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Employee Forum Agenda — May 5, 2010

9:15 a.m.—-Meeting: Pleasants Family Assembly Room, Wilson Library

PLEASE NOTE:  the Forum will take its annual photograph at 9:15 a.m. on the steps of the Wilson Library.  Please be on time for the photograph!

I.            Call to Order

II.           Welcome Guests & Members of the Press

III.          Opening Remarks & Swearing in of New Delegates

IV.         Special Presentations

    • Claire Lorch on the UNC Community Garden

V.          Human Resources Update—Vice Chancellor Brenda Malone

VI.         Employee Presentations or Questions

VII.       April Minutes

VIII.       Old Business

IX.         New Business

  • Officer Nominations
    • Chuck Brink, Forum Chair
    • Tommy Griffin, Forum Chair
    • Jackie Overton, Forum Chair
    • Marc ter Horst, Forum Vice Chair
  • Call for UNC System Staff Assembly Nominations
  • Call for State Employee Combined Campaign Nominations

X.           Stretch Time

XI.         Forum Committee Reports

  • Communications and Public Relations: Carrie Goldsmith
    • Forum Newsletter
  • Community Affairs, Recognition, Awards and Outreach: Teena Burton
  • Compensation & Benefits:  Todd Hux
  • Education and Career Development:  Liz Cahoon/Cate Cunningham
  • Legislative Action:  Jonathan Stephenson
  • Membership & Assignments:  Aluoch Ooro
  • Staff Relations, Policies & Practices:  Marc ter Horst


XII.        Chair’s Report (Executive Committee):  Tommy Griffin

XIII.       Task Force/University Committee Reports

XIV.       Announcements/Questions

XV.        “Go Around the Room”:  A Chance for Attendees to Share the Issue Most on their Minds

XVI.        Adjournment




May 5, 2010 Employee Forum Meeting


Vice Chair Jackie Overton called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.  She led newly elected delegates in a recitation of the Forum charge.  She then introduced Clair Lorch to speak on the subject of the University Garden.  Lorch said that the garden is located at Wilson Street and Cameron Avenue.  Around 40 people had come out to the first work day for the garden, planting 25 beds of tomatoes, lettuce, kale, collards, and sweet potatoes.  She praised Chair Tommy Griffin’s and the Employee Forum’s support of the garden.  She also cited student groups’ efforts in gaining support from employees and supervisors for the garden.  Lorch said that questions of distribution, advertising, and funding still remain.  She said that advisory board members could speak at Members suggested selling produce in the evenings after work.

Alan Moran suggested that the Forum form a committee to support the garden efforts.  Nicollette DeGroot, Kara Larsson, Sarah Poteete, Nadeera Salaam, Beverly Sizemore, and Chris Cazzola volunteered to serve on the committee.  Marc ter Horst suggested that the outreach committee serve this function, but others thought that the effort needed a special committee.  Cindy Stone suggested adding the University garden to the State Employees’ Combined Campaign list.

Ombudsman Wayne Blair noted that May 5 was the fifth anniversary of the University Ombuds office.  Ombudswoman Laurie Mesibov thanked the Forum for its support.  Overton thanked Vice Chancellor Brenda Malone for her remarks during the April 10 community meeting.

Malone said that she had worked with the State Employees’ Combined Campaign to develop strategies to enhance the level of giving.  One of these strategies was to expand the number of people giving.

Malone said that the Office of State Personnel was looking into doing away with career banding and moving to a new system called NC Pay.  NC Pay would blend old and new systems with a return to a focus on education and experience instead of focusing on competencies.  She said that the University will weigh in to stick with the current system.

Kathy Bryant spoke on workplace literacy and the new management training program ULEAD.  Employee Health & Fitness day will take place from 11-1 p.m. on May 14.  Faith Thompson asked how one would get a charity recognized under the State Employees’ Combined Campaign.  Malone said that organizations must meet certain criteria determined by the State.  She suggested contacting the SECC directly for information.

Brian Usischon said that the enrollment for the State Health plan had officially closed.  The University had registered 900 individuals for the State Plan.  He said that Human Resources will ask that Onyen identifiers be used in the enrollment process.  Alan Moran said that the Staff Assembly had given General Administration a list of problems with the enrollment.

Tracey Harter spoke in favor of the OS1 cleaning process, saying that the method allowed housekeepers to take care of heavier burdens in a biomechanically friendly manner.  She said that the method had positively changed the way that housekeepers are perceived.  Myra Quick asked if the cleaning was as good as the zone method.  Harter responded that more details are addressed because of the process.  She said that the team cleaning process would not be an overnight success but that it would take time.

At this point the Forum took a five minute break.

Vice Chair Overton noted that the faculty have asked that retired faculty members be allowed to park for $75/year, as opposed to the $312/year that they now pay.  She asked that the Forum take a position on this proposal, saying that Transportation and Parking had come out against the idea as setting a bad precedent.

Overton asked for a delegate to agree to serve on the University’s Advisory Committee on Transportation (ACT).  She wanted to avoid a conflict of interest between her position on the Forum and working for the Department of Public Safety.  She said that responsibilities would entail meeting ten times a year on the third Wednesday of each month.  Koyah Rivera agreed to assume this role and her nomination was approved by acclamation.

Marc ter Horst commented that he did not think that faculty emeritus should receive free or reduced parking.  Chuck Brink thought that the Forum should write a letter opposing this proposal.  Marc ter Horst made this motion, with Faith Thompson offering a friendly amendment that the Forum as a body opposes the faculty parking proposal because it would encourage special treatment of other interest groups on campus.  The motion was approved with Overton abstaining.

Faith Thompson moved that the Forum approve the April minutes.  Chris Carideo seconded this motion.  The motion was approved by acclamation, with Carl Schuler abstaining.

The floor was opened for officer nominations.  Chuck Brink, Tommy Griffin, Jackie Overton, and Marc ter Horst were nominated for chair.  Chuck Brink and Marc ter Horst were nominated for vice chair.  Myra Quick was nominated for secretary.  Carleta Long was nominated for treasurer.  Chuck Brink, James Holman, and Koyah Rivera were nominated for the three-year position on the Staff Assembly.  Carl Schuler was nominated for the alternate position on the Assembly.

Chris Meinecke, Marc ter Horst, and Jonathan Stephenson were nominated for the one-, two-, and three-year terms on the State Employees’ Combined Campaign Advisory Board.

Carrie Goldsmith of the Communications and Public Relations committee said that the deadline for InTouch submissions was May 13 for publication May 21.  She invited new delegates to serve as writers or photographers for the committee.  Debbie Dehart of the Community Affairs, Recognition & Awards committee said that group was organizing its peer recognition event, having read over 160 nominations.  The committee will award winners tote bags, umbrellas, and gift cards in an event on July 20 at the Health Sciences Library.  There was no report from the Compensation & Benefits committee.  Co-chair Koyah Rivera of the Education & Career Development committee said that group had met with a Human Resources representative to discuss educational leave policies.  Chuck Brink asked about the status of the clerical skills internship program, given that the Forum had spent $60,000 in staff development money originating this program.  Rivera said that the committee would be in contact with Human Resources to discuss the status of the program.  Jonathan Stephenson said that the Legislative Action committee would participate in the MAT lobbying day June 8.  He said that there is a chance that the U.S. Congress will pass a law allowing collective bargaining for all state and county employees.  Jackie Overton reported that the Membership & Assignments committee will host the Forum’s annual retreat on Wednesday, June 2 in the Upendo Lounge of the SASB building.  There was no report from the Staff Relations, Policies & Practices committee.

In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Matt Banks, Recording Secretary

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