Employee Forum Agenda
November 2, 2011
9:15 a.m. —-Meeting: Pleasants Family Assembly Room, Wilson Library
I. Call to Order
II. Welcome Guests & Members of the Press
III. Special Presentations
- Everett Withers, UNC Football Coach
- Mary Cooper, Student Body President
IV. Human Resources Update—Vice Chancellor Brenda Malone
V. Approval of October minutes
VI. Old Business
- Proposed Bylaws Revisions (Second Reading)
- Proposed Code of Conduct (Second Reading)
VII. New Business
VIII. Forum Committee Reports
- Carolina Community Garden Advisory: Sarah Poteete
- Communications and Public Relations: Jerry Waller
- Compensation & Benefits: Dan Barmmer
- Education and Career Development: Gene Burns
- Legislative Action: Ellen Donna Brooks
- Membership & Assignments: Myra Quick
- Recognition & Awards: Chris Meinecke
- Staff Relations, Policies & Practices: James Holman (October minutes)
- UNC System Staff Assembly: Danny Nguyen/Jonathan Stephenson
- Executive Committee: Jackie Overton (September minutes)
IX. Announcements/Questions
X. Adjournment
November 2, 2011 Employee Forum minutes
Attending: Kittie Allen, Teri Augustine, Dan Barmmer, Joshua Boone, Tim Burke, Peggy Cotton, Elizabeth Craig, Jill Crowder, Kenneth Davis, Odessa Davis, Brenda Denzler, David Fraley, Sharon Glover, John Gullo, James Holman, Carleta Long, Angela Lyght, Denise Mabe, Chris Meinecke, Danny Nguyen, Jessica O’Hara, Jackie Overton, Sarah Poteete, Myra Quick, David Schwarz, Renee Sherman, Beverly Sizemore, Charles Streeter, Marc ter Horst, Jerry Waller, Clifton Webb, Aaron Williams
Chair Jackie Overton called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m. The Forum voted to devote the first ten minutes of the meeting to allow Football coach Everett Withers to autograph items for delegates and others. Withers spoke about the work his parents did raising him in Charlotte and the achievements of his three older siblings. He recalled his time as a safety at Appalachian State University at which he first decided to go into coaching. He recalled the range of stops he had made as a graduate assistant and assistant coach before arriving at UNC-Chapel Hill. He felt very happy to be back home in North Carolina after his many travels. He emphasized that Carolina is a place where players can get the best education possible, where they can play big-time football, and where the social environment is conducive to a well-rounded life. He looked for recruits who can survive here with a desire to grind and work in academics and athletics. Withers said that there is a consequence to every action and players will pay the price for not going to class. He said that some players have worked in homeless shelters on Sunday mornings as a consequence. He stressed the importance of accountability and responsibility, along with an open line of communication. Withers recalled the experience of an athlete who had needed to work hard to succeed in life following his football career at Carolina. Brenda Denzler jokingly asked how much Withers had spent on closing costs for homes given his extensive travels. Chuck Sockell asked how Withers felt about offering stipends to NCAA athletes. Withers said that institutions would have to get in the game to compete for recruits. However, he thought that the idea could open a can of worms if the stipend is provided free of restrictions. He favored offering money through a need fund for items like rent and travel.
The Chair introduced Student Body President Mary Cooper. Cooper said that she served as the executive officer of Student Government along with the speaker of the Student Congress. Her branch of government worked on allocating student fee money and running Honor Court, among other items. She estimated that she spends 90% of her time reacting to events and 10% planning things to do. She had met seven times with State legislators in the past year to give the student perspective on budget cuts. Her office had worked to institute a flat rate for taxis in the Town of Chapel Hill, given that fares will often change depending on the time of night. Cooper said that Student Government has worked to expand printing services on campus, placing copiers in Greek houses as an example. Student Government has also sought to implement First Aid and Safety training across campus. Student Government has promoted a green revolving loan fund to invest in renewable energy technologies, to be paid back through energy savings. Finally, Student Government has created a student enrichment fund to give microgrants to students with ideas to help communities outside of Chapel Hill.
Senior Director for Human Resources Gena Carter appreciated Cooper’s remarks and the chance to learn more about student activities. She said that the Employee Appreciation Day a couple of weeks ago had gone well. She said that the translations of the PRM housekeeping report were still underway but she hoped they would be complete in the next couple of weeks. The University has translated the executive summary of the report and has provided housekeeping zones the full report in English. She noted that the housekeeping advisory committee will close elections soon and it did receive a sufficient number of self-nominations to move forward. She said that the elections would see a lengthening of the process at the urging of Forum delegates. Liz Craig asked about the implementation of PeopleSoft. Associate Vice Chancellor Matt Brody said that the focus has been on the student module of PeopleSoft. Human Resources, payroll, and finance are now in the pre-planning stage. Given SPA and EPA rules, administrators must determine whether to fit or gap certain processes to work with PeopleSoft. He hoped that these latter projects will see implementation by late 2012 or 2013, with the finance system going first and Human Resources following. Craig asked about the posting of temporary positions. Brody said that these have traditionally not been posted but federal regulations have led the University to begin posting these positions.
The Chair called for a motion to accept the minutes of the October meeting. She had several amendments of the minutes. David Schwartz made this motion, seconded by Myra Quick. The motion was approved with no votes in opposition or in abstention.
Joshua Boone read proposed Bylaws revisions on second reading. Marc ter Horst moved that the Forum adopt these revisions, seconded by Chris Meinecke. There was no discussion and the motion was approved with none opposing or abstaining.
Sarah Poteete read a proposed Conduct Agreement for Forum delegates. Clifton Webb moved that the Forum adopt the Agreement, seconded by James Holman. John Gullo asked the definition of well-being used in the Agreement. The Chair said that the Agreement follows University definitions. Chris Meinecke asked if the Agreement will be put before delegates to sign. The Chair said that the Agreement will be part of the Forum Handbook and will be implicit in agreeing to serve. There was no further discussion. The motion was approved with no votes in opposition or in abstention.
Sarah Poteete said that the community garden advisory committee had not met that month but would meet again November 16 at the Carolina Women’s Center. Jerry Waller of the Communications and Public Relations committee had no report. Dan Barmmer of the Compensation & Benefits committee said that group was working on the transfer of counseling letters between managers. The committee will likely bring up this question at the upcoming Executive Committee meeting. Charles Sockell said that the Education & Career Development committee will look at market education opportunities as well as programs available through Training & Development. The Chair noted that the Forum had sponsored two parliamentary procedure training classes and is committed to sponsor them through next year. John Gullo said that the Legislative Affairs committee had not met. Myra Quick said that the Membership & Assignments committee is in the planning stages for the March 2012 20 th anniversary event. The Recognition & Awards committee will work on its peer recognition event in the spring. The Staff Relations, Policies, and Practices committee had discussed housekeeping reform efforts and Health Care Services’ payroll deduction plan for purchases. Danny Nguyen reported that the Staff Assembly had met and discussed the North Carolina economy and prospects for personnel flexibility. David Schwartz suggested finding out what peer institutions do concerning personnel flexibility. The Chair noted that other peer institutions have unionized work forces and collective bargaining rights. Jonathan Stephenson noted that the Assembly had discussed Habitat for Humanity and Carolina’s Build-a-Block initiative. Marc ter Horst understood that the University System had lost 3,000 positions. Brody suggested that the Forum consult the Chancellor’s website. The Chair praised the Forum’s representation on the Assembly.
Danny Nguyen noted that some delegates face problems with their supervisors that need to be addressed or no one will want to participate on the Forum. Carter recalled that the Forum had dealt with this subject a year ago. She recalled that the issue was taken forward but nothing had been approved. Brody noted that this is a two-sided issue as supervisors have University business to attend to, much as the Forum does. He said that delegates and supervisors will ideally communicate in advance. If things become a problem, delegates should feel free to reach out to Human Resources. Formalizing hours sets reasonable limits for supervisors as well as clearing room for participation, Brody said.
The Chair said that she, ter Horst and Gullo had met with candidates for the position of head of Diversity Affairs. She said that the Forum will present a plaque of recognition to Dick Mann for his help in facilitating the Vice Chancellor Provost meetings and dealing with a multitude of problems. The Chair thanked Gullo and Peggy Cotton for their work on the Employee Appreciation Day planning committee. She noted that next month the Forum will host Chancellor Thorp and newly installed Vice Chancellor Karol Kain Grey. The Executive Committee had attended Chuck Brink’s swearing in as UNC Staff Assembly Chair. The Chair encouraged listeners to attend the night of 5 UNC System Presidents to take place on November 9. Schwartz was struck by the fact that Presidents’ tenures have become shorter and shorter over the years. The Chair thanked Gary Moss for his write up of her remarks at University Day. Carleta Long urged delegates to sign up to bring food at the Forum’s holiday social before the December 7 meeting. In the absence of further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 11:14 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Matt Banks, Recording Secretary