November 17, 2020 Executive Committee minutes
Attending L.E. Alexander, Tiffany Carver, Jen DeNeal, Phil Edwards, Stephanie Forman, Shayna Hill, Keith Hines, Haydée Marchese, Arlene Medder, Katie Musgrove, Natiaya Neal, Ayla Ocasio, Brooke O’Neal, Laura Pratt, Antonio Squire, Tracy Wetherby Williams, Jacob Womack
Chair Shayna Hill called the meeting to order at 1135 a.m. She asked for a motion to approve the October minutes. Arlene Medder made this motion, seconded by Jen DeNeal. The motion was approved.
Ayla Ocasio presented the Forum’s monthly budget report. She asked Matt Banks if the community garden stipend had been approved yet. Banks said that it had not, and he was not optimistic that it would be this year. He would check with the OHR Business Office.
The Chair moved to Committee Updates as a special guest will join the group at the end of the meeting. Keith Hines reported that the Chancellors’ Cup golf tournament will take place Wednesday May 19th, 2021 at the Tobacco Road club in Sanford. He noted that employees are welcome to volunteer for the tournament using community service leave or may play in the tournament on vacation leave.
Katie Musgrove reported that the Communications & Public Relations committee had held its scavenger hunt in October. She said that the virtual clues and in-person hunt went off without a hitch. Matt Banks will work with Shane Brogan to get prizes to the day’s winners.
Brooke O’Neal spoke as the new chair of the Book Club subcommittee. She noted the club had held two meetings, the first on mindfulness, the second on “The Book Thief.” The club will discuss “The Joy Luck Club” at the Thursday, November 19th meeting. The Chair thanked O’Neal for stepping forward to work on the club.
Jacob Womack reported that the Community Service committee had been busy assisting with the Carolina Blood Drive. The Chair congratulated Womack and Ocasio on their recent nuptials.
Jen DeNeal said that the Carolina Holiday Blood Drive will take place Thursday, November 19th. She noted the drive is nearly full of needed volunteers and donors. She asked for help with the clean-up after the drive ends at 230 p.m. She confirmed that the Cobb Deck will be available for motorists who are donating that day.
Arlene Medder reported that the Carolina Community Garden was still accepting pumpkins beside the compost bins.
Antonio Squire reported that the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee hopes to send out an introduction letter in the next week or so. The Chair reported that Amy Hertel and Sibby Anderson-Thompkins would possibly be able to speak on the Build Our Community Together initiative at a future Forum meeting.
L.E. Alexander said that the Education & Career Development committee was busy scoring professional development grant applications.
There was no report from the Membership & Assignments committee.
Phil Edwards said that the Personnel Issues committee is working to develop questions for the upcoming Vice Chancellor representatives’ meeting. He was interested in an update on Covid-19 testing for staff. He noted that the 360-review discussion has taken a back seat to Covid-19 issues in recent weeks. Stephanie Forman added that questions about the return to campus for staff continue. Edwards said that another topic may be how staff may benefit from the student wellness days scattered through the spring semester. The Chair noted similar conversations in the Campus and Community Advisory Committee.
The Chair noted a request that the Forum move up its submission period for nominations for the Rebecca Clark award to mirror that of the faculty’s honorary degree awards. This step would have nominations submitted and a winner named well in advance of the October University Day events. Members pushed back against this requirement. The Chair offered to check back to see if such a long lead time is necessary.
Keith Hines reported that Forum Chair Shayna Hill is now the Vice Chair for the UNC System Staff Assembly.
Katie Musgrove will lead the Forum’s December meeting as the Forum Chair will be out on leave that week. Musgrove noted that Joel Curran, Chief David Perry, and Darrell Jeter are speakers for the December meeting. Hertel and Anderson-Thompkins have received invitations to speak that morning also. A delegate asked if the Chancellor is typically invited to the December meeting. Musgrove directed that he be invited. The Chair added that the Forum would likely be invited to a joint meeting with the Faculty Council in December as well.
The committee moved to discuss the planning and logistics of the November 23rd community conversation on the Forum’s Covid-19 report. The Chair welcomed and was pleased that Dawn Osborne-Adams has agreed to moderate the event. The Chair asked for clarity and specificity in establishing questions and ground rules for the meeting. She said that the meeting will feature follow-up questions submitted through the Zoom Q&A function for webinars. The chat feature will be shut off to reduce distractions for panelists.
Keith Hines advised that the number of panelists be kept small given the limited time for discussion. Members discussed various candidates to serve as panelists. Osborne-Adams offered her insight as to what would work for her as moderator of the meeting. Members also discussed the composition and planning associated with the incipient Chancellor’s advisory committee on staff issues.
In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned by acclamation at 129 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary