thanked Tammy Cox for her service on the Provost search committee.  She was pleased with the selection of James Dean as incoming Provost.  Cox commented that Dean seemed very staff friendly.  The Chair urged the Forum to invite Dean and Chancellor-Elect Folt to a Forum meeting as soon as possible.  Cox commented that serving on the search committee had been a great opportunity to learn about the University.  Jill Crowder commented that a Grounds employee is close to attending graduate school.

The Chair asked James Holman for a clarification on his intentions for a Forum wall of fame.  Holman said that he envisioned Kay Wijnberg Hovious’ picture along with pictures of other honorary delegates and past outstanding delegates.  Members discussed picture frame costs.  The Chair suggested that the Forum Assistant use head shots from the 20th anniversary event for the portraits.  She noted that the Forum will not hold committee meetings in June due to delegates’ time being taken up for the annual retreat.  She advised that delegates’ time will be monitored more in the next fiscal year.

The Chair noted the move to a bimonthly schedule for Vice Chancellor/Provost meetings, with the stipulation that time is available monthly when needed.  The next meeting will take place in August.  Todd Hux noted that the Facilities Services summer splash event will take place on the same day as the retreat.  Holman noted that housekeepers have leave only to attend the summer splash event only four hours that day.  He said that administrators want housekeepers at their job sites that day.  Todd Hux raised questions about hiring practices in Facilities Services.  Jill Crowder noted parallel concerns.  Gena Carter noted that employees sometimes will receive extra duties and thus may obtain pay increases in that fashion.  Crowder thought that no rules were broken in this instance, but she worried about transparency issues.  She noted other difficulties with paycheck distribution.  The Chair thought that the Vice Chancellor/Provost meetings would be good places for these concerns to bubble up to high level administrators.

Arlene Medder noted that the Carolina Community Garden will have a booth at Summer Splash, as well as a cooking demo.  The Garden will hold a Garden Club tour this year, and plans are underway for expansion.  Katie Turner said that the Communications and Public Relations committee had not met since the last issue but would get back to work in early July.  She was working on the bylaws review committee in the meantime.  The Chair said that a third-year law student would work on the bylaws once they have undergone review.  Charles Streeter of the Education and Career Development committee said that group had presented survey questions to Kathy Bryant.  Streeter noted that the Membership and Assignments committee was working on plans for the annual retreat.  The Chair directed that the Forum Assistant contact speakers for the lunchtime position.  Christina Lebonville said that Yvonne Dunlap had drafted a letter welcoming Chancellor-Elect Thorp.  Chris Meinecke said that the Recognition & Awards committee would hold the Forum’s peer recognition event Thursday, honoring 13 winners.  The committee will also recognize the 3-Legged Stool recipient and the Kay Wijnberg Hovious Outstanding Delegate award winners at the Forum retreat.

The Chair noted that the Staff Assembly will hold its next golf tournament to raise funds for the Janet Royster scholarship.  It was noted that the Forum will select representatives to the Staff Assembly later in the summer.  The Chair said that the Forum needed to be vigilant regarding legislative developments.  The Chair asked members to sign the condolence card for Brenda Denzler’s mother, who recently passed.

In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Matt Banks, Recording Secretary

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