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University of North Carolina

Employee Forum

Personnel Issues Committee


Committee Chair: James Holman


Report Prepared by: Y. S. Dunlap


Last Meeting Date:

November 26, 2013

Delegates in Attendance: Yvonne Dunlap;   Karen Jenkins Cheek; Clifton Webb; Alouch Ooro; Charles Streeter; Shelby Long


Guest:  Chief McCracken


Next Meeting Date:   January 28, 2014, 134 E. Franklin Street, Room 207

Time:  11:30 a.m.


Review of Minutes from 10-29-2013

No recommendations for change or modification made to the minutes from October 29, 2013.  Minutes were received as submitted.

Key Points

Updates and Comments from the chair of the Personnel Issues Committee


Y. Dunlap was leading this meeting.  The chair was on vacation and unavailable to attend.


Chief McCracken– The Department of Public Safety

Chief McCracken was invited to present based on a request from the Legislative Team.  David Fraley was concerned about the new legislation that allowed guns on campus.  A short list of questions had been submitted in advance to the Chief, which included.

  • What are the pros and cons to this policy?
  • Who on the campus can carry guns?
  • Does this guidance include other types of weapons?
  • Where are guns allowed on the campus?
  • How is the guidance being communicated throughout the University campus


Chief McCracken let us know up front that all UNC Chiefs were opposed to the new gun laws and with opposition from the Sheriff’s Association and support to that organization from other grassroots organization for the right to bear arms, the change in law was passed.  There are some requirements for carrying weapons on this University Campus, which are:

  1.  Must have a permit to carry a gun.  The exception is for sworn law enforcement officers, who do are not required to abide by this requirement.
  2. Only handguns are allowed, and they must be kept in a locked compartment or container inside a locked vehicle while on this campus.  An exception would be a locked container securely affixed to a vehicle.
  3. People carrying guns while on campus may unlock their vehicle to enter but the firearm must remain in the vehicle, which must be locked afterwards.
  4. A single residence may have a handgun, (i.e., Chancellor’s residence), but guns are not allowed in residence halls.


The methods of communicating gun requirements while on campus was through the Gazette; Daily Tar Heel; Television Interviews and through Social Media. The Chief indicated that he will look into whether or not there is a better way to push information out throughout the campus.


According to Chief McCracken, there is no good reason why guns would be allowed on campus.  An immediate concern for having them would be due to alcohol abuse; vehicle larceny and the likelihood of gun theft.  There will be a review of statistics after this law has been in effect and see what happens at that point.


Chief McCracken’s comments were directed by General Statute 14-269.2; House Bill 397


Legislative Issues – Fraley

No requests or updates from Legislative Issues Team


Benefits – Shelby Long

There seem to be no further concerns since the period for updating Health Insurance has been completed.  Most snafus were due to complexities within the methods necessary for electronic input.


The Tax Law Change has been sent through e-mail and concern is that all employees do not have e-mail.  Charles has sent a message to the initiators of this message and is awaiting a return response.  He will notify the forum when the response has been received.


Staff Relations – Dunlap

The conversation in regard to the consideration for a title change for housekeepers is ongoing.    Much of the problem is due to career banding, i.e. working titles versus official titles of building technicians – housekeepers.


Charles Streeter was present during the meeting and will request input from outgoing Vice Chancellor Brenda Malone on an appropriate route to this conversation.  Some guidance will also be sought from the possible interim, Matt Brody.


The SEANC and Staff Assembly could also be helpful in providing guidance for many of the topics in which the Forum might be interested.


Matt Banks reviewed with us the results of the surveys taken from employees during Employee Appreciation.    The top three issues raised by 54 employees completing the survey included:  Staff raises; health benefits; flexible working schedules and parking.  Employee’s like best the atmosphere/community/co-workers and flexibility of schedule, in addition to the free employee appreciation day.   The least appreciated are parking issues, no raises, and traffic/commute.  There were also a few concerns in regard to bureaucracy, lack of communication with upper leadership; health benefits; lack of support from leadership and political climate changing.


When asked how the Forum was representing employees on a scale of 1-10, it was estimated that we are at 7.5.


Our current chair has expressed an interest in becoming more active on the Staff Assembly and giving up the position of Chair, Personnel Issues Committee.  Members of the Personnel Issues Committee are asked to consider the future leadership of the Chair position.  This discussion will be tabled until the January meeting.  In the meantime, if there are no volunteers through inquiry, the chair will make an appointment.


We will also consider establishing a meeting time a little later to boost attendance.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:35 pm


Minutes captured by:  Yvonne Dunlap


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